The king of sprinting: I am an Olympic champion

Chapter 377 This can be considered a stain

Chapter 377 This can be considered a stain
In particular, Lin Kai himself believes that he is at best a public figure, not an idol star who is not allowed to fall in love and would easily lose fans if he falls in love.

Therefore, reporters in the media once again exposed his campus romance, especially the so-called puppy love.

In this regard, Lin Kai just wanted to explain that guns are easy to dodge, but hidden arrows are difficult to guard against. There are always some little guys who want to trip him up.

There are also some irrational people who actually point fingers at their own love.

This time Lin Kai knew better and took the initiative to stop this matter from continuing to ferment.

In these programs, Lin Kai also plans to express his attitude.

It can be said that some people’s machinations will not succeed.

Does the other party look down on me a little too much, or does he think he is too easy to deal with?
Anyway, Lin Kai cannot let the other party ruin his reputation. You must know that as of today, as an athlete, he has not had any stains.


Super interviews always do not have any interviews in advance, they are all direct interviews on the spot.

This particularly tests the host's skills and rescue abilities.

The subject of this super interview turned out to be Lin Kai, an athlete who has become very popular recently.

It is said that the host of Super Interview is particularly interested in this legendary boy and is curious about his success, just like a dream bubble.

Among them, the audience of Super Interview is quite broad. The interview subject was sent out in advance and the interviewee was Lin Kai, an athlete who has been in the spotlight recently, which already attracted a lot of people's interest.

Compared with the topics, it will inevitably involve Lin Kai's private life.

Among them, puppy love is the most critical. Perhaps Lin Kai has no stain in the first place, so this stain, which cannot be said to be a stain, was taken out by someone with intentions and made public.

There are still relatively few people who are opposed to this matter, and the majority are neutral.

You must know that Lin Kai ran to the level he should have, without affecting his own strength. It really doesn't matter whether he is in love or not.

There are even some people who support Lin Kai in doing this. In fact, Lin Kai and Xu Meishu, in the eyes of these people, are simply a talented man and a beautiful woman, just like the love between the hero and heroine in a novel.

The popularity has always been high, and this issue of Super Interview suddenly reached the number one spot.

Even the leaders of these super interviews couldn't help but take a breath when they saw the reservation data in the background.

Is this Lin Kai’s personal influence?
This is how one person can influence the ratings of a TV station!
Now I can finally understand why Lin Kai’s net worth has soared to the sky. It turns out that there is a reason for this, and he has the value to match his net worth!
"Hello, this is Lin Kai, an athlete who has been very popular recently. I am very excited and happy to be able to invite him for an interview this time!"

"It's my honor to be able to talk to you! I think it's also an honor for me, and I hope that through this program, everyone can understand me more intuitively..."


"I don't know what Lin Kai thinks about falling in love. I heard that many people say you fell in love early in high school?"

Lin Kai was not surprised at all as the topic was discussed in advance. After all, Lin Kai had already thought about answering this question head-on by participating in several programs.

No matter who it was, Lin Kai felt there was no need to point fingers here. "Actually, this is not about puppy love. When I was in high school, my girlfriend and I just loved each other and there was no talk of a relationship. We didn't confirm our relationship until college..."

At this moment, people watching this super talk show and listening to Lin Kai talking on the TV screen only felt that the other party was just having an ordinary love affair, and there was no need to have anything to do with it. prejudice.

Moreover, the so-called puppy love theory is simply not true.

That person who spread the rumors really deserves to die!
In response to this, a certain company leader was sneezing crazily, wondering who it was that missed me so much!
After the super interview, Lin Kai thought it was quite interesting, and the host felt that Lin Kai had a confidence that was surprising.

Perhaps this is the most important thing, the young man’s self-confidence leads him to success!
Afterwards, Lin Kai felt that participating in the show was quite interesting and a different experience.

Of course, Lin Kai knows that everything should be done in moderation. Lin Kai also has an appointment with Lu Yu, which means he has ended the show he participated in!
Anyway, it is impossible for Lin Kai to do anything to lower his worth!
Recently, Lin Kai thought twice and signed the Nike brand endorsement first. For no other reason than the Nike brand gave him too much.

Moreover, the other party's global influence is also consistent with Lin Kai's identity.

In addition, Lin Kai has signed a suit brand endorsement and a skin care product brand endorsement. As for other daily necessities, Lin Kai is still considering it.

If nothing else, brand endorsement is not random and affects all aspects.

Of course, even so, just three brand endorsements are enough to make the leaders of Beijin University smile.

This is a rare investment that is so successful and has such a high rate of return.

Instead, money has become secondary. What is the primary thing?
Of course it's about face. Just saying this alone makes me feel proud.

Don't underestimate face. Most people pursue this face all their lives.

In addition, Lin Kai is also a golden brand of Peking University.

Shan Beijin University used Lin Kai as a killer weapon, and other universities were completely unable to fight back.

Who made Lin Kai's name become a household name?

As for the leadership of the national team, they regret not letting Lin Kai enter the national team in the first place. It’s full of hatred in their hearts!
When the leader is angry, the people below will naturally suffer. As for who it is, there is no need to say more about it!
The endorsement fee came, a huge amount of money, and Lin Kai didn't know what he should do.

Lin Kai seems to have little time to invest in this matter.

For this reason, Lin Kai simply chose the stupidest method - buying a house!
As for investment, if Xu Meishu has ideas after graduation, Lin Kai thinks she can invest appropriately.

At least now, Lin Kai has no time. After the 2008 Beijing Olympics, the rest of the time belongs to himself, for no other reason than because Lin Kai gave himself a short vacation!
On the contrary, Usain Bolt was temporarily immersed in joy.

It is true that the 100-meter champion in the Beijing Olympics does not belong to Usain Bolt, but it does not affect Usain Bolt's popularity, not only in his own country, but also around the world.

Maybe it’s not as well-known as Lin Kai, but it’s enough to make Usain Bolt smile.

It turns out that after becoming famous, he received so many benefits and also changed his destiny.

(End of this chapter)

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