The king of sprinting: I am an Olympic champion

Chapter 4 Join if you can't beat it

Chapter 4 Join if you can't beat it
"I was shocked. I almost thought I was beaten by you again, Brother Lin. Fortunately, I managed to follow your footsteps in the end."

Patting his chest, Li Wei said that everything was a false alarm.

11 seconds 61, which is almost the same as my usual level, and it is even one of the few times I have performed better.

Li Wei certainly has nothing to be unhappy about!
"What's the matter? Next time, next time!"

Several other students always felt that something was wrong when they saw Lin Kai's results, but the problem was that the coach checked the watch himself, so there must be no mistakes!
The old coach did not stop the stopwatch when Lin Kai crossed the line, and his reaction was half a beat too slow, so he called out the slow result.

In fact, Lin Kai's running result must be faster than the result that the old coach called out. As for how much faster, the old coach himself is not sure.

Retirement is not far away. The old coach works and teaches, and the whole person is Buddhist.

Back to the starting line along the runway, Lin Kai and the others did not hinder other students from testing the 100 meters.

Lin Kai didn't care about the performance of the other students, and vaguely remembered that the other students were just playing soy sauce in the past.

While other middle schools have successively established school track and field teams, Yundu No. [-] Middle School has not yet formed a school track and field team.

There are obvious gaps in execution ability between schools.

Only if you have athletic talent in sports, you will not be regarded as cannon fodder for participating in the county sports meeting!
I originally wanted to recall what ranking I had won in the county sports meeting in my previous life.

But the memory in the back of my mind is blank, I completely forgot the place where the dream started, it really is Barbie Q!
It seems that he can really only pin his hopes on his own technical movements. Lin Kai said that even if he trained desperately today, it would not help.

It will even affect tomorrow's county games.

What I can do is to calm down and adjust my game state.

Lin Kai is familiar with this. In his previous life, he participated in large-scale competitions. When did he not need to adjust his competition status?
Other students also tested one by one, and the 100-meter test results were announced.

Lin Kai ranked first with a time of 11 seconds, and he was really the tallest among the short ones.


"Your uncle specially called me to ask you to perform well at the county sports meeting, which will help you a little..."

At the dinner table, my mother, Zhang Yu, brought food for me, and there were only mother and son at the dinner table.

As for Lin Kai's father, Lin Fugui, he couldn't think of anything without thinking about it, and he was designated to be busy with work.

It would be good to have an uncle as your head teacher. My uncle must know some gossip, so he specially told his mother so, and conveyed it to himself through his mother.

"Yeah, I know!"

With his mouth full of food, Linkai nodded vaguely.

It’s been a long time since I’ve eaten the meal made by my mother, I just think it’s really delicious, the taste of home, I know it!
Zhang Yu was also quite worried that his son looked like a starved ghost reincarnated, so he hurriedly reminded him.

"No one will fight with you, eat slowly, don't choke!"

Nodding vigorously, Lin Kai couldn't speak.

If you can't make it through reading, you must find other ways out.

To be honest, Lin Kai also embarked on the path of sports in his previous life.

But this life is completely different, Lin Kai's heart is unwavering in his choice of sports.

Sports have tortured me thousands of times, but I treat sports like my first love.


There was a big bun in his mouth, stuffed with chives and eggs. Although the smell was a bit strong, the taste was really good.

It's not surprising that Lin Kai looked like this, he was indeed a little pressed for time.

In addition, Lin Kai also wanted to integrate into the organization!
The other students were either finishing breakfast like Lin Kai, or they were going to finish it in the car.

You don't need to think about it. When you get on the bus, the whole bus will probably taste like breakfast.

If you can't beat him, then join. Lin Kai has always adhered to this principle.

"Is everything here?"

The old coach who counted the number asked the group of students in front of him, and beside him were two teachers who were responsible for accompanying and managing the students, chatting.

"It's all here!"

"Can I get in the car? Coach."

"Let's go, coach!"

"Coach, why don't you take a bite of the big meat that's full of oil in your mouth!"

"I have a bit of diarrhea, I just ate something bad coach."


Where there is a crouching dragon, there must be a young phoenix. Just asking all the questions, there are so many names.

The old coach also glared at the deliberately funny classmate, cleared his throat and shouted.

"Now the roll call starts, and when the roll call is complete, we will get in the car and set off!"

"Lee Zuoxuan!"





"Everyone line up to get on the bus, don't crowd and fight!"

The old coach and the other two teachers directed the students to get on the bus, and Lin Kate found a seat by the window to sit down, and Li Wei, who grinned and looked excited, sat down next to him.

Maybe Li Wei uses black toothpaste at home every day!
For a moment, Lin Kai admitted that he was blinded by Li Wei's white teeth.

Sitting on the cold and stiff seat, looking out the car window, there is no greeting and blessing from students and teachers, and there is no big red banner specially pasted on the school gate.

It can be said that Yundu No. [-] Middle School has almost no material support for the students participating in this county sports meeting, except for this bus that provides round-trip transportation to the county gymnasium.

You can vaguely hear the sound of books being read loudly in your ears. It should be morning reading time now.

The start time of the county sports meeting was set at nine o'clock, which was still early, and the old coach was still talking to the driver who was not young.


"Xiaomei, Xiaomei, hurry up and take a look!"

"What ah, it can't be the bird kiss you told me to watch last time!"

Xu Meishu, who was called out by her playmates since she was a child, said so, but her body was very honest, and she followed the guidance of Huang Susu's fingers and looked out the window.

It turned out that the students of our school lined up to get on the bus one after another. What's so interesting about this.

"These are all those who represented our school in the county sports meet. I don't know if there are any handsome guys. Please help me take a look."

"I'm not clairvoyant, how can I tell! Otherwise, if you missed this morning reading, run over and tell me after reading it!"

I complained about Huang Susu, but couldn't help asking questions.

"Why don't I know anything about the county sports meeting?"

"It would be strange if you knew, and the county sports meeting has nothing to do with our senior year."

Huang Susu glanced at Xu Meishu, who was holding an English textbook next to her.

"Besides, last year there were boys in our class who participated in the county sports meeting, didn't you know that?"

Seeing Huang Susu mentioning her embarrassing incident at that time, Xu Meishu made a gesture and stretched out her hand to cover Huang Susu's mouth.


At some point, the English teacher who came behind coughed twice, interrupting the play between Xu Meishu and Huang Susu.

(End of this chapter)

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