The king of sprinting: I am an Olympic champion

Chapter 378: Get up and answer this question

Chapter 378: Get up and answer this question!
He spent a huge sum of money to buy a sports car. Of course, what Lin Kai bought was an entry-level sports car - a Porsche!
The reason for buying a sports car is very simple. Lin Kai’s dream when he was young was to drive a luxury car and live in a big villa!
It sounds very tacky, but it is Lin Kai’s true thoughts!
Very vulgar, but extremely true!
In addition to simply investing in real estate, buying a house in the capital Beijin will be enough for Lin Kai to make a lot of money in the next few decades.

In addition, Lin Kai is naturally realizing his dream when he was young.

After all, Lin Kai doesn't want to do "I want to buy sweet-scented osmanthus and drink wine with me, but it turns out that it's not the same as a teenager's trip!"

In Lin Kai's view, after this age, maybe buying a sports car and living in a villa will not have the same feeling as before!
At least Lin Kai has a very strong idea now!
Driving a white Porsche, this was a big toy I bought in one day.

Xu Meishu, who was in class, didn't know she had bought a Porsche.

He had to pick up Xu Meishu from get out of class later. Lin Kai thought about Xu Meishu's expression when she saw the Porsche.

Don't say this is just a little bit of bad taste on Lin Kai's part.

Anyway, Lin Kai gave himself a long vacation. Coach Cai Quande didn't care, so he just went to enjoy himself.

Therefore, Lin Kai is quite leisurely now.

When they arrived at the teaching building where Lin Kai was located, Lin Kai locked his car, simply went upstairs, and found a seat to sit down as if nothing had happened.

The teacher simply didn't care and thought he was a student who had just returned from using the toilet.

The only thing that raised eyebrows was that this male classmate was really handsome!
Even the teacher couldn't help but look at it a few more times.

It's just that these students, who were originally uninterested, suddenly became interested and couldn't help but cheer.

Xu Meishu, who was still listening to the class, did not expect Lin Kairuo to walk in unexpectedly.

The whole person felt inexplicably nervous, and when he heard the booing from these students, he knew something was wrong.

Everyone knows Lin Kai. Lin Kai has come to pick him up from school more than once, but this is the first time since he won the Beijing Olympics.

The students' booing made the originally boring classroom suddenly lively, and even the teacher was confused.

Could it be that something happened?
Speaking of which, I wasn’t distracted, so why didn’t I know anything about it?
Of course, there were some more sensible students who took the initiative and loudly told the teacher the reason for the booing.

"Teacher, the boy who walked in just now is the 100-meter champion of the Beijing Olympics!"

With a look of disbelief on his face, the teacher thought that he had indeed heard the word champion just now. There was an Olympic champion from Beijin University.

Even if you don't pay attention to this, the teacher actually knows this.

But he didn't expect that the Olympic champion would walk into his class.

Teacher Suo Xing also became interested and planned to ask this Olympic champion classmate.

After all, I had never heard of any very powerful classmates in my class before, so this Olympic champion classmate most likely appeared in my class for some reason.

The biggest possibility is that his girlfriend is in this class.

This kind of thing can actually be thought of with just a little thought.

"That Olympic champion classmate, please get up and answer this question!"

As soon as my butt sat down and before it was warm, the teacher ordered me to do it.

Lin Kai could only stand up. Just as the classmates started cheering, Lin Kai had already realized that something was wrong.

But at this time, no matter what, you have to bite the bullet.

"Teacher, can you tell the question again?"

"The question is..."

After thinking for three seconds, Lin Kai gave a very pertinent answer.

"Teacher, I won't!"

"Please sit down, then let the female classmate next to you get up and answer this question!"

Xu Meishu stood up next to her and had been listening carefully to the lecture. This question was not difficult at all and she could answer it easily.

The teacher also nodded secretly after hearing this. It could be seen that he was listening to the class seriously and he was quite beautiful.

In addition, the teacher was also impressed by the classmate Xu Meishu.Now it seems that she is indeed a talented man and a beautiful woman!
Xu Meishu, who sat down, pinched Lin Kai's thigh and said coquettishly.

"It's all your fault for being too high-profile!"

Holding Xu Meishu's delicate hand, Lin Kai thought it was quite interesting.

After all, this kind of campus time, that is, these few years, will become memories in the future.

It took only about ten minutes for get out of class to end, but many students came up to ask for Lin Kai's autograph, and some even took photos.

Sure enough, with the achievements and titles of breaking the world 100-meter record and winning the Olympic 100-meter championship in front of them, everyone felt that Lin Kai was equivalent to a star.

In this regard, Lin Kai still complied with their request, which was just for taking photos and signing autographs.

But Lin Kai quickly realized that there seemed to be more and more people, and he didn't know who spread the word, which made everyone want to come over to take photos and sign autographs to join in the fun.

Therefore, Lin Kai could only find an excuse to escape, and it was impossible to spend all his time here.

Furthermore, Lin Kai's mission this time is to take Xu Meishu to relax.

As for the so-called autographs and photos, they are just incidental things.

"Hmm~, where's your car?"

Xu Meishu looked around, but she didn't see the familiar car.

But there is a conspicuous sports car parked somewhere.

It’s not surprising at all. There are many rich people in the capital, and Xu Meishu is not surprised.

"No, this is it!"

When I pressed the car key, the Porsche in front of me flashed twice.

There was surprise in Xu Meishu's eyes. This kind of effect was what Lin Kai wanted.

"What's wrong? Are you surprised?"

"Of course, why did you buy a sports car all of a sudden?"

“I bought it as soon as I thought about it, and we don’t need the money!”

With a nouveau riche tone, Xu Meishu only thought it was quite interesting.

Of course, Lin Kai was right. Xu Meishu knew that Lin Kai was not short of money.

Moreover, after becoming an Olympic champion, it is conceivable that his net worth has skyrocketed. Even Xu Meishu has no idea about money, but she knows that Lin Kai definitely makes a lot of money from endorsement fees.

There is no doubt about this!
After getting in the car, Xu Meishu was full of curiosity. The decorations on the entire sports car were all new to Xu Meishu.

I have to say that expensive has its own truth, and Xu Meishu also thinks it looks luxurious.

Of course, I don’t know if it is a psychological effect, because I know that the price itself is quite expensive.

"What brand is this?"

She has no idea about cars, Xu Meishu just knows that it is a sports car!


It was time for winter vacation again, and Lin Kaitou asked Xu Meishu.

"Would you like to visit my house first?"

"Ah? Isn't it too early?"

"It's not early, my parents just happened to want me to take you back to have a look!"

(End of this chapter)

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