Chapter 30 Awards
Being hugged by Li Wei, Li Wei looked like his little fanboy. Even if Lin Kai was immune to all poisons, he would be embarrassed!
But even if he won the 100-meter and 200-meter double championships in the county sports meeting, there is no particularly exaggerated honor, so it would not be such an exaggerated celebration.

Of course, this is not a proper Versailles for Lin Kai!
Winning the championship begins with the moment when you are sure that you are the champion and when you hold the medal in your hand.

At least Lin Kai has calmed down now. After all, winning a competition at the county sports meeting level is more about making up for the regrets in his life.

As for the rest, it doesn't matter. After all, Lin Kai has won championships at higher levels than this.

It's just that Li Wei obviously doesn't think so. He can win the championship among all the sports students in Yundu No. 100 Middle School, and he is also the double champion of 200 meters and [-] meters. At this moment, Lin Kai is like a god in Li Wei's mind.

Even the old coach thinks that Lin Kai is very talented.

You must know that track and field is the most particular about talent, and the unprofessional victory over the professional is enough to show the horror of its talent.

After finally getting Li Wei to let go, Lin Kai still wanted to enter the track and field system in his mind, but after thinking about it, he decided to forget it.

After all, there are still Li Wei and the old coach here, Lin Kai doesn't want people to see any clues.

To make up for the regret of his previous county sports meeting, what Lin Kai is looking forward to most is to devote himself to training.

After all, strength is the right to speak. Lin Kai really can't understand his current physical fitness, which is too poor.

It's still early to leave, Lin Kaike still hasn't won the medals and prizes.

Lin Kai simply ran to the spectator stands to watch the competitions of the few remaining events.

There are very few girls, and girls with good looks are as rare as national treasures.

Lin Kai's evaluation of this is not as good as that of later generations, who can still see good-looking girls becoming athletes on the Internet.

I didn't see anyone here.

However, it is also helpful for Lin Kai's study of technology, not to be disturbed by other factors, which is Lin Kai's psychological comfort to himself.

The sky was orange-red, and the sun was exuding its residual heat. It was also gradually setting in the west, and there was a faint coolness in the air.

It is estimated that the current county sports meeting is coming to an end, but fortunately, wearing a black coat, Lin Kai does not feel the slightest chill.

When all competitions were over, the staff also began to clean the site and prepare for the final award ceremony.

Lin Kai, who was still in the audience stands, also went to the awards ceremony with the old coach.

The simple podium has no gorgeous background wall, and more students and staff serve as the background.

The staff specially shouted using a large red loudspeaker with obviously peeling paint.

"The top three in the 100-meter race in the county sports meeting come here to present awards, and the county sports meeting..."

There were also some reporters specially invited to take photos. Of course, Lin Kai did not dare to say that this was a show, after all, it was actually implemented.

It's just that Lin Kai didn't dare to compliment the reporter's photography skills.

Of course, Lin Kai said that he has such a fighting face, and he has no fear in the black and white pixel photos.

They met brothers Lu Wen and Lu Bin again. Brothers Lu Wen and Lu Bin were still obviously unhappy.

But this is not important, after all, I am the champion, and their runner-up and third runner-up are just my supporting roles.

The reality is so cruel, only the champion will always be remembered, unless you are Li Zongming.

Standing on the awards platform and accepting the award from the leader in person, there is still an inexplicable sense of ceremony.

After receiving the medal and a certificate as thin as cicada's wings, Lin Kai touched the material and said with emotion: Fortunately, it is not a certificate of [-] cents a piece at the school gate! Otherwise, it would be too picky to search!
I thought I would start taking pictures, but I didn't expect that the leader would also stand on the podium and accept the photo together with a kind look on his face.

The smile on Lin Kai's face in the photo was a little stiff. This was an unexpected surprise that Lin Kai himself did not expect.

The 100-meter award list is the same as the 200-meter award list. The three of Lin Kai don't even need to change their positions, and they will directly proceed to the 200-meter award ceremony.

It was really fast-paced and efficient, and it was over in less than 5 minutes. Lin Kai, who had two gold medals hanging around his neck, said that he hadn't experienced the fun of awarding the awards, and the awarding ceremony was over.

He didn't give himself a chance to react at all.

Happiness is always so short, and cash rewards are of course limited to thinking about it, and there are only certificates and gold medals.

In the previous life, one silver medal and one bronze medal were exchanged for the current two gold medals. This is the meaning of rebirth.

"Brother Lin, Brother Lin, show me the gold medal!"

Li Wei on the side was in high spirits and was very interested in the gold medal.

He handed one of the gold medals to Li Wei. Li Wei took the gold medal and stroked it, puzzled.

"Why is this gold medal touching my diaphragm?"

"Otherwise, it's either a gold medal or a discus plated with gold paint."

With a sudden realization, Li Wei was able to understand that it turned out to be iron, no wonder the texture was so poor.

Lin Kai said that the rough workmanship is more of an honor.


At the curtain call of the County Games, Lin Kai got a rare day of rest.

The 100-meter and 200-meter double champions in the county games can be regarded as some substantial rewards.

Lin Kai, who went home early, unexpectedly met his father, Lin Fugui, who came home early. He took off his coat and saw that his father's hair was still there, not bald, and he didn't have a beer belly.

"Why don't you go to class? Did you skip class and come back early?"

Blowing his beard and staring, Lin Fugui was obviously on the verge of anger when he saw his son showing up at home when he was supposed to be in class.

"The county sports meeting is over, so I have a day off!"

The concise answer made Lin Fugui speechless for a while.

His son's answer reminded Lin Fugui of his forgotten son's participation in the county sports meeting.

There was a bit of confusion on his face, but Lin Fugui still chose to be tough.

"I'll give you a break and come back! You have nothing to do at home, so why not study more at school..."

For his father's teachings, Lin Kai still feels a headache even after being reborn.

It's just that Lin Kai doesn't have the rebellious mentality of his youth, so he naturally wouldn't deliberately say a few words against his father.

Whatever your dad says, it goes in one ear and out the other, without affecting your mood.

Pushing the door open and entering the room, Lin Kai planned to hang his two gold medals in his room.

Although there was no substantive honor for winning the county games, at least there were two gold medals as consolation prizes.

You can't hang the two gold medals you won in your room. As for the posters of Astro Boy and Yu-Gi-Oh in your room, Lin Kai thinks these are his youth.

Youth is used to remember, of course there is no need to tear it up.

(End of this chapter)

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