The king of sprinting: I am an Olympic champion

Chapter 51 The play of best friends

Chapter 51 The play of best friends

Regarding the loss to Lin Kai in the county sports meeting, this Lin Kai from Yundu No. [-] Middle School, as the elder brother Lu Wen, even if he does not have a strong personal desire to win, he will inevitably appear particularly unwilling in the overall situation.

What's more, his younger brother Lu Bin has a strong will to win and lose. Naturally, Lu Wen knows that his younger brother has always been extremely unwilling.

Even he was unwilling to accept it, let alone his younger brother Lu Bin.

He has been working extra hard recently, and he must be thinking about defeating Lin Kai when he meets him again.

As an elder brother, how could Lu Wen not know what his younger brother was thinking!
It's just that Lu Wen didn't intend to say too much, but chose to trust his younger brother Lu Bin.

His younger brother Lu Bin has always worked hard, and coupled with his talent here, his strength is far superior to his peers.

Otherwise, it would not mean that being an older brother is weaker than being a younger brother.

Sneaking onto the stands, Lu Wen looked at the track and field, which was crowded with people.

After all, this track and field can fully accommodate sports students from five middle schools, at least there must be more than 100 people.

Of course, it must be because there were far fewer people in the flag-raising ceremony or commendation activities with Yundu No. [-] Middle School where I was.

You must know that Yundu No. [-] Middle School is a sports school, which means that Yundu No. [-] Middle School alone has more sports students than the other four middle schools combined.

The concept of sports specialty students refers to students who are admitted to universities through sports specialties.

Li Wei, who was watching his teammates, was about to play, and Lin Kai couldn't help getting nervous.

This is the inevitable mood swing of competing with others.

Psychologically, Lin Kai didn't panic at all. After beating Lu Bin for the first time, Lin Kai believed that he could win the second time.

Physically, it is the reaction phenomenon of the body due to the environment.

Eight runways means a group of eight players. Just myself, Lu Wen and Lu Bin, and Tang Yongqin from Yundu No. [-] Middle School occupy four places.

As for the remaining four places, Lin Kai suspected that they should be Yundu No. [-] Middle School and Yundu No. [-] Middle School.

At the county sports meeting, Yundu No. [-] Middle School and Yundu No. [-] Middle School were both underperforming. Naturally, Lin Kai was not impressed by the sports students from the two middle schools.

As for watching the number of sets getting closer and closer to his own, Yundu No. [-] Middle School Tang Yongqin licked his lips and wiped the sweat from his palms to relieve his nervousness.

The duel with Lin Kai, which is the league test, has always been placed in the most important position by Tang Yongqin.

It can only be said that even if Tang Yongqin's strength is insufficient compared to Lin Kai, he does not lack the desire to win against Lin Kai.

Lu Wen also ran down from the stands, and told Lu Wen intuitively that the coach in the distance seemed to have seen him just now, and seemed to have glared at him.

This forced Lu Wen to run down from the stands due to the majesty of the coach.

At the same time, it was almost my turn, that is, I was about to be in the last group.

Lu Bin was still worried that his brother Lu Wen would forget the time because of something, and looked around, but he couldn't find his brother Lu Wen.

Just when he was about to look for it, his brother Lu Wen suddenly appeared in front of him.

This also made Lu Bin dispel the idea.

"Brother, it's our turn soon, don't run around!"

Lu Wen nodded at this, as if he was used to his younger brother acting like a little adult sometimes.

"I know it all!"

Following the gaze of his younger brother Lu Bin, Lu Wen also looked at Lin Kai, who was calm and calm, as if everything was in his hands.

Originally, he planned to say that it was an illusion, but Lu Wen felt that Lin Kai did have such a strength here.

As for these indistinct gazes, Lin Kai certainly has no effect.

How could the mentality of an adult be influenced by a teenager.

Furthermore, Lin Kai said, facing his defeated opponent, how could Lin Kai be nervous!
Seeing his buddy Li Wei standing in front of the starting line and measuring his steps unskillfully, Lin Kai expressed his curiosity about Li Wei's performance.

Apart from himself, Li Wei is the only person left in Yundu No. [-] Middle School who is more capable for the time being.

Of course, Lin Wei is just taller than short, and compared with the strongest sports students in various middle schools, he seems to be too tall or too low.

The runners squatted on the starting blocks, waiting for the electronic timing gun to issue orders.

This equipment is not cheap, and it is not available in Yundu No. [-] Middle School where I am located.

Of course Lin Kai hoped that Yundu No. [-] Middle School would have electronic timing equipment. After all, stopwatch timing has errors after all, and electronic timing is only accurate.

You can have a fairly clear judgment on your own strength.

Anyway, the stronger the strength, the greater the error will inevitably be when the stopwatch is used to measure time.

"Everyone take your place!"



The starting gun can artificially control the time interval between the three firing orders. It just so happened that the interval time between Li Wei's group was very short.

Before Li Wei could react, the other seven players stepped off the starting block, causing Li Wei himself and the other players to be significantly slower.

Regarding this, Lin Kai secretly said: A good start is extremely important, I just hope that the buddy will not lose the chain in the later stage!
After all, there is no advantage at all in the first half, so we can only make up for the gap in the second half.

It’s impossible for the distance that has been stretched to disappear out of thin air!
But Li Wei, who is in the game, is in a state of tension, how can he not be nervous!
He was left behind at the start of the race, and he also suffered from a wave of unfamiliarity with electronic timing equipment.

But of course Li Wei had to put the blame on himself, thinking that he had to get it back.

Unable to outrun Lu Wen and Lu Bin from Yundu No. [-] Middle School, Li Wei thought that he must at least outperform his opponents in the same group.

Li Wei is absolutely right about this!
Who made Li Wei feel that his hard work during this time was not wasted in vain.

Efforts will eventually pay off, not to mention the exaggerated progress of specific strength.

At least Li Wei knew that his self-confidence had soared, and he was obviously more confident than he was at the last county sports meeting.

Seeing the game in his eyes, Lin Kai was also worried about his best friend.

Maybe Lin Kai is not worried about his own performance, but he has to worry about his best friend's performance.

The distance of 30 meters passed by in an instant, and Lin Kai could still judge with his naked eyes that his best friend was still left behind.

The gap in track and field has never been so easy to bridge.

It's not just talk, everything has to be gritted teeth and sprinting, and speaking with strength.

Lin Kai didn't know the strength of the other players, but he still knew the strength of his best friend, and felt that there was still hope for his best friend.

After 50 meters, Lin Kai, as a spectator, was unable to judge the situation of his best friend and other opponents.

 I have a date with my girlfriend today, and I have no time to write a book in class. Please forgive me, readers. The remaining [-] words will be added after it is published. A gentleman's words are hard to catch up with!
(End of this chapter)

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