Chapter 6
He raised his head early and accepted the fact that Lin Kai was ahead.

It's a good thing to accept the cruel reality as soon as possible.

For the past 30 meters, Lin Kai always stabilized his body, leaned forward slightly, and maintained a standard running posture.

Compared with other players, Lin Kai's technical movements give people a professional look.

The movements of other players were rough and even ugly, but Lin Kai's movements were professional and beautiful.

The running speed is constantly improving, and Lin Kai has no distractions. He does not necessarily have to focus on the last 20 meters, but he must focus on the first 80 meters.

The 100-meter project is the same as writing an essay. A good beginning can always allow the teacher who corrects the test paper to add points to the entire essay.

The first 100 meters of the 30-meter event are crucial, and can reach the fastest speed in running in a shorter time.

One of the contestants, a physical education student from Yundu No. [-] Middle School, looked at Lin Kai, who was ahead of him, and thought to himself: This is not like a tough fight!
As a sports student in Yundu No. [-] Middle School, players have a natural psychological advantage when facing players from other middle schools.

The sports student of Yundu No. [-] Middle School, who is accelerating, thinks that he is stronger than the players from other middle schools.

The only sports school in Yundu County, if it can't do sports, it will be a big shame!
Halfway past [-] meters, the physical education student from Yundu No. [-] Middle School noticed something was wrong, but the distance was not getting closer at all.

Not closing the distance was never the key to the problem. The key to the problem was that he continued to be distanced by Lin Kai, who ran first.

This is what the Yundu Fifth Middle School sports students think is the most outrageous.

How could there be such a strong player?
Have other middle schools established track and field teams that have achieved results so quickly?
Not only the sports students of Yundu No. [-] Middle School who are running are thinking about this problem, but the coach of Yundu No. [-] Middle School in the audience stand is also witnessing all this, frowning.

As a professional coach, the coach of Yundu No. 50 Middle School has of course drawn two conclusions through [-]-meter observation.

First, Lin Kai's technical moves are definitely from famous teachers, there is still such a number one person in Yundu County!
Second, Lin Kai's strength will definitely become an obstacle for the physical education students of Yundu No. [-] Middle School to win the county sports meeting championship.

As for Lu Wen, in a sense, Lin Kai's professional technical movements are more like a sports student than himself.

The distance grew wider and wider, from one body position to two bodies, and then there was a faint tendency to turn into three bodies.

Yundu No. [-] middle school sports students who still had a psychological advantage had already panicked.

All he wanted was to catch up with Lin Kai, eager for quick success, he forgot all his actions.

60 meters, 70 meters, the footsteps of the players behind him can't be heard clearly, which shows that he has created a big enough advantage for himself.

Sprinting all out is not Lin Kai's personal style.

It was only the 100-meter preliminaries, and Lin Kai did not want to expose his strength to the eyes of others.

Looking back specifically, Lin Kai did this action with absolutely no intention of showing off.

Lin Kai's original intention of doing this move was entirely to observe the gap between other players and himself.

Enough is enough, the position between myself and other players is enough to release water by myself!
You don't have to worry about letting yourself go, other players will surpass you, eliminating your inner concerns.

Lin Kai simply started to release the water without any hesitation.


Li Wei, who was in the audience, was excited by Brother Lin's operation.

Brother Lin is indeed Brother Lin, the strongest existence in our Yundu No. [-] middle school!
You can still play like this in the county sports meeting, that's what Brother Lin thought of! You just have to play harder than others!
Many students from other middle schools were also surprised by Lin Kai's operation. They didn't expect Lin Kai to be so bold and dare to play like this at the county sports meeting.

Lin Kai's speed plummeted, but the gap he had opened could not be made up by just making up for it.

After all, the sports students of Yundu Fifth Middle School failed to catch up with Lin Kai, not even Lin Kai who let the water go.

After pouring his own seawater into the Atlantic Ocean, Lin Kai ran across the finish line with a relaxed and natural expression.

Then came the other runners crossing the finish line.

The students who witnessed the entire 100-meter preliminaries all admired Lin Kai. Not only was he brave, but the most important thing was that Lin Kai did it.

Slow down and stop. It is easy to release the water, but the premise is to ensure that you can advance.

Lin Kai knew this better than anyone else. Lin Kai couldn't do such a stupid thing if the boat capsized in the gutter.

The sports student of Yundu No. [-] Middle School who stopped in his tracks had a look of resignation. He didn't expect that he couldn't even win the other middle school players.

After all, the teenagers can't understand the truth that friendship comes first and competition comes second.

I didn’t do any superficial work, I just wanted to see the results and leave.

It may also be partly due to that proud and fragile self-esteem.

There were many students from other middle schools in the audience cheering for him, among them Li Wei was the most excited.

How could Lin Kai not know the reason.

It was nothing more than the low-profile version he had just shown, which directly ignited the young man's enthusiasm.

The movement is not difficult, but you have to ensure that you will not be overtaken, and then you can make this movement to be considered aggressive.

11 seconds 74, this time won the first place in the 100 meters preliminaries.

Of course, we must first consider that the county sports meeting uses electronic timing.

Electronic timing results are about 0.2 seconds slower than stopwatch timing.

Calculated, Lin Kai ran a stopwatch time of about 100 seconds in the 11-meter preliminaries.

Everything was as expected, without any surprises.

After all, Lin Kai didn't expect his results to be exaggerated.

In the 100-meter preliminaries of this group, the only physical education student from Yundu No. 11 Middle School ran a mediocre time of 87 seconds.


Witnessing the whole game, Lu Wen has the right to speak, Lin Kai's strength should not be underestimated, he is bold enough and full of courage.

Lu Wen's comments on Lin Kai were objective and not mixed with personal emotions.

This person must not be simple!
Lu Wen's eyes stayed on Lin Kai all the time, trying to remember Lin Kai as a person. When meeting Lin Kai in the game, he had to be careful.


Things are never as simple as you imagine. Lu Wen said that if he believes that Lin Kai can only run 11 seconds, then his brain will really be kicked by a donkey.

With such an obvious release of water, the strength is destined to be far more than that.

The coach of Yundu No. [-] Middle School has already planned that after the morning, he must do some ideological work for his team members.

Never lose the championship because of carelessness.

We must know that other middle schools have sports talents as well as rivals, rather than crushing them all the way.

(End of this chapter)

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