Chapter 54 Genius of Genius
Lin Kai didn't need to know what his opponent was thinking.

Taking the lead and running first means that Lin Kai stands in an absolute dominant position and occupies the dominant position in the entire game!
Lin Kai is active, while other players are obviously passive.

Whether it was Lu Bin who was in second place and trailing behind Lin Kai, Lu Wen who was desperately trying to catch up with Lu Bin and Lin Kai, or other players, they were all passive.

The initiative is in the hands of Lin Kai, and Lin Kai is ahead of everyone.

Nature also has the right to choose!
50 meters, 60 meters, 70 meters, the distance can be said to be fleeting, and of course there is also the matching time.

Lin Kai, who runs first, has never denied that there will be miracles in the track and field, and there will be a reversal against the wind.

But similarly, Lin Kai does not deny that he has full confidence in his own strength.

At least he can win the championship, and other players can't pose any threat to him.

Lin Kai did not pay attention to Tang Yongqin, a boy in the second grade of middle school.

Among his peers, Tang Yongqin's strength is really considered strong.

But Lin Kai is different, Lin Kai can't be said to be of the same age.

As for Lu Wen and Lu Bin, since they defeated them in the county games, Lin Kai has nothing to worry about.

After making up for one of the regrets in my life, I no longer worried about not being able to beat Lu Wen and Lu Bin.

Even if he doesn't look at his own home court, Lu Bin knows that there are many eyes on him, and that his teammates and coaches place hope in him.

So Lu Bin has actually put huge psychological pressure on himself all this time.

However, Lu Bin also withstood the huge pressure, all for the purpose of defeating Lin Kai in his home court.

An extremely simple idea, but it also contains Lu Bin's most real thoughts.

But with the figure of Lin Kai in front of him, Lu Bin realized that he wanted to catch up, but he couldn't.

Even though they are so far apart, they just can't get closer.

Furthermore, Lu Bin dismissed a thought that he thought was extremely scary.

That is, Lin Kai's progress speed is really terrifying.

It was obvious that he could not be separated by one position in the county sports meeting, but how come he was separated by one position in the league test.

I don't understand, Lu Bin just thinks this idea is really ridiculous!
Usually, I train harder than before, in order to surpass Lin Kai, and I can definitely do it myself.

To some extent, Lu Bin chose to believe in himself.

Even if he was getting closer to the end, Lu Bin could only choose to believe and grit his teeth.

Lin Kai, who ran first, went all out and stared at the finish line.

From the moment he started running, Lin Kai had set his goal at the finish line.

Naturally, I also understood that I must go all out and run to the finish line.

The finish line was getting closer, and Lin Kai maintained his sprint speed.

Otherwise, it is easy to be overtaken by others in the end.

It is naturally impossible for Lin Kai himself to let this kind of thing happen to him.

Nothing can be finalized until you cross the finish line.

So blind arrogance is not Lin Kai's style.

Under the watchful eyes of other sports students, Lin Kai kept his first place steadily, and finally crossed the finish line first.

Even though Lu Bin desperately desires to surpass Lin Kai in his heart, everything must be based on strength.

Without matching strength, no matter how great the ambition is, it will be like a bubble, which will burst when blown.

All the sports students from Yundu No. [-] Middle School felt bitter in their hearts. After all, they still could not defeat Lin Kai from Yundu No. [-] Middle School on their home court.

Lu Wen, who saw everything in his eyes, was also troubled.

After all, his younger brother Lu Bin still didn't surpass Lin Kai, after all, he still didn't achieve what he wanted to do.

As an older brother, Lu Wen was also quite embarrassed.

Lin Kai, who crossed the finish line, continued to run forward. It was not because he had a bad habit of slowing down the moment he crossed the finish line.

In fact, this kind of behavior affects one's own level to a certain extent.

Of course, others may not care, but in Lin Kai's eyes, everything must be perfect.

Lu Bin, who followed closely behind, crossed the finish line, and he knew it well.

I lost, and lost to Lin Kai again.

He thought he would win the game on his own home court, Dahai Linkai, but now it seems that he was thinking too much.

Reality taught Lu Bin a hard lesson. After all, his thoughts were just his own thoughts. If he wanted to win the game, he had to rely on his own strength.

Stopping, Lin Kai was hugged by his buddy Li Wei.

Just when he was about to struggle, he realized that it was useless because there were many teammates hugging Lin Kai right behind him.

In the entire scene, Lin Kai was the center of a ball of flesh. Even if Lin Kai was extremely intolerable, there was nothing he could do.

Seeing this scene, coach Ye Jianhui showed a satisfied smile.

The Lin Kai in his own eyes did not disappoint him after all.

I have so much trust in Lin Kai, in fact, all of this is right.

Lin Kai took the first place in the 100 meters in this group.

Ace vs. trump, his teammate Lin Kai has to win.

As for the twin brothers from Yundu No. [-] Middle School, they are slightly inferior.

Breathing heavily, Lin Kai also knew that the first place in this group was his.

After all, as a contestant, I know whether any opponent surpasses me or not.

It is impossible for someone to surpass himself, but he still asks three questions!
It was reasonable and expected, anyway, Lin Kai was neither surprised nor pleased with this result.

Instead of being curious about whether you can win first place, it's better to be curious about what results you have achieved.

Lin Kai can clearly remember the 100-meter result at the county sports meeting.

11 seconds 28, the reason why I remember it clearly is because Lin Kai wants to engraved every step of his progress in his mind.

If you really can't remember it in your head, write it down in your notebook.

Every improvement, for Linkai himself, will be a witness to his future.

Lu Bin, who stopped after running, was actually relieved, but he was unwilling to accept this fact.

If you lose, you lose. Lu Bin understands the truth. The problem is that it is really difficult to achieve it.

Anyway, Lu Bin felt that it would be difficult for him to digest this fact for a while.

Originally thought that if he worked harder than usual, he would definitely be able to defeat Lin Kai.

The reason why Lu Bin thinks this way is quite simple, just because he is what others call a genius.

But when he met Lin Kai, Lu Bin had a slight doubt about himself.

He is a genius, so who should Lin Kai be?
Could it be that he is a genius among geniuses?
Otherwise, why would I lose to Lin Kai!
(End of this chapter)

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