The king of sprinting: I am an Olympic champion

Chapter 37 It's a pity that I'm really handsome

Chapter 37 It's a pity that I'm really handsome

"You may all know me, but I don't know you yet. Otherwise, take this opportunity to introduce yourselves to each other!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the crowd, which was still a little noisy, suddenly became much quieter.

Obviously, no one wants to be this early bird.

"Is there anyone who took the initiative to be the first to come out and introduce themselves?"

As the temporary captain, Lin Kai naturally couldn't let Ye Jianhui stand in the cold and stand up on his own initiative.

"Hello everyone, my name is Lin Kai. I am in the second and third classes of high school. I can rely on my reputation to make a living, but I am determined to make a living on my strength!"

The front is quite satisfactory, but the last sentence can be regarded as making everyone laugh.

I rely on my face to make a living. This is the first time I heard such a funny self-introduction.

But no one really denies Lin Kai's words, there is indeed nothing wrong with it!
Who let Lin Kai really have this capital? Others can say that he is handsome is just talking, but Lin Kai is different. Lin Kai is really handsome!
Everyone applauded Lin Kai one after another, not to mention Lin Kai's self-introduction, this courage and courage alone are worthy of everyone's applause.

It was really a very interesting self-introduction, just a few words, let Ye Jianhui remember, and he has a general image outline of Lin Kai - handsome!
It may sound a little mysterious, but in fact it is the same thing.

Using short words to let everyone remember you in the shortest time is the meaning of self-introduction and a science.

"He's so handsome, Brother Lin, damn, he's so handsome!"

Li Wei in the crowd booed, and Lin Kai said that Li Wei learned his mantra really quickly.

I just said a few words in front of Li Wei, but I was imitated by Li Wei unexpectedly, and now I want to say "Damn!"

"It's great. Our captain gave us a good start. Everyone should be positive."

Having said that, Li Wei said that as the vice-captain, he had to set an example.

Standing up, I felt that everyone's eyes were on me, and I seemed to be the focus of the audience.

This made Li Wei, who usually likes to boo, suddenly flushed slightly, even the roots of his ears.

He was obviously nervous, and judging from the situation, he wasn't even nervous at all.

Seeing Li Wei's every move, how could Lin Kai not see that Li Wei was nervous.

But it doesn't matter, just by taking the initiative to stand up, you are better than many people.

"Big, hello everyone. My name is Li Wei. I'm also from the second and third class of high school. I'm in the same class as Brother Lin. Many people already know me."

After finishing speaking, Li Wei sat down in a hurry. Obviously, Li Wei also used a lot of courage in the passage just now.

Although he stuttered a bit, he had to say that he was courageous.

For this, Ye Jianhui took the initiative to applaud, motivating other people to applaud together.

"The captain and vice-captain have finished speaking, then go around this circle and introduce yourself from left to right, let everyone know you, and let me remember everyone's names."

He didn't choose to continue to let the team members volunteer to introduce themselves. In fact, Ye Jianhui felt that it would be good if the captain and vice-captain volunteered.

"Hello everyone……"


"Fuck, sour! Sour! Sour!"

When Lin Kai heard the alarm clock ringing, he sat up from the bed and felt soreness all over his body.

Obviously this is the result of yesterday, suppressing the soreness, Lin Kai got out of bed, stepped on his slippers, and limped into the bathroom.

My whole body is sore. It can be said that yesterday's training was extremely intense. The soreness in my body means that my body is getting stronger.

But it also indirectly shows that the training in the next few days will be extremely difficult.

You must know that it takes time for the body to adapt to such a training intensity, and it does not happen overnight.

Lin Kai, who hurried to the school, felt that this might be his only headache.

Lin Kai was very puzzled as to why he needed to arrive at school so early for school.

The soreness all over his body made it difficult for Lin Kai to walk.

In fact, Lin Kai also thought about whether the track and field system could help him. After all, Lin Kai was deeply impressed by the effect of using quality points in the track and field system.

That's one word - cool!
Lin Kai, who earned ten quality points in a county sports meeting, can be said to be wealthy and still has nine quality points left.

However, the track and field system warned Lin Kai that his current physical fitness is too low, and he does not support excessive use of fitness points in a week.

Then the number of times a week to use quality points is once.

It also means that the next use of quality points will be in the next week, which inexplicably makes Lin Kai feel that this track and field system seems to be more or less tasteless!
"Brother Lin, it hurts like hell. I thought the day after training was the most painful, but now I realize that the most painful is the second day."

Seeing Lin Ge, Li Wei complained to Lin Ge.

"Brother Lin, are you in pain?"

For Li Wei's complaints and questions, Lin Kai just rolled his eyes, isn't he just asking questions knowingly!
Where is there no pain?
It's the same for me, how can my body not be sore?
"Of course it hurts! But the pain is good!"

Compared to the fact that my body is slowly getting stronger, this pain is nothing.

It's just that Li Wei couldn't understand what Lin Ge said.

It’s obviously better if it doesn’t hurt!

One month later, there will be a gap of one month between the city sports meeting, the county sports meeting and the city sports meeting.

After hearing the news, Ye Jianhui was not happy at all.

As a coach, Ye Jianhui felt that the time was too rushed.

Even if he takes over Lin Kai, I am afraid it will be difficult for Lin Kai to make an exaggerated improvement.

After all, it's all too short a time.

But Ye Jianhui can't change this fact. All he can do is complain about the short time between the county sports meeting and the city sports meeting.

Now that Lin Kai is already a team member of his own, Ye Jianhui certainly hopes to improve his strength even more in his own hands.

I also hope that I can play a higher ranking in the city sports meeting.

The time of the city sports meeting cannot be changed, but the results of player Lin Kai can be changed.

Then Ye Jianhui felt that he had to be responsible for team member Lin Kai.

At least within a month, try your best to improve Lin Kai's performance.

As a coach, there is only so much I can do.

As for more, it is impossible to represent team member Lin Kai in the competition!
Lin Kai, who didn't know anything, wasn't truly ignorant.

After all, Lin Kai, who has the memory of his previous life, can actually estimate the time of the city sports meeting through his memory.

The reason why Lin Kai paid attention to the city sports meeting on purpose was probably just a simple idea.

(End of this chapter)

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