Chapter 180 Damn You!
When I arrived at the roller skating rink, I noticed that there were quite a lot of people coming to play during the National Day holiday.

Among them, homeless people and students account for the majority!
The appearance of the combination of Lin Kai also attracted the attention of some boys!
After all, the looks of the two beauties Huang Susu and Xu Meishu are here.

Saying you don't attract the attention of guys is a lie.

Boys are visual animals, and their eyes will always capture the beauty in life unintentionally.

Huang Susu's boyfriend is generous and treats guests directly.

Just from the way he dressed, Lin Kai could tell that the other party's family background was not bad.

I picked a pair of roller skates, and there were quite a lot of people on the roller skating rink.

While changing shoes, Lin Kai also noticed that Xu Meishu was in trouble.

Seeing Xu Meishu's unfamiliar look, it was probably her first time coming into contact with roller skating.

However, Huang Susu and her boyfriend changed into roller skates and couldn't wait to play in the roller rink.

Lin Kai, on the other hand, took his time. To be honest, Lin Kai was not really interested in this.

After all, he was tired of playing in his previous life, and Lin Kai has actually passed the playfulness he should have at this age.

Perhaps this is how each age group sees things differently.

After all, I still walked into the roller skating rink. It was inexplicably unfamiliar and I hadn’t contacted it for a long time, but Lin Kai quickly adapted to it!
Xu Meishu, on the other hand, was just holding on to the railing, looking like she didn't know how to do it at all, which attracted a lot of boys for this reason.

It's just that Xu Meishu also refused one by one, thinking about Lin Kai, she rowed over.

"Let me teach you, if you don't, don't say a word!"

Stretching out his hand to hold Xu Meishu's slender hand, Lin Kai didn't think too much, he just wanted to teach Xu Meishu in front of him.

But she didn't allow herself to refuse, so she held her hand. Xu Meishu resisted such a domineering approach in her heart.

It's just because she and Lin Kai are at least friends, Xu Meishu was embarrassed and tried to struggle slightly, but didn't shake Lin Kai's hand away.

Of course, Lin Kai didn't pay attention to these details, but really carefully guided Xu Meishu to learn to rollerblade.

Soon Xu Meishu also noticed that Lin Kai's actions were completely unintentional, and the other party was really guiding her seriously.

So she let go of her guard and followed Lin Kai to learn roller skating seriously.

And Huang Susu also noticed this scene, and felt a little sour in his heart.

At first, she thought that Lin Kai had no place in her heart, but when the other party guided her friend Xu Meishu, Huang Susu found that she was still a little unhappy.

It's just that Huang Susu's boyfriend doesn't know that Huang Susu's mood has changed slightly.


On the third day of staying at home, Lin Kai could already feel the slight changes from his parents to him.

It was a treasure for the first three days, but after that it felt like grass everywhere.

For this reason, Lin Kai specially communicated with Xu Meishu on the third day.

"I'm going back to school tomorrow morning, do you want to come with me? Or stay at home for a few more days?"

Xu Meishu who received the news did not expect Lin Kai to go back to school so early.

One must know that this National Day holiday lasted for a full week, at most half of it had passed, and Lin Kai was already planning to go back.

"I might stay a few more days, are you going back to training?"

"Yeah, there's a university sports meeting recently and I need to participate."


Reading between the lines, Xu Meishu felt that Lin Kai could still be outstanding in college.

When it comes to the Universiade, where the designated impossibility is generic.

It is estimated that they are the best in all major universities.

Thinking of this, Xu Meishu felt that she had to keep up with her classmates as soon as possible.

So what if their foundation is better than hers, and no matter how versatile they are, Xu Meishu feels that she must at least surpass others academically.

After saying goodbye to his parents, Lin Kai boarded the green train back to the capital on the fourth day.

I also specially sent a message to Zhang Ze to put some pressure on Zhang Ze.

"I went back to school today! When are you going back!"

In fact, it also contains a little bit of Lin Kai's bad taste!
Knowing that Zhang Ze is enjoying the holiday beautifully, and getting carried away with joy, he specially sent a message to Zhang Ze for this reason, which made Zhang Ze feel guilty.

Sure enough, after a few hours, Lin Kai laughed out loud in the carriage.

"You really deserve to die!"

One sentence is enough to express all Zhang Ze's thoughts.

For this reason, Lin Kai believes that by returning early this time, he can adapt to the competition state more quickly.

No.20 The third Universiade, Lin Kai is imperative!

Lin Kai, who returned to school early, can always surprise Cai Quande.

Originally, Cai Quande himself lived in Peking University.

During the week-long National Day holiday, I really don't know where to go.

But Lin Kai gave Cai Quande a small surprise.

Coming back early means you can get training in advance.

And Cai Quande knew that Lin Kai was different from his other three athletes.

Just because of this hard work and self-discipline, Cai Quande thinks that if Lin Kai is not successful, he will be successful!
Seniors who are in the same year as Lin Kai, or who are a few years older than Lin Kai, all plan to participate in this year's University Games.

After all, no matter how small a fly is, it is still meat!
After all, he is also a regular game, and he is eligible to apply for the gold medal and the record of the Athletics Federation.

If not, you can indeed persuade a large number of people to retreat.

Lin Kai, who started to devote himself to training, was naturally one step ahead!
Being one step ahead allows Lin Kai to seize this opportunity, and naturally he will be more sure of winning the No. 20 Third Universiade.

At least Lin Kai thinks so, otherwise why do you think Lin Kai came back early for training.


"You really don't plan to participate? This Universiade?"

"Forget it, I've made up my mind. I will use the next time to overcome the problems of graduate students!"

Ge Hong, who already had a determination and a choice in his heart, naturally wouldn't be changed by someone else's words.

Not even your own coach!
Recently, Ge Hong was thinking that it was time to give up his position as the captain of his school's track and field team.

I am busy with postgraduate entrance examinations, have no interest in training, and have no interest in managing team members. It is impossible to occupy the latrine and not shit!
Besides, this is not Ge Hong's personal style!
"What's wrong? I asked you before if you were still thinking of becoming an athlete, but now you have figured it out!"

"That's for sure, coach. When I met a student who was as talented as an evildoer, during the summer training, I directly gave up my thoughts."

Hearing what the team members said, Ge Hong's coach couldn't laugh or cry either.

This is the cruelest fact in track and field.

Without talent, it will be difficult to stay until the end.

It is absolutely impossible to go too far by relying on talent alone!
Everything has to be based on talent, and through hard work, one's talent should be developed and utilized reasonably.

Even after Ge Hong said that, as Ge Hong's coach, he no longer insisted.

(End of this chapter)

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