The king of sprinting: I am an Olympic champion

Chapter 38 Qinghua Peking University

Chapter 38 Qinghua Peking University
That is to earn quality points through the city sports meeting.

Maybe now Lin Kai thinks that the track and field system in his mind is a bit useless, but it is undeniable that it can bring certain bonuses to Lin Kai's strength improvement.

And it can also speed up the progress of Lin Kai's strength improvement.

Writing and drawing on the draft paper, Lin Kai found that his thoughts were in a mess, and the more he organized, the more chaotic he became.

Of course, Lin Kai is clear about his life plan, and he will choose to be an athlete in all likelihood.

But I definitely hope that I can get into a university.

After all, Lin Kai is well aware of the road of professional athletes. There are countless pitfalls, too many rules that restrict people, and there are unspoken rules that you can't imagine.

In his previous life, he didn't have the opportunity to get into a university, and he didn't get to experience college life, but in this life, Lin Kai said that he must experience college life.

The most important thing is that Lin Kai has his own personal considerations.

In his previous life at the sports school, he basically cut off his own options. Lin Kai didn't want to make such a reckless choice again in this life.

In the end, Lin Kai wrote four large characters on the draft paper that he was scribbling on - Qinghua Peking University.

Now that he has made up his mind to get into a university, he naturally has to set his sights on the top universities in the country.

The top universities in China are not Beijin University and Tsinghua University.

As for the Capital Sports University, Lin Kai did not deliberately belittle it.

It's just that now in 2004, it's really not enough, and it's not taken seriously by Lin Kai, a reborn person.

If you are reborn, then you must set your goals high!
To be reborn once, one must be courageous.


I just talked to the school leaders about the equipment needed to form the school's track and field team, but I didn't expect that the school leaders would always go back and forth with me, without giving myself a clear answer.

It wasn't that he had no plans to invest in the school's track and field team after he failed to achieve results.

Just walking out of the school leader's office, Ye Jianhui looked distressed. It was too difficult. Forming the school track and field team was more than he imagined.

But good things take time. Ye Jianhui believes that sooner or later he will be able to convince the school leaders that everything is human-made.

As a recent graduate, Ye Jianhui knows that the school track and field team is definitely not as simple as just training.

In fact, training is just something that should be done, and the foundation must be equipment, venue, relaxation and nutrition.

At the current site, a cinder track is sufficient. Moreover, after my own proposal, a composite plastic track is being constructed.

The main thing is to solve the problem of equipment and nutrition. Ye Jianhui feels that he needs to guarantee it by himself.

I just hope that the first team members I bring can give me hope.

In a short period of time, Ye Jianhui has already made a major decision.

Do it yourself, to catch the training of the players.


The last class was over, and as soon as he walked out of the classroom, Li Wei beside him greeted other teammates who also just walked out of the classroom.

There are also many teammates calling Lin Kai "Brother Lin."

On the first day of training, Lin Kai used his own efforts to conquer other teammates.

What's more, Lin Kaiming's strength here.

Different from the elation before, everyone walked tremblingly. Obviously, after yesterday's training, everyone was a little afraid of the training.

Whoever made the first training yesterday, Ye Jianhui's training plan gave everyone a big blow!
Seeing every move of these teammates, it is normal to be afraid. Who made everyone accept such a large amount of training for the first time.

Of course, Lin Kai himself must be sore all over his body, but Lin Kai has no fear, but the soreness on his body makes Lin Kai feel excited.

This is a sign of becoming stronger, the result you want.

In addition, Lin Kai clearly understands that what he wants is training, and any idea will be a fantasy before it is down-to-earth.

"Lin Kai, come here!"

Stepping into the track and field with the front foot, I heard Coach Ye calling me with the back foot.

Looking up and seeing Coach Ye waving towards him, Lin Kai trotted up to Coach Ye in three steps at a time.

"Coach, is there something wrong?"

"It's not a big deal, even if you are the captain now, I plan to hand over all the warm-up training to you!"

Ye Jianhui has actually thought about the matter of leading the warm-up training to the captain Lin Kai who accepts his fate.

Lin Kai's warm-up moves are standard enough to teach these players.

Even if there was a mistake in some actions, what Ye Jianhui thought was to bring it up on his own initiative.

But this is basically impossible. Even Ye Jianhui felt that Lin Kaiming's technical moves were out of standard.

Many times, Ye Jianhui has the urge to ask who taught Lin Kai's technical moves.

"Okay, then I will lead the team to warm up every day."

This can be regarded as a kind of experience, which is better than nothing. Maybe Lin Kai doesn't need it, but it doesn't matter anyway, so he simply agreed.

Seeing that Lin Kai agreed, Ye Jianhui nodded. Ye Jianhui was quite satisfied with Lin Kai as a player.

After handing over the task of leading the warm-up to Lin Kai, Ye Jianhui suddenly felt that the burden on him was much lighter in an instant.

There are still some teammates who have not yet entered the track and field, and they can be imagined without thinking. Some teammates are definitely in the toilet.

Before training, I was always grinding and chirping.

Lin Kai definitely doesn't intend to be this villain later, it's only three times, if after three times he still grinds before training, then he has no choice but to be this villain.

After all the teammates arrived, Lin Kai began to lead the team to warm up. As the captain, of course Lin Kai had to do his duty.

In addition, Li Wei was also instructed to maintain the order of the warm-up.

For the warm-up process, Lin Kai followed his own warm-up process.

However, considering the situation of these teammates, Lin Kai still tried to do some simple warm-up moves.

Lin Kai, who was in the front row, showed his signature warm-up movements, which also made the teammates wonder why Lin Kai's movements are so standard.

I clearly remember that everyone was temporarily trained together to participate in the county sports meeting, but Lin Kai was completely different from himself.


After training, Lin Kai definitely couldn't be lazy, if he didn't relax enough, he would cry when he was injured.

However, Lin Kai had to make complaints about it. Without timely nutritional supplements after training, the training effect may not achieve the desired effect.

Three-point practice and seven-point eating, this is a solid scientific basis, not just talking casually.

Of course, Lin Kai also knows that most of the coaches in small counties only care about training, not the diet while training.

For some reason, Li Wei felt that Brother Lin seemed to be a different person after the county games.

(End of this chapter)

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