Chapter 3 Become Stronger
The idea that I just made a mistake in my performance rose in my mind.

The problem is that it’s unlikely!
I feel that my performance should be good, so it’s not just my illusion!
Lin Kai's performance was completely different from before, but it made Li Wei feel unconfident.

There is definitely nothing wrong with my own performance. It is definitely Brother Lin who performed exceptionally.

The distance was only 30 meters, and Li Wei didn't want to be widened by Brother Lin.

All he wanted was to catch up with Lin Kai's footsteps, Li Wei's gaze never left Lin Kai's body.

Lin Kai, who ran first, did not concentrate on his running.

I admit to myself that a thought flashed through me while I was running.

That is because his physical fitness is too weak. In Lin Kai's eyes, compared with the body in his previous life, it is not an exaggeration to say that his current body is weak.

This thought was quickly thrown away by Lin Kai, and he focused on the 100 meters in front of him.

It is also a 100-meter test, which can test your approximate results.

Lin Kai didn't want to waste this rare opportunity.

The other students looked surprised, almost forgetting how they ran and almost forgetting that they were testing the 100 meters.

This is really the first time I have seen Lin Kai so fast.

Normally, Lin Kai couldn't take advantage of several of himself within 30 meters.

Why is this time completely different from the past, this is the rhythm of a blockbuster.

Students who are lagging behind Lin Kai still don’t believe it. You can surpass me, but if you surpass me by such a big distance, then you can’t.

Lin Kai didn't know what the student was thinking, so what if he knew.

Anyway, Lin Kai will not let go, and he still needs to have a general understanding of his own strength.

The running speed is still gradually increasing. The old coach at the finish line squinted his eyes, giving the old coach the feeling that Lin Kai ran in the first position.

It was a little bit of a surprise, the student Li Wei was usually the one who took the lead, and Lin Kai came from behind and surpassed Li Wei in the later stages.

Why is it different this time? It may be that Lin Kai performed supernormally!
The old coach didn't take it seriously at all. It's not like he had never seen extraordinary performance before, so there was nothing to make a fuss about!
Being surpassed by Lin Kai in the first 30 meters, Li Wei was of course thinking about whether he could catch up and catch up with Brother Lin.

However, it is obvious that Li Wei is powerless. He just has this kind of thought, but he doesn't have the ability.

40 meters, 50 meters, but he kept getting closer to the end, and while his running speed gradually increased, Li Wei was also surprised in his heart. This test was completely different from the past.

I was too far away from Lin Kai in front, not to mention the other students.

There must be at least two positions to start. After conversion, one position is estimated to be about 0.2 seconds. Doesn't it mean that I am at least 0.4 seconds behind Brother Lin.

Li Wei felt that this idea was very unrealistic, and he had to hurry up and keep up with Brother Lin's footsteps.

Li Wei's 100-meter score is second only to Lin Kai, and no other student is Li Wei's opponent.

That's why Li Wei was so surprised when Lin Kai widened the gap between the two statures.

On weekdays, at most, he was 0.1 or 0.2 seconds slower than Link Kai.

If you can't gain a little advantage in the backhaul this time, I'm afraid you won't be able to run if you are pulled back by more than 0.4 seconds.

Halfway through the [-] meters, Lin Kai's physical strength was rapidly passing away. After all, his physical fitness could not keep up with his ambition.

Physical fitness may not keep up, but Lin Kai said that he must maintain his own movements.

The more physical strength is lost, the easier it is to deform the movements when the physical strength is exhausted.

But Lin Kai was gritting his teeth and using his brain to control his movements, trying not to deform them as much as possible, so that he could go faster and maintain his speed longer.

Although the old coach's teaching level is not enough, he still has some vision.

At a glance, you can see the standard of Lin Kai's actions, the standard in his bones.

There was a look of surprise in his eyes, he clearly remembered that this student's movements were at best better than other students, but not much.

The finish line is close at hand, Lin Kai has to grit his teeth and hold on no matter what.

Verify what level you can run currently.

Other students were struggling and had no choice but to passively chase Lin Kai. As for catching up with Lin Kai in this 100-meter test, they might have to dream at night to achieve it.

Sprinting to the finish line, all done in one go, his movements are technically proficient, he is so arrogant.

Maybe the old coach's hand speed, even if Lin Kai used his own sprinting technique, couldn't press Lin Kai's moment of crossing the line at all.

Ke Linkai said that the old coach can not pinch his watch, but the technique of sprinting and pressing the line must be maintained.

Following closely behind, Li Wei crossed the finish line with a grim expression on his face.

The hideousness is simply because Li Wei is trying to shorten the distance between him and Lin Kai.

Stopping, Lin Kai secretly thought that he was very tired. After a 100-meter test, his body gave him a signal of fatigue.

The physical fitness is too poor, without professional and systematic training, the physical fitness will naturally not be strengthened.

Panting heavily, Lin Kai thought that he had to rely on perseverance for the rest of the journey, otherwise he would have seriously slowed down.

Li Wei, who stopped at the side, panted heavily, his tone full of surprise.

"Brother Lin, you are too aggressive this time, I can't even catch up with you!"

Several other students also nodded in agreement, not to say that Lin Kai was not strong before, but that Lin Kai in the 100-meter test just now was stronger than before.

Everyone admired Lin Kai for being able to run so fast.

"Luck, luck, luck!"

With luck, it is impossible for Lin Kai to say that he was reborn!
Even if you tell them, nine times out of ten they won't believe it. After all, no one will believe you if you tell lies, but no one will believe you if you tell the truth.

This statement was outrageous, but Li Wei and several classmates chose to believe it.

Although it sounds outrageous, it is still acceptable.

"11 seconds 37!"

"11 seconds 61!"

"11 seconds 97!"


According to the order of merit, the old coach called out the results in turn.

"11 seconds 37?"

Talking to himself, Lin Kai always felt that something was wrong. His current physical fitness was indeed not up to the standard, but his technical movements were definitely top-notch.

Why do you only have this score!
My intuition told me that I would not be at this level in the 100-meter test just now.

Shaking his head, Lin Kai put it behind him, and the truth would be revealed at tomorrow's county sports meeting.

At that time, Lin Kai could naturally verify his inner thoughts.

He thought there would be a gap of at least 0.4 seconds. Li Wei secretly rejoiced. The difference was less than 0.3 seconds. It turned out to be his own illusion.

Unlike Lin Kai, Li Wei never doubted the old coach. After all, the coach is an authoritative existence in Li Wei's eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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