The king of sprinting: I am an Olympic champion

Chapter 39 Going through the back door

Chapter 39 Going through the back door

In fact, during the county sports meeting, Li Wei also felt it faintly, but this feeling was not really strong.

But now Li Wei has this feeling, and it is very strong.

Usually when communicating with Brother Lin, Li Wei felt as if he was communicating with an elder.

"Brother Lin, you are not 50 years old, are you?"

Turning his head in surprise, Lin Kai was surprised, why Li Wei would say that.

And Li Wei guessed it right, his age in the previous life plus the present life is indeed almost 50 years old.

"How is it possible? How is it possible?"

Asking Li Wei back, when Lin Kai heard Li Wei's words, he really planned to kill someone to silence him.

You won't reveal yourself, will you?
Was it discovered by Li Wei?
But after thinking about it, I felt that it was impossible. I usually didn't say anything shocking.

"Brother Lin, when you speak now, it feels like you are talking to an elder, just, that is, that kind of..."

I almost understand. It turns out that it was the tone of my voice that was too old-fashioned, and it gave Li Wei the feeling that he was an elder.

With a sigh of relief, Lin Kai said that fortunately Li Wei didn't know any of his secrets.

After all, I really can't do the act of killing and silence, the premise is that I have to pay more, and I must know that Li Wei is my best friend.

"You don't want to call me Dad, do you?"

One sentence diverted Li Wei's attention, which made Li Wei want to jump up and beat Brother Lin.

"Damn it, don't run away, brother Lin, you are finished today!"

Lin Kai ran in front, and Li Wei chased after him.


The weather in the evening self-study is a bit cool, Lin Kai likes this kind of weather, the coolness in the air allows Lin Kai to think calmly enough.

The evening self-study night is not quiet after all, Lin Kai can still hear the whispers in the classroom.

The teacher in charge raised his head from time to time, maintaining the quiet order in the classroom.

Occasionally looking up, Lin Kai could still see a female teacher visiting the class passing by from the window.

Looking at each other, Lin Kai was right. On the contrary, the female teacher who was visiting the class was stared at embarrassingly.

For the female teacher who was defeated early and left lightly, Lin Kai stroked his chin and said to himself: Brother, this charm that has nowhere to be placed!
But regarding the beauty of the female teacher, Lin Kai thought that it was not up to the standard to enter his dream.

Even though he was bored, Lin Kai would still study some knowledge from the textbook. After all, this path in sports only requires low cultural points, which does not mean there is none.

Liberal arts classes are nothing more than a lot of knowledge points, memorized and recited, unlike science classes, most of them are brainstorming questions.


It's another week, and of course Lin Kai can't forget one important thing, which is to enter the track and field system in his mind and use quality points to improve his personal physical fitness.

No matter how small a fly is, it is still meat, not to mention that it is not fly meat. An increase in physical fitness is enough to reduce one's effort.

I have a vague feeling that, in fact, this track and field system, the premise of its effect on itself is biased towards a supporting role, and it may become a leading role in the later stage.

Of course, these are just Lin Kai's personal guesses.

Without practice, everything is just fantasy.

IQ: 65
Speed: 68
Stamina: 73
Power: 60
Flexible: 56
Quality points: 9
After only three days of training in the school track and field team, it has already achieved initial results.

Originally, the speed quality of 67 has been improved a little, and it has become 68.

It's really that the physical fitness is too bad. After sticking to the three-day training plan, there will be improvement.

However, such a quick and significant improvement is only for this period of time.

After all, my body is like a piece of uncarved Xiuyu, which has texture after being carved a few times.

Lin Kai still plans to improve his endurance quality, after all, Lin Kai has his own considerations.

Add some points to the stamina quality, the stamina quality becomes blurred from 73, and then becomes clear after blurring, and becomes 74.

There is a warm current in the body, which is a familiar feeling. Lin Kai experienced it once on the bus participating in the county sports meeting.

The feeling is really indescribable, like soaking in a hot spring with a suitable temperature, that is a comfort!
The warm current finally dissipated, and when he opened his eyes, Lin Kai withdrew from the track and field system in his mind.

This time, Lin Kai learned to be smart. In order to avoid being discovered by someone other than himself, Link Kai deliberately performed this sacred and great act in his bathroom.

It happened to be the weekend, but Lin Kai realized that he had no way to entertain himself.

Even if there is a way of entertainment, Lin Kai still finds it quite boring.

After much deliberation, Lin Kai simply decided to go to school for training.

There is no requirement for the school's track and field team to train on weekends, but Lin Kai vaguely remembers that even on weekends, as a junior in high school, he still needs to make up lessons.

You can try your luck and see if you can sneak into the school.

If you have nothing to do, you have to find something to do for yourself. Anyway, the most urgent thing to delay is to improve your own strength.

The rise of high-rise buildings has never been achieved overnight.

Putting his old comrade-in-arms on his back—the black backpack, Lin Kai closed the door and set off.


"Uncle Li!"

Good news, today is Uncle Li, the security guard, and Lin Kai shouted after the school gate.

Uncle Li, who heard the voice, also looked suspicious.

"Isn't it the weekend? Why are you here, brat?"

"Didn't I join the school track and field team, thinking..."

"So that's what happened. Logically speaking, this is not allowed."

Hearing the first half of Uncle Li's sentence, Lin Kai knew there was something going on.

"But I believe in you, I will definitely not go in and cause trouble, I will open the door!"

Being so trusted by Uncle Li, Lin Kai was a little touched.

But this can be regarded as going through the back door once. Only after going through Uncle Li's back door can he enter the school on weekends, otherwise it would be really troublesome.

After opening the door, Lin Kai asked Uncle Li again.

"Uncle Li, are you always guarding the door on weekends?"

"Yeah, what's the matter? Do you still want me to let you in next time?"

He really is an old man, Uncle Li really saw through Lin Kai's thoughts at a glance, which made Lin Kai himself feel embarrassed.

"Isn't it impossible to give up halfway!"

"Stinky boy, don't worry, I will guard the gate on weekends, and I will let you in!"

With Uncle Li's promise, Lin Kai was satisfied, and it was better to go through the back door, so he didn't need to waste his tongue.

"Thank you, Uncle Li, then I can go in first!"

Saying goodbye to Uncle Li, Lin Kai walked into the track and field without any nonsense, put down his black backpack and started to warm up.

The time is very long, and Lin Kai doesn't have to worry about time.

During normal school days, the training time is quite limited.

The training plan is also extremely tight. After all, the school leaders have clearly stipulated that they must return to the classroom before the end of the first get out of class of evening self-study.

In other words, the usual daily training time is two hours.

(End of this chapter)

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