Chapter 50 League Test
Lin Kai, who was keeping quiet, couldn't help but smile. Unexpectedly, Ye Jianhui and the coach of Yundu No. [-] Middle School together would not be able to save enough face.

The negotiation lasted at least three to five minutes, but the two security guards of Yundu No. 5 Middle School remained unmoved.

If you insist, you must have a teacher from the school come out to guarantee, otherwise you would not dare to put so many people in.

It's okay if nothing happens, but if something happens, the iron rice bowl will be lost.

The team members complained a bit, after all, they had been waiting at the school gate for most of the day.

In addition, young people are impatient and impulsive, and there are even team members who want to beat up the security guards.

Regarding this, Lin Kai could only calm down the emotions of the team members by the way.

It's just that he was asked to wait at the school gate for a while, which is not a big deal.

After leaving society, there are many worse things than this.

Anyway, Lin Kai's mood was calm, and it should be Ye Jianhui and the coach of Yundu No. [-] Middle School who were anxious.

Waiting at the school gate all the time is not an option. The most important thing is that Ye Jianhui, as the matchmaker, has forgotten the most important thing.

That was to exchange the phone numbers of the other party, which caused Ye Jianhui to not know what to do now.

Fortunately, the embarrassing situation did not continue to be embarrassing. The rescuer appeared, and it was the coach of Yundu No. [-] Middle School.

In fact, seeing that the time was up but no one was there, the coach of Yundu No. [-] Middle School expected that the same situation as the two coaches of Yundu No. [-] Middle School and Yundu No. [-] Middle School might have happened.

After all, as a sports school in Yundu No. [-] Middle School, the management system is stricter than that of general high school and heavy high school.

The coach of Yundu No. [-] Middle School who appeared was simply the savior in Ye Jianhui's eyes at this moment.

As a matchmaker for the first time, Ye Jianhui didn't want to mess up the matter.

The appearance of the coach of Yundu No. [-] Middle School is undoubtedly a rescue.

At Yundu No. [-] Middle School, the coach spoke a few words to the two security guards and then asked them to open the door.

As the host, the coach of Yundu No. [-] Middle School naturally had to greet these two coaches politely.

The team members followed behind, curiously looking at everything unfamiliar.

In fact, it is not unfamiliar, after all, everything seems to be familiar.

It's just because the construction of the schools is similar, but as a sports school, the number of teaching buildings in Yundu No. [-] Middle School is obviously less than that of Yundu No. [-] Middle School.

It's just that when they came to the track and field, the team members all entered the Grand View Garden looking like grandma Liu, and couldn't help but jump up and down on the track and field.

I thought that the red plastic was only available in the county gymnasium, but I didn’t expect that it was also available in Yundu No. [-] Middle School.

As the first Yundu No. [-] Middle School to build a plastic track, Yundu No. [-] Middle School's investment in sports is already ahead of other middle schools in terms of track and field.

Entering the track and field, all the sports students of Yundu No. [-] Middle School who were uniformed in sportswear looked impressive.

There are also Yundu No. [-] Middle School and Yundu No. [-] Middle School, which have arrived earlier.

To be honest, both Yundu No. [-] Middle School and Yundu No. [-] Middle School are here to paddle.

After all, even if the school's track and field team was formed in advance of Yundu No. [-] Middle School, the effect was minimal.

Maybe this involves the level of the coach, be more confident and remove the possibility.

The appearance of Lin Kai can be said to be the focus of hatred and anger.

There is no other reason, but Lin Kai took away the two gold medals in the county games that a group of Yundu No. [-] Middle School sports students thought should belong to Yundu No. [-] Middle School.

Even if Lin Kai's strength lies here, all the sports students of Yundu Fifth Middle School think that this is just a coincidence.

Of course, there is a reason why I think it was accidental. Lin Kai did not have a big enough advantage over Lu Bin.

It also caused other people to think about it.

Then he made up for the previous regrets, and Lin Kai did not have any other feelings for Lu Bin.

Just because the winner is extraordinarily tolerant psychologically.

Several coaches got together and discussed the league test model in advance, which was similar to the county sports meeting.

It can also be called a small-scale version of the county sports meeting, after all, there is no reward at all.

It is purely to hone the game performance of the members of their respective track and field teams.


The test items are divided into three items: 100 meters, 200 meters and 400 meters.

In the 100-meter and 200-meter events, Lin Kai is still quite confident, but in the 400-meter event, Lin Kai can't be said to be very confident.

After all, it wasn't a sport that Lin Kai was good at, not to mention that during this period of time, he practiced very little.

After all, Lin Kai himself has 100 meters in the main event and 200 meters in the secondary event.

The game progressed quickly, and with the division of labor clearly defined by the coaches, that is, the first few groups may appear hasty and flustered, and the subsequent groups began to stabilize and order.

Ye Jianhui, who was at the finish line, was actually feeling nervous.

This league test that he coordinated was not just a simple test. Ye Jianhui had another idea, that is, he could pass the league test results and negotiate terms with the school leaders.

After all, the school leaders have the character of not being a rabbit or a hawk.

As long as I can't come up with some results, the school leaders who have loosened their minds may have to reject their proposals again.

It's really important, it's not just Lin Kai's performance alone, but the progress of the other players as a whole.

Only with the progress of the team members can they have the right to speak and make suggestions to the school leaders after returning.

It depends on whether your team members are up to date, and everything you propose is for your own players.

The finale is always placed at the end, so it is very understandable for Lin Kai to be ranked last in the number of competition groups.

Li Wei, on the other hand, looked nervous and hurriedly ran to watch the players' performance.

It's useless to be nervous, what matters on the track and field is strength.

So Lin Kai is only objectively evaluating the performance of his teammates.

There has certainly been progress, but it hasn't reached the point of a makeover.

You must know that most of the members of the school track and field team basically have mediocre qualifications, or they have average or above-average qualifications.

Frowning, Lin Kai happened to see a group of players' impromptu performance was quite poor, and his mentality was too bad.

The number of groups passed one by one, and Tang Yongqin of Yundu No. [-] Middle School was also in a nervous mood.

If nothing else, as the last group, he is definitely trump card vs. trump card.

In fact, it's easy to guess, these coaches have weird tastes.

Of course, Tang Yongqin of Yundu No. [-] Middle School didn't mention a word. In fact, he saw Lin Kai, and Lu Bin and Lu Wen of Yundu No. [-] Middle School didn't move at all, showing no intention of preparing for the competition.

Isn't that simple!
Properly foreshadowing that he will confront them in the last group.

Most of the tension stems from lack of confidence in one's own strength.

But the young Tang Yongqin didn't realize it, he just thought that he might think that this would be a huge challenge to him.

As the elder brother, Lu Wen couldn't help but look at his younger brother Lu Bin.

(End of this chapter)

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