Chapter 31 Family Status
I found two rusty iron nails and hung the two county games gold medals on the wall.

Sitting down on the bed, he looked up at his achievement - the gold medal hanging on the wall. Lin Kai was very satisfied.

The county sports meeting is the beginning of my own rebirth, and it will also be the beginning of my own change of life.

The two gold medals in the county sports meeting are the first time I won a gold medal, but it will definitely not be the last time I won a gold medal. This is my beginning, not my end.


It is a luxury to sit at the dining table and eat a hot and delicious meal. Anyway, what Lin Kai ate most in his previous life was nutritious meals.

Nutritious meals are rich in nutrients needed by the human body, which is exactly what Lin Kai needs as an athlete, but the taste is not flattering.

A hot and delicious meal is indispensable to my mother Zhang Yu.

It's just that it's impossible for Lin Kai to be an old man sitting and waiting to eat, serving dishes and setting up dishes, and Lin Kai is not idle either.

Sitting on the chair, Lin Kai ate happily, and there was another piece of meat in the bowl that his mother put for him.

"How was the county sports meeting? I haven't even had a chance to ask your uncle about his situation?"

"It's quite successful. I won the 100-meter championship and the 200-meter championship."

After swallowing this mouthful of rice, Lin Kai told his mother the good news.

After hearing about the championship, Zhang Yu put down her chopsticks and looked at her husband. She didn't expect that her son had no service in culture, but he was unexpectedly gifted in sports.

It is true that God closed a door, but also opened a window for the sake of it.

This might as well be another way out for his son.

In my heart, I am glad that I listened to the decision made by my younger brother Zhang Ru. If I had denied my younger brother's approach at the beginning, I might not have known my son's talent in sports.

As Lin Kai's father, Lin Fugui was also surprised that his son had such a high talent in the county sports meeting.

"Okay, I have the same demeanor as you did back then!"

"I think back then I was the fastest runner in the school sports meeting..."

Three points were true and seven points were false. Lin Kai only remembered that this was not the first time he heard his father bragging. He had also heard it once in his previous life.

Thinking about it again, it also brought back memories of Lin Kai.

"Stop, stop, stop, come back so early today, you must have something to do, right?"

Mom of family status interrupts Dad's bragging.

Lin Kai looked up and saw his father's deflated look.

In terms of family status, my mother is first, my father is second, and I am third. Fortunately, I don't have a dog, otherwise Lin Kai suspects that his family status will be ranked fourth.

"This is not a promotion spot in the bureau recently. This is what I came back to talk about..."

His father worked hard in the bureau, and it would not be an exaggeration to say that he was an old scalper. Lin Kai felt that his father should have been promoted long ago.

It's just that in the previous life, he was ignorant and didn't put forward his own opinions, but Lin Kai was not so stupid this time, and it was still necessary to express his own opinions.

After all, Lin Kai felt that he could look forward to his father Jackie Chan properly, and that his father carried the burden for him, so he could relax a bit.

"Dad, it's time for you to fight for it. In terms of merit and qualifications, you should be promoted!"

"Children, children, don't interrupt when adults are talking."

Being glared at by his father, Lin Kai didn't take it seriously. He was not a kid, so he wouldn't accept this.

"I think what my son said is right, and you should work hard to fight for it."

Feeling deflated again, Lin Kai wanted to laugh, his mother agreed with him, and his father had nothing to say.

If you try, you will have a chance. If you are not willing to try, you will not even have a chance.

What Lin Kai didn't expect was that he didn't know if he would have the opportunity to write an essay on "My Director's Father", and the correcting teacher would feel sorry if he didn't give this essay a full score.


"Oh, here comes the champion!"

"Brother Lin, Brother Lin, beat the fifth middle school!"

"Fifth Middle School is the younger brother in front of Brother Lin!"


The news spread so fast, Lin Kai walked into the classroom with his front foot, and was booed by a group of students behind him.

Among them, the one who made the most noise was his best friend Li Wei. Lin Kai was embarrassed because he was flattering himself too much.

It's obviously a flattery, a naked flattery!
Lin Kai said that it was necessary for him to stay calm. He was only the champion of the county sports meeting, and he could not be self-righteous because of this.

Sitting on the chair, there was no doubt that Lin Kai knew that the news spread so quickly, and Li Wei's contribution was indispensable.

Lin Kai was in the penultimate row, the back row by the window, Wang's hometown. Lin Kai was indescribably satisfied with this seat.

Across the aisle, Li Wei winked at him, as if he was taking credit for himself, exaggerating that the news that he would win the county sports championship spread so quickly.

Not knowing whether to laugh or cry, Lin Kai felt that it was necessary to reward his best friend who had asked for credit.

"Next time you will be rewarded for running in the same group as me."

Hearing this, Li Wei was dumbfounded. Is this a reward?
Yes, but it seems not. Anyway, Lin Kai's words can't fool Li Wei.

Ignoring Li Wei's expression, Lin Kai just thought about what the next class would be and whether the hypnotic effect was strong. If not, he would resolutely stay awake.

Lin Kai was interested in English class, not for anything else but because Lin Kai could also speak English and even had good spoken English.

If you want to ask how Lin Kai has this ability, it is entirely because he had to communicate with the invited foreign teacher in his previous life, so he studied English hard.

English teachers are indeed the most beautiful and fashionable of all subject teachers.

For this English teacher, Lin Kai still has a lot of affection, just because the other party's dedication alone is enough to win Lin Kai's respect.

In fact, the English teacher was also curious as to why Lin Kai, who usually sleeps a lot, looked so energetic today.

I didn't even know that I deliberately reminded everyone not to doze off and listen carefully to the class.

The knowledge points in the classroom are a small case for Lin Kai, but Lin Kai doesn't want to deliberately show off.

After all, it is no longer the mentality of a teenager, and it has passed the age of being active and willing to express itself.


Zhang Ru was quite surprised to be called out of the classroom by his uncle Zhang Ru during the big class break. Zhang Ru didn't have high hopes for Lin Kai.

In the end, Lin Kai gave himself a surprise, catching himself off guard.

"Sure, brat, I brought back two championships to the school. I really underestimated you before!"

"This is not because you have hope for me, uncle. I have to work hard!"

"Haha, you brat has learned to talk a lot, but he did bring glory to me in front of other teachers."

This is an undeniable fact. It was really the first time that Lin Kai in front of him won glory for himself.

"Just wait later, the school will definitely not say nothing, and will praise you on the broadcast later."

(End of this chapter)

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