Chapter 20
The 100-meter champion of the County Games will continue to be retained in Yundu No. [-] Middle School, and the championship fire will continue to spread in Yundu No. [-] Middle School.

Full of fighting spirit and confidence radiating from the inside out.

Lu Bin was full of confidence in himself, unlike other contestants who looked left and right before squatting or after squatting.

Obviously, he is not confident enough in his own strength, or he is not very sure about himself in this game.

Li Wei, who was squatting down, habitually wiped his hands on his sportswear. This was an action Li Wei made subconsciously every time he was nervous. Even Li Wei himself might not be aware of it.

He said that he had no hope for the championship, but he must have fantasized about winning the championship in his heart.

We must know that teenagers have a strong desire to compete. Standing on the track and field field, how can we not hope that the most dazzling person on the track and field field is not ourselves!
However, Li Wei also had to admit in his heart that compared to winning the championship himself, Brother Lin and those players from Yundu No. [-] High School were more likely to win the championship.

It is located on the first road, next to his younger brother Lu Bin. Lu Wen knows that his younger brother has always been extremely confident in his own strength, and has no worries in his heart.

But Lu Wen had a lot of worries in his heart. For example, he lost to Lin Kai in the 200-meter semifinals. Naturally, he was worried about whether he would not be able to beat Lin Kai in the 100-meter final.

The other three Yundu No. [-] middle school players who were able to advance did not have much hope of winning the championship.

In normal training, the twin brothers Lu Wen and Lu Bin are overwhelmed, and it is estimated that the competition will be no exception.

The 100-meter single seedling of Yundu No. [-] Middle School, Tang Yongqin was eager to win an honor for his school.

What's more important is that this honor is enough to brag about for at least half a year.

In addition, Tang Yongqin thought that he had to beat Lin Kai, and lost to Lin Kai in the 100-meter semi-final, and he was already very embarrassing.

This time in the 100-meter final, I must regain all my face.

Otherwise, as the face of Yundu No. [-] Middle School, where should I put it!
From the front of the eyes, back to the track in front of my eyes, the conspicuous white line of the starting line divides the races.

I have already prepared in my heart, just waiting for the starting gun to go off.

In the audience stands, the old coach who appeared for the first time felt uneasy and still hopeful, so naturally he would inevitably be nervous.

Also nervous is the coach of Yundu No. [-] Middle School who never fails in every game.

If he hadn't seen Lin Kai's outstanding performance, the coach of Yundu No. [-] High School would actually have full confidence in his players winning the championship.

However, after seeing Lin Kai's outstanding performance, the coach of Yundu No. [-] Middle School felt uneasy.

I always feel that Lin Kai may become a dark horse, so I have to be careful.

This is one of the main reasons why I specifically told my team members yesterday not to underestimate the enemy.

Many sports students in Yundu Fifth Middle School all looked nervous.

The game has never changed the course of the game because of personal wishes.

"Everyone take your place!"



When the gunshot reached his ears, his nerves controlled his body muscles, and he kicked off the starting block with force.

The tense atmosphere did not affect Lin Kai's performance. Lin Kai only felt that he started smoothly.

It was very fast, very smooth, and there was no lag. Lin Kai couldn't guarantee that he was in the lead, but he could guarantee that he would not be behind.

Just smooth, Lin Kai thinks he is ahead of these teenagers in terms of technical movements.

As for physical fitness, I can't say that I am weak, but it is absolutely impossible to be an advantage.

It was really fast, Tang Yongqin on the left exclaimed in his heart: Lin Kai beside him is too fast!
Like a gust of wind, it blew past him.

Also having the same feeling was the player from Yundu No. [-] Middle School on Lin Kai's right.

This powerful player from Yundu No. [-] Middle School, of course, also learned from his classmates that Lin Kai from Yundu No. [-] Middle School is very strong.

On the other hand, Lu Wen and Lu Bin, who were a few yards away from Lin Kai, were both focused on accelerating.

At a distance of 30 meters, Lin Kai had only one thought: faster, faster, faster.

In fact, Lin Kai's physical fitness is not strong, but his technical movements are mature and standard. With the addition of technical movements, he is fast in the eyes of others.

The students in the audience all exclaimed in surprise. Lin Kai's speed was indeed a bit surprising.

However, if Lin Kai is fast, he will be fast, and it does not mean that he will lead at the start.

Lu Wen and Lin Kai are in sync, running on the same level.

And Lu Bin from Yundu No. [-] Middle School and Tang Yongqin from Yundu No. [-] Middle School are slightly inferior to Lin Kai.

As for Li Wei, he has been submerged among the players.

Thirty meters raised his head, and out of the corner of his eye, Lin Kai noticed a black shadow that was level with him.

Obviously there are players who are on the same level as me.

But Lin Kai didn't know who the player who was equal to him was. At most, he had a vague guess in his heart.

Guessing is guessing, Lin Kai didn't deliberately turn his head to observe.

Running is all about racing against time, Lin Kai doesn't want to determine who the players on the same level as him are.

The coach of Yundu No. 30 Middle School in the audience stands, keep calm, this is just the beginning, and the [-]-meter race is just the beginning of the race.

The coach of Yundu No. [-] Middle School, who maintained a calm appearance, was in stark contrast to the old coach.

The old coach looked excited, he really didn't expect that his student was so fast, isn't it just a joke!
The reaction was so great, simply because the old coach came to see Lin Kai's game for the first time.

Lin Kai was so fast, Lu Bin also believed in his brother's words that Lin Kai is a tough guy.

Even with a slight lead, Lu Bin didn't panic at all.

What is fast is never the first half, but the second half. The first half is just an appetizer, and the second half is the main meal.

Buried among the players, with shadows all over him when he looked up, Li Wei could also see Lin Kai, who was at the top.

This made Li Wei think that even if he fell behind, brother Lin would still be fighting on behalf of Yundu No. [-] Middle School.

Furthermore, Li Wei did not lose his fighting spirit.

At most, after looking up and realizing that I was behind, I was a little bit lost, and more of it was to catch up bravely.

In the blink of an eye, in just a few seconds, 50 meters passed, and the two carriages were driving side by side, which had turned into three carriages driving side by side.

And the so-called three carriages running side by side means that Lin Kai, Lu Wen and Lu Bin are running evenly.

Tang Yongqin, who was behind Lin Kai and the other three, put all his energy into trying to catch up with Lin Kai and the other three.

Behind the three of Lin Kai, it is probably in the fourth position, how can Tang Yongqin of Yundu No. [-] Middle School be satisfied.

Anyway, Tang Yongqin of Yundu No. [-] Middle School cannot be willing to run in the fourth position.

How could Tang Yongqin be satisfied even if the top three ran in?

At the very least, he has to be in the top three to barely reach his minimum goals and requirements.

(End of this chapter)

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