Chapter 40 Reach out for money
In Lin Kai's eyes, two hours of training a day is far from enough.

The warm-up activities alone basically take half an hour to start, which means that there is only one and a half hours left for training.

If warm-up has to be included, maybe an hour and a half is too much to say, and an hour and a half of training is not guaranteed.

In fact, such a long training time cannot guarantee the full improvement of the performance of the players.

One person, one track and field, running every track at will, this feeling is cool.

Normally, even during afternoon training, there would occasionally be other students wandering around the track and field.

Compared to training with his teammates, Lin Kai prefers to train alone.

Maybe this is why the strong always walk alone.

There is also the faint sound of reading aloud.

Lin Kai, who quickly devoted himself to training, made the training tasks for himself.

Lin Kai mainly focuses on improving his physical fitness. Physical fitness is the foundation. What Lin Kai doesn't have to worry about is technical movements.

You must know your own technical movements, not to say that you are the top in the world, but at least the top in China.

In addition, Lin Kai knew that his physical fitness was not enough, and his technical movements could not be [-]% displayed.


"Hey, Xiaomei, look quickly, there are still people on the playground!"

Looking in the direction pointed by his best friend, there was indeed a distinct figure on the playground.

The classroom is located at the end of one end of the corridor. The classroom on the farthest side is only separated from the playground by a school aisle. In addition, it is the fourth floor of the teaching building. Of course, you can have a panoramic view of everything on the playground.

"Looks like he's running!"

Seeing the figure running and stopping, Xu Meishu guessed.

"Probably, but this guy is so idle, he still has time to run."

Unable to understand Lin Kai's behavior, Huang Susu complained to Xu Meishu.

"Fortunately, no one has stipulated that you can't run between classes."

A pair of beautiful eyes stared at Lin Kai curiously, Xu Meishu was full of curiosity about Lin Kai's behavior.

"Hey, Xiaomei, do you think he is not a senior in high school?"

"If you're not a senior in high school, aren't you allowed in?"

"That's right, maybe he climbed over the wall secretly and came in for a run!"

The magical brain circuit of best friend Huang Susu sounds ridiculous to Xu Meishu anyway.

There are still people who sneak in and run over the wall. If it is like what the teacher said, Xu Meishu who secretly climbs over the wall and goes online is okay.

As for the one who sneaked in over the wall for a run, Xu Meishu didn't believe anything she said.


After training, Lin Kai specially bought a bottle of drink before leaving. Of course, this bottle of drink was not for himself.

Walking to the door, Lin Kai put the drink in Uncle Li's hands.

It's hard work for Uncle Li to watch the door, so he will inevitably get thirsty.

He always entered the school through Uncle Li's back door, so Lin Kai felt embarrassed if he didn't say anything.

"Oh, I don't like drinking this stuff, you'd better drink it yourself!"

Uncle Li made a gesture to return the drink to him, but of course Lin Kai disagreed.

It was originally bought for Uncle Li, but it would never return to his own hands.

In the end, Uncle Li also accepted the drink, and Lin Kai was satisfied.

Looking at the back of Lin Kai leaving, Uncle Li muttered to himself, "Stinky boy!"

Look at the room temperature drink in my hand again, Uncle Li opened it and took a sip, it's so sweet!
After leaving, Lin Kai secretly thought that he should also ask his parents for money!
As for the new year's money, Lin Kai really has troubles that he can't tell. His parents have always advocated the principle of poor men and rich women. Naturally, Lin Kai doesn't have his own small treasury at all.

This is also what Lin Kai has always wanted to complain about.

As long as you have your own small treasury, you might start a small business and start your own business.

But these are just Lin Kai's words. If he really had his own small treasury, he probably wouldn't start a business.

Lin Kai can be said to know nothing about starting a business and running a business, so how could he pick sesame seeds and lose watermelons!
The top priority is to improve one's own strength, as long as one has strength, there is also a basic source of income for playing games.


Zhang Yu, who arrived home ahead of Lin Kai, saw no sign of his son at home, thinking that his son must have gone out to play with friends.

I have long been accustomed to this situation.

But when her son came back with a schoolbag on his back and a tired look on his face, his mother Zhang Yu asked curiously.

"Why did you go here? Why are you listless?"

"Go to school for training!"

"Really or not? The sun is coming out in the west?"

Seeing his mother's expression of disbelief, Lin Kai was not surprised.

Telling the truth no one believes, and telling lies is believed to be true.

Smelling the faint smell of sweat on his son's body, Zhang Yu finally accepted that his son did not go out to play on the weekend, but was training at school.

Is it enlightened?
In the past, I could tell him how many times he wanted to study but he still wouldn't listen. Now, it's better. Taking the path of sports has allowed his son to find a goal for his efforts.

Thinking of this, Zhang Yu felt that it was necessary for him to thank his younger brother, that is, Lin Kai's uncle. Without Zhang Ru's suggestion, his son would not have been enlightened so suddenly.

At the dinner table, Lin Kai reached out to his mother and asked for money.

The head of the family is his own mother. As for his father, Lin Kai said that he doesn't want to mention it. Besides, his father usually leaves early and returns late recently.

"Mom, I want to buy some sports clothes, please support me!"

It’s so embarrassing that people who are born again have to ask their own mothers for money.

However, in special circumstances, special treatment is given. Lin Kai feels that sometimes, you have to bow your head. Who makes it difficult for a penny to be a penny man!
Now I want to ask my mother for money, which can be regarded as an investment.

The main reason is that Lin Kai can predict that he will definitely surpass the height he reached in his previous life.

"How much?"

"two hundred?"

Stretching out two fingers, Lin Kai half-asked and half-answered, two hundred was quite a lot, even for him now, it was considered a huge sum of money, who made himself unable to even take out 200 yuan.

Two hundred is quite a lot!
But when he thought that his son was enlightened, Zhang Yu simply waved his hand.

"Okay, I'll give it to you after dinner, and I'll tell you, you must not waste money, you know, and it's best to work hard and get admitted to college, which can be regarded as a glory for your old Lin family..."

Lin Kai has listened to the earnest and earnest words for countless times, this Lin Kai is familiar with it, it enters in the left ear and exits in the right ear.

As for what my mother said about working hard to get into college, Lin Kai naturally felt that it was necessary to get into college. In his previous life, he also suffered the disadvantage of not going to college to a certain extent.

If I had gone to college, the outcome might be really different.

(End of this chapter)

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