Chapter 53 Wishful thinking

This so-called big black mouse is Lin Kai himself.

Besides, Lu Bin is not stupid. How can Lu Bin not know who the big black rat is!
For this, Lu Bin only hopes that Lin Kai can drink rat tail juice!
You must know that being ahead of yourself for a while does not mean that you can always be ahead of yourself.

This is his home court, Lu Bin only wanted to tell Lin Kai with his strength that he was the strongest in his home court.

The short 30 meters, fleeting while running with your head down.

As he raised his head, Lin Kai's eyes were looking at the overall situation.

The scene before me was empty.

It's just that there is a black shadow beside him, and this black shadow is on his left, so close, it means it is Lu Wen.

As for the right side, there is no opponent's figure in front of him, and there is no black shadow, so there is only one answer left, which is to follow his own butt for the time being.

As for Tang Yongqin, the middle school boy who was forgotten by Lin Kai, Lu Wen and Lu Bin, of course he was also left behind.

To raise one's head means to fall behind. Before this, Tang Yongqin had been mentally prepared.

But when this scene appeared in front of him and he was still competing on the track and field, Tang Yongqin couldn't help but want to catch up.

After all, no one wants to run behind others, everyone wants to run first.

The other middle school players, just like Lin Kai, had an idea before the league test.

Chun Chun just came here to make soy sauce, and being behind at the beginning basically means there is no chance!
In fact, miracles will happen on the track and field, but you are not a miracle, and you do not have the ability.

He glanced at Lin Kai from the corner of his eye. Lin Kai was on the same level as himself.

Lu Wen was mentally prepared in advance, so he was not surprised.

Just a little bit of panic!
He didn't widen the gap in his own advantages, so it is conceivable that Lu Wen didn't know what to do.

Ranking the same as Lu Wen in the first position, if you want to be satisfied with this and be satisfied with the status quo, then Lin Kai is no longer Lin Kai.

Lin Kai, who was running, also tried to overtake Lu Wen. The faster, the better. It was best to overtake Lu Wen before the next second.

Lu Bin, who was running in third place, also started to panic.

From the feeling while running, Lu Bin felt that Lin Kai had become stronger again!
This kind of strengthening is not just a star, otherwise Lu Bin would not have such a clear feeling.

Running in third place and taking it easy is fake, but making yourself run faster is real.

He knew that if he could increase his running speed faster, he would have a chance to catch up with Lin Kai and, of course, his brother Lu Wen.

This sports student is really eager to see, just as Lin Kai thought in his heart, he is the trump card of each middle school.

To a certain extent, this is no longer limited to the number of groups in an ordinary league test, but a battle of dignity in the eyes of sports students.

Yes, it was a battle of dignity, and the sports students from each middle school looked nervous and anxious.

It's just that for the sports students of Yundu No. [-] Middle School and Yundu No. [-] Middle School, they obviously feel that this excitement doesn't belong to them.

He was left behind just because he started, the strongest sports student in his middle school.

The possibility of catching up in the later stages is a bit slim.

The referee who was maintaining order, or at the finish line, involuntarily stopped what he was doing, and looked at Lin Kai.

As a coach, he knows the strength of his players.

In addition, as a coach, of course he is also rational.

They all know the number of groups in this group, and they can see the performance of Lin Kai and the two sports students of Yundu No. [-] Middle School.

Therefore, the two coaches who are most concerned about the game are the coach of Yundu No. [-] Middle School and Ye Jianhui.

Seeing his teammate Lin Kai's tendency to surpass Lu Wen, Ye Jianhui said that Lin Kai would definitely win the first place in his group.

If nothing else, Lin Kai could surpass the two sports students from Yundu No. [-] Middle School in the county sports meeting.

Not to mention this so-called league test.

I don't know why I am so confident in Lin Kai,

Ye Jianhui felt that it might be Lin Kai's usual performance that made him confident in Lin Kai.

Trying to keep the distance between him and Lin Kai, Lu Wen also felt this way, as if he really wanted to be distanced by Lin Kai.

But Lu Wen wanted to work hard to hold on, instead of seeing Lin Kai throw himself away.

The gap in strength is extremely cruel.

With strong running speed, after continuously improving to his fastest running speed on the way, Lin Kai directly began to widen the gap between him and Lu Wen.

Lu Wen was also quite helpless. He ran with all his strength, but was still pulled away by Lin Kai.

This is the same feeling as when others test against themselves and cannot beat themselves.

This feeling is really uncomfortable!
The 50 meters passed long ago, and Lu Bin, who was originally running behind Lin Kai and Lu Wen, finally showed his sharpness to Xiao He.

Started to catch up with his brother Lu Wen who was separated by a runway.

Surrounded by his teammates, Li Wei shouted "Come on."

When Brother Lin took the lead, Li Wei already knew the answer and thought to himself: Brother Lin is worthy of being my Brother Lin! He is still so handsome, handsome and super strong!
Li Wei's cheers in the ear, more or less brought Lin Kai a little motivation.

Wanting to make himself run faster, in fact, after the 70 meters passed, Lin Kai knew that he was almost maintaining his sprint speed and not slipping.

It is not the so-called running speed, which shows an upward curve.

As an athlete, Lin Kai certainly knows that during 100 meters, the athlete's speed actually presents a parabola.

At this moment, Lin Kai's own parabola is undoubtedly falling.

After catching up with his brother Lu Wen, Lu Bin always worked hard.

Lin Kai's goal is not his brother Lu Wen, but Lu Bin.

This is his home court, and Lu Bin thinks he can beat Lin Kai.

Of course, sometimes, I have to say that this is just wishful thinking.

Even if he surpassed his brother Lu Wen, Lu Bin could still realize that there was a big gap between himself and Lin Kai.

At least it has to be about the same body position. The gap of about one body position is no joke.

You must know that in the county sports meeting, the gap between him and Lin Kai is obviously not one.

It might be that he didn't exert his strength in the later stage. Lu Bin thought that he might also have some problems.

Lin Kai, who ran first, was almost focused during the run.

Trivial thoughts appeared in my mind, such as the unrealistic thought of whether my opponent Lu Bin would catch up.

This is full confidence in your own strength!
Running first, Lin Kai wanted to cross the finish line at the fastest speed and achieve even more superior results.

Using the league test can also give you a clear idea of ​​your own strength.

The league test is not only a test, but also a proof of one's own strength.

(End of this chapter)

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