Chapter 21 Own Illusion

The running speed is getting faster and faster, but the distance between them remains unmoved.

It would be a lie to say that there is no panic, after all 50 meters have passed, which is half of the race.

But being nervous and panicking is of no use and will not solve any problem.

So Tang Yongqin could only stabilize himself and try his best to catch up with Lin Kai and the other three.

Staring straight at the finish line, even if Lin Kai sensed that there was a competitor who was equal to him, he was still unmoved.

Focus on the sprint in front of you, without distractions.

He longs for a championship in his heart, so Lin Kai knows better than anyone else what he wants, what he is doing, and how he should do it.

So what if some players are even with you?
Lin Kai didn't go out of his way to see who it was.

Even if you know who it is, it will only affect your personal performance.

It may be Lu Wen, it may be Lu Bin, or even Tang Yongqin, a sophomore boy, but these are not important.

The only important thing is that I am eager to win the championship, and I am also trying to win the championship.

Lu Bin, who is on par with Lin Kai, is also focusing on his current running. Maintaining his current running may be due to his confidence in his current running position.

It may also be that even if you look at the position around you, it will be of no use and cannot change the current situation.

In the 50-meter stalemate, as the coach of Yundu No. [-] Middle School, he could hardly sit still.

The originally calm and peaceful face was also broken by Lin Kai.

A trace of nervousness and panic began to appear on his face.

There is no tendency to surpass Lin Kai at all, and his two students, Lu Wen and Lu Bin, are at a stalemate.

On the other hand, Lin Kai really has the possibility to surpass Lu Wen and Lu Bin.

The distance is constantly shortening under the feet, 60 meters, 70 meters, 80 meters, and the peripheral vision of the eyes can determine whether there are players who can be on the same level as themselves.

It doesn't matter who it is, what matters is the ultimate attribution, who it is.

Lin Kai hopes that he will not leave any regrets, and also wants to gain quality points through the competition. Both of them have to have a prerequisite, that is, Lin Kai wins the championship.

You must get rid of other players and win the championship. There is only one champion.

Lin Kai wants to be a champion if he can.

Lu Wen was at the back, and his speed gradually couldn't keep up with Lin Kai and Lu Bin. After the slight gap was opened by the two, his eyes couldn't help staying on his younger brothers Lu Bin and Lin Kai.

Lin Kai is really a tough guy, his strength is ridiculously strong, he never imagined that he can't compare to this Yundu No. [-] player.

Handing over the next important task to Lu Bin, Lu Wen already knew in his heart that the chance of surpassing Lin Kai was not high.

It is better to hope that his younger brother can keep the 100-meter championship in the County Games in Yundu No. [-] Middle School.

Of course, Lu Wen does not mean that he has given up. It is impossible to give up, and he has to grit his teeth and persevere.

The distance has not changed at all, and Tang Yongqin is almost heartbroken.

No matter how hard I try, it won't help.

Gritting your teeth can't change the status quo.

Can't catch up, I am eager to catch up, but I can't catch up at all.

At this moment, the second-year boy understood that there was a gap in strength between himself and Lin Kai.

It's not that he just thinks that he is not weaker than Lin Kai.

Even with Lin Kai, it is impossible for Lu Bin not to be nervous. There are only 20 meters left to the finish line, and the remaining 20 meters will determine who is the real hero.

Even his brother Lu Wen is not his opponent, but Lin Kai is still on an equal footing with him. Lu Bin respects and recognizes Lin Kai as a player in his heart.

But Lu Bin believes that he can surpass Lin Kai in the last 20 meters.

Unable to bear the curiosity in his heart, Lu Bin subconsciously looked at Lin Kai's position.

After all, he couldn't hold it back, but found that Lin Kai's position seemed to be ahead of him.

Not sure if this is his own illusion, Lu Bin is really not sure.

After a moment's absence, Lu Bin's sprint continued, but in fact he still fell behind.

The sports students of Yundu Fifth Middle School in the spectator stand all gasped.

Why didn't you play cards according to the routine this time?
How could this player from Yundu No. [-] Middle School be on par with Lu Bin, who was number one in the school.

He thought he knew the strength of Lin Kai from Yundu No. [-] Middle School, but now he realized that the strength he thought he knew might be just a tip of the iceberg for Lin Kai.

The distance to the end was so close, but it still seemed that the two were equal, which made the coach of Yundu No. [-] Middle School more and more uneasy.

Uneasiness is certain, how could it be uneasy, the more balanced the two are, the more prone to accidents will occur.

From calm and calm to anxious and nervous, the coach's mood at Yundu No. [-] Middle School was like a roller coaster, from high to low.

Gritting his teeth, Lin Kai waved his arms vigorously, choosing to believe in himself. The latter could be said to be his own strength, but Lin Kai still didn't believe it. He couldn't beat Lu Bin.

Rebirth, the story will not continue to repeat itself.

If it does recur, rebirth becomes pointless.

Ten meters, the last ten meters, crossing the line. After Lin Kai crossed the finish line, he did not slow down and continued to sprint forward. It was about seven or eight meters before he gradually started to slow down.

At the same time, Lu Bin, who crossed the finish line, felt very uneasy.

I don't know if it's my imagination, but there seems to be a slight gap between me and Lin Kai.

Slowly stopping, Lu Bin only hoped that it was just his own illusion.

After all, if it wasn't an illusion, wouldn't he have lost to Lin Kai?

Losing to a player from Yundu No. [-] Middle School was something that Lu Bin would never have imagined before participating in the county sports meeting.

The other players crossed the finish line one after another. Lin Kai, who had already stopped, subconsciously looked at Lu Bin.

If nothing else, the player who has always been on par with him should be Lu Bin.

But in the end, who is the champion is still unknown. It can only be determined at the moment when you witness the results with your own eyes.

Looking into Lu Bin's eyes, the young Lu Bin's eyes were obviously not confident enough.

It was completely different from before the game. He was full of confidence before the game and not confident enough after the game. Lin Kai probably already knew the outcome.

Eager to witness the results with my own eyes.

But Lin Kai didn't show it either, and the emotions of adults would not be shown.

Panting heavily, Tang Yongqin had to accept the fact that he was not as strong as Lin Kai.

Before, I had thought about defeating Lin Kai in the 100-meter final, but now it was nothing more than a wishful thinking.

It was all his own imagination. Tang Yongqin looked extremely depressed, and his self-confidence was greatly affected.

Lu Wen had just finished running and asked his brother Lu Bin while panting slightly.

"How? How far away?"

Facing his brother's inquiry, Lu Bin didn't know how to reply.

It's impossible for me to tell lies, but to be honest, I don't know if I have surpassed the other party.

(End of this chapter)

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