Chapter 49

That was Yundu No. [-] Middle School, the strongest middle school in sports in Yundu County.

Hearing his name, he was more or less apprehensive, at least the teammates present thought so.

Just like the name of Yundu Yizhong Culture, the culture is called Gaga Meng.

After hearing the name of Yundu No. [-] Middle School, the teammates were whispering.

Ye Jianhui, who has known about it, of course knows what these players are worried about.

"Don't worry, Yundu No. [-] Middle School, we can surpass them sooner or later..."

Ye Jianhui verbally enlightened these team members, but he did not want to see the team members become mentally discouraged in advance.


Under the leadership of Coach Ye, Lin Kai and a group of team members set off in the direction of Yundu No. [-] Middle School.

Just because the league test site organized by many middle school coaches is set at Yundu No. [-] Middle School.

The reason is also quite simple. As the only sports school in Yundu County, Yundu No. [-] Middle School has the most complete track and field fields and equipment facilities.

Between Yundu No. 10 Middle School and Yundu No. [-] Middle School, there is a distance of ten kilometers between the school and the school, one in the south of the city and the other in the north of the city. It takes at least two or three [-] minutes to get there.

For this reason, Ye Jianhui consulted with the head teacher of the team members in advance, exempted the last class of today's team members, and set off early.

Otherwise, when the league test comes back, I don't know how long it will be.

Walking on the road, the team members felt that it was a novelty, the league test was the first time they had heard that sports could still play the league.

And you are all experienced.

Lin Kai was also curious about the crowd that could be vaguely seen in front of him, which middle school they belonged to.

I may not know this aspect, but the buddies around me should know a little bit.

After all, the two titles of peacemaker in the team and know-it-all.

But it has never been called for nothing, and there is no such thing as an incoming tide.

"Which middle school is the one in front?"

"Let me see."

After finishing speaking, Li Wei, the best friend, stared at the team in front of him, his sharp eyes made Li Wei find out the details.

"I'm from Yundu No. [-] Middle School. I didn't expect to meet him on the road!"

Li Wei was quite surprised to meet Yundu No. [-] Middle School who also went to Yundu No. [-] Middle School to participate in the league test on the road.

"Is there anything unexpected about this? Shouldn't it be a normal thing?"

"Who said that there is not only one road from Yundu No. [-] Middle School to Yundu No. [-] Middle School. There are at least three roads. I didn't expect to choose this road."

After saying this, Lin Kai finally understood why Li Wei was surprised.

However, when he mentioned Yundu No. [-] Middle School, Lin Kai thought of the second-year boy, and vaguely remembered that the name of the second-year boy was Tang Yongqin.

It seems that Tang Yongqin of Yundu No. [-] Middle School is still the strength ceiling of Yundu No. [-] Middle School. Of course, this premise is only if Lin Kai remembers it correctly.

He also noticed that Ye Jianhui, who should be the Yundu No. [-] Middle School team in front, also made a sound to signal to the team members.

"Speed ​​up, let's catch up!"

The purpose is also to communicate with the coach of Yundu No. [-] Middle School.

Ye Jianhui is not a fool to choose to take root in the sports construction of his alma mater. Of course, he has to get in touch with the coaches of these other middle schools.

After all, I will definitely contact you from time to time in the future, such as this kind of league test, or something else.

Maybe not, but not without it. It's not like Ye Jianhui only has a diploma, of course he also has a smart mind.

"Coach Li!"

"It's you, Coach Ye, this is just a coincidence!"

Coach Li of Yundu No. [-] Middle School looked back at the students of Yundu No. [-] Middle School.

For Yundu No. [-] Middle School to set up a school track and field team, such a young Ye Jianhui served as the coach of the track and field team. This approach made Yundu No. [-] Middle School's coach Li disagree.

Leading the team directly without experience is likely to be a mess, and it is not what the leader of Lieutenant Colonel Yunduyi thinks!
Of course, even Coach Li of Yundu No. [-] Middle School didn't realize that, in fact, when he learned that a fresh graduate was given such a heavy responsibility than Yundu No. [-] Middle School.

And when I was in middle age, I had the right to be the coach of the school track and field team through my qualifications. Of course, I felt that all this was too unfair.

Even knowing that the world is unfair, Coach Li from Yundu No. [-] Middle School still feels uncomfortable.

"Yes, I'm under a lot of pressure. After all, the school's track and field team has only been formed for a few weeks!"

He magnified his inner worries to Coach Li of Yundu No. [-] Middle School.

In fact, Ye Jianhui didn't have so many worries in his heart. After all, whether it was Lin Kai's talent or the hard work of other players, they all brought Ye Jianhui confidence.

But in front of other coaches, of course, you have to hide your clumsiness appropriately.

As for Coach Li of Yundu No. [-] Middle School, he didn't doubt whether Ye Jianhui's words were true.

After all, in the eyes of Coach Li of Yundu No. [-] Middle School, what Ye Jianhui said was the truth.

Ye Jianhui, who was in the front row, was chatting with Coach Li of Yundu No. [-] Middle School. As the captain, Lin Kai would still maintain the order of the players.

Walking on the road may have a low risk factor, but that doesn't mean it doesn't exist.

You always fantasize about happiness falling from the sky, but you don’t seem to have thought that disasters are falling from the sky, and you can’t stop it. At this time, it depends on your own fate.

Tang Yongqin, who noticed the movement, just turned his head and saw Lin Kai at a glance.

When a person is important enough in your heart, you can find the important enough person in your heart at a glance from the crowd.

For Lin Kai, Tang Yongqin is of course eager to defeat him.

The problem is that obviously defeating it is not an easy task.

You must know that Tang Yongqin knew Lin Kai's strength clearly in the county sports meeting. This dark horse from Yundu No. [-] Middle School strongly overwhelmed Yundu No. [-] Middle School.

However, the youth's pride still refused to admit defeat.

He thought that he could still defeat Lin Kai, it was just a matter of time.

Tang Yongqin knew whether he had become stronger recently, but he did not lack the courage to compete with Lin Kai.

The road was long, but with a companion, we arrived at the gate of Yundu No. [-] Lieutenant Colonel before we knew it.

At the huge school gate, there are two lion stone sculptures and two large iron gates, on which rust can be clearly seen.

But the security guard stood at the school gate at a loss.

Seeing dozens of people suddenly appearing at the school gate, it was dark.

This is 2004, and I know how messy it is compared to what I have experienced.

At this moment, Lin Kai can understand the mood of the security guard, his job and his life, the two are probably entangled in his heart.

It is not an option for dozens of people to stand at the door and wait. Ye Jianhui and Coach Li took the initiative to negotiate.

Trying to get the security to open the door and let these students in.

It's just that the security guards dare not let go. Dozens of people are standing here, and it is completely dark. They look like harmless humans and animals, but there is a sense of visual impact that they will have to pay back sooner or later.

(End of this chapter)

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