Chapter 2 Pre-Match Test
"Brother Lin, are you worried about tomorrow's county sports meeting? I heard that students from other schools will participate, especially the sports students from Udu No. [-] Middle School..."

The words of his best friend walking beside him brought back memories of Lin Kai.

The county sports meeting, isn't that the place where my dream started!
The worry in the mouth of the best friend is nothing but Yudu County No. [-] Middle School. It is a sports school.

Compared with the special students in sports in Udu No. [-] Middle School, these people like myself are just students who catch ducks on the shelves to cope with the county sports meeting and sign up for various classes to make up for it.

The regular army and the miscellaneous army don't blame the miscellaneous army for having a guilty conscience.

Thinking of this, Lin Kai felt that this was his chance, a chance to gain quality points.

Where the dream begins, I, a different Lin Kai is here!
"When you meet on a narrow road, the brave wins!"

The words he uttered were enough to express all of Lin Kai's emotions in an instant.

Before entering the track and field, Lin Kai went through the sacred process before training, just because Lin Kai really needed relief.

The track and field field was still a dusty cinder track. Lin Kai vaguely remembered that the track and field field would be replaced with a brand new plastic track after he graduated.

The eternal law: after you leave, the school becomes something you can't afford.

With his feet on the cinder track, his body brought Lin Kai an innate kindness.

On the track and field, scattered students were jogging to warm up, looking extremely disorganized.

These are students who signed up for the county sports meeting in class units.

Lin Kai didn't waste any time. He put down his black backpack and started jogging around the cinder track to warm up.

Ever since Lin Kai's muscle strain was caused by insufficient warm-up in his previous life, and his previous illness broke out, and he lay down for half a year without high-intensity training, he no longer dared to underestimate the importance of warm-up to training.


"Beep beep beep-"


The loud and rapid whistle attracted the attention of the students on the cinder track, followed by a serious shout.

An elderly man wearing a gray sportswear and a black peaked cap, with a whistle in his left hand and a stopwatch in his right hand, looked like an old coach.

The team gathered, the team stood lazily, there was no captain, and there was no roll call. The old coach obviously didn't care about these details. After a glance, he coughed three times and announced the matter directly.

"The events you have signed up for have been decided. Today we will not arrange training for tomorrow's county sports meeting. Did everyone just warm up?"

"Warming up."

"I'm so sweaty from running."

"He's feeling warm all over, coach."


The answers were inconsistent, there was no discipline at all, and Lin Kai, who was in the student group, remained silent.

As if he was an outsider at this moment, Lin Kai had no impression of this old coach. He only knew that after the county sports meeting, there would be a relatively professional young coach to take over his job.

Of course, this relatively professional young coach is also Lin Kai's first coach.

Maybe this life will not change, he is still his first coach.

"Then test a 100-meter run before the game, and everyone will take the initiative to run."

After finishing speaking, the old coach headed towards the finish line on his own.

Everyone has long been accustomed to it, walking towards the starting line in twos and threes, and playing and joking from time to time.

Lin Kai frowned as he witnessed all this. Such an atmosphere and training environment were really terrible.

Only when I desperately want to become stronger can I be qualified to train in a better atmosphere and training environment.

"Brother Lin, let's form a group later!"


Li Wei, his best friend, appeared from behind and called Lin Kai to be in the same group. With Lin Kai's consent, he called several other classmates he knew.

Before running, Linkate ran a few more accelerated runs. After making sure that his body was warmed up, he stopped and waited.

His buddy Li Wei saw everything just now, and Li Wei felt that Lin Kai's actions were very regular, even more regular than the teacher.

But this thought was dismissed by Li Wei the moment it came up, how could it be possible, brother Lin is not as good as the coach.

Of course, Lin Kai himself thinks that his standard movements, even if someone doubts him, he doesn't worry, no one wants to slice himself to study!
The previous group's 100-meter event test was over, and it was Lin Kai's turn to get ready.

Standing on the starting line of the divided cinder track, standing beside Li Wei and several others.

The student who shouted the command was still urging, signaling Lin Kai and the others to get ready.

Standing on the cinder track with one hand, without a starting block, Lin Kai didn't bother to put his hands on the ground.

"Everyone take your place!"



Hearing the order, Lin Kai kicked off the cinder runway in an instant, exerted force with his body, showed a straight line as a whole, stretched quickly, and tried to increase his own acceleration in the shortest time.

The time interval between preparation and running was too short. Fortunately, Lin Kai was fully focused. Otherwise, Lin Kai might have fallen behind others at the start.

While the students gave the order and waved the conspicuous flag, the old coach at the finish line pressed the stopwatch in his hand.

Lin Kai's movement skills are unmatched by other students.

Even if Lin Kai's physical fitness is still exactly the same as before, Lin Kai can use his movement skills to improve his self-examination results.

Lin Kai, who was focused on accelerating, was ahead of the other students in the same group in an instant.

Let the students who are preparing take a breath, when did Lin Kai start so fast, isn't Lin Kai usually working late!
The students on both sides of Lin Kai also noticed a black shadow passing by their side.

After 30 meters, Lin Kai raised his head, leaned forward slightly, and continued to increase his running speed.

Looking up, there is no opponent, everything is under Lin Kai's control.

It would be a shame if I couldn't beat these students despite having more than ten years of technical skills.

Anyway, Lin Kai vaguely remembered that in his previous life, before the county sports meeting, he was already far ahead of other students in strength, showing his talent in track and field.

There were chattering discussions, and the students who witnessed Lin Kai's competition were all surprised that Lin Kai's speed was so terrifying.

After only 30 meters, the distance was almost one meter. During the entire 100 meters, the opponent should not be held back by at least five meters.

When he looked up, Li Wei saw at first sight Brother Lin, who was a few people ahead of him. Damn it, he could still lead Brother Lin by a slight advantage in the first 30 meters.

Why did Brother Lin run ahead of him this time, and still have such a big distance between him and him.

(End of this chapter)

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