Chapter 7 Shaved Bald
In the 100-meter preliminaries, a small climax, Lin Kai admitted that his low-profile version of Looking Back and Mochizuki really made him popular among the students.

Many students from other middle schools remember his face.

As for remembering your own name, this is unrealistic. You must know that students in other middle schools may not even know their own names.

Lu Wen, who had decided in his heart that Lin Kai was not simple, already planned to tell his twin brother the news.

The first other high school master who can threaten himself and his younger brother.

As for Lin Kai's technical moves being seen through by the coach of Yundu No. [-] High School at first glance, Lin Kai has never worried about this matter.

In Lin Kai's understanding, his technical movements are completely explainable.

Even if you don't explain yourself, no one can do anything about yourself.

It seems extremely unreasonable, but it is helpless.

Lin Kai's score of 11 seconds 74 was just a little gap between his thumb and index finger, a little, just a part of his own strength.

Sign your own 100-meter preliminaries results to prove that the results are valid.

Lin Kai didn't intend to stay here any longer.

Just now, some staff members were telling them to hurry up, obviously not wanting the progress of the game to be delayed.

After leaving the track and field in the gymnasium, Lin Kai's task today is far from over.

I not only signed up for the 100-meter event, but also signed up for the 200-meter event.

Those who can do more work, Lin Kai, as the best student among the students participating in the county sports meeting, was of course entrusted with a heavy responsibility by the old coach.

One person signed up for two projects, but the old coach is also at this age and ignores most things.

However, there is no requirement that Lin Kai must obtain any ranking.

One of the main reasons is that Yundu No. [-] Middle School has never been in the top three every time it participated in the county sports meeting.

However, it is also related to the fact that Yundu No. [-] Middle School does not pay attention to students' sports, but it is certain that Yundu No. [-] Middle School ranks first in the county in terms of cultural performance.

I remember that the 200-meter preliminaries were in the afternoon, and I had nothing to do, so Lin Kai simply went to the stands of the auditorium to look for Li Wei.

My best friend's 100-meter preliminaries are quite high in the group. I must have watched many groups of 100-meter preliminaries, and I must have some opinions on the level of other middle school athletes.

It just so happens that I also want to find out. Without [-]% certainty, knowing yourself and the enemy is no lack of a way to increase your certainty.

As soon as he found Li Wei in the audience stands, Li Wei yelled at himself.

"Brother Lin, your operation just now was so cool! You have to teach me next time, and I will learn from it too!"

"Low-key, low-key, basic operation."

The 100-meter preliminaries just passed, and many students from other middle schools still remember Lin Kai.

Countless fiery eyes stared at his back, Lin Kai's expression was flat and unaffected in the slightest.

How could an old fritter be affected by these gazes.

"By the way, you have watched so many sets of matches just now, are there many that are particularly powerful?"

Back to the topic, Lin Kai wanted to get the answer he wanted from Li Wei.

"Yes, there are quite a few of them. Most of them are from Yundu No. 11 Middle School. There is a group of Yundu No. 3 Middle School sports students. Just like flying, they must have at least [-] seconds."

With a time of 11 seconds, Li Wei must be referring to the electronic timekeeping.

Li Wei's words are mixed with truth and falsehood, but he would rather believe what he has than what is not.

This is not good news. I am afraid that it will be my strong enemy and a stumbling block on my way to win the championship.

"It seems that Yundu No. [-] Middle School's sports reputation is well-deserved!"

His complexion was as usual, Lin Kai did not show too much emotion on his face, and said with emotion, if you say that Yundu No. [-] Middle School has the best cultural performance, then Yundu No. [-] Middle School is ranked second in sports level, and no one really dares to say No. [-] .

Among the participating contestants, only the sports students of Yundu No. [-] Middle School have unified uniforms, which also allows them to identify the sports students of Yundu No. [-] Middle School at a glance.


Most of the students are eliminated in the first round of competition, that is, the preliminaries.

Zhejian Chensha, the old coaches are used to it, and this is the result of leading the team before.

Students who can advance to the preliminaries are even a little athletic.

The cruelest reality in track and field is that talent is always greater than hard work. Of course, talent plus hard work makes you even more powerful.

But the young man didn't think so, and he didn't have much idea about his usual training. When he couldn't even advance to the preliminaries, his feeling of loss and frustration was out of control.

Originally, he had fantasized about his dream of being far ahead, but now it can be regarded as a direct dream shattered.

The reality dealt a heavy blow to these people, and they didn't even have a chance to react.

After the preliminaries of the county sports meeting ended in the morning, the students of Yundu No. [-] Middle School fell into a slump, and even the optimist Li Wei was more or less affected.

Perhaps the only person who was not affected was Lin Kai.

After all, Lin Kai, who has been a human being for two lifetimes, sees things more thoroughly.

But I also hope that the old coach can take action to solve this depressed atmosphere.

The appearance of the old coach seemed to give the students hope. The two teachers were also helpless in this situation. Seeing the old coach approaching, they also wanted the old coach to solve this matter.

"Ahem——Don't be disappointed, everyone. You must know that standing here means that we have won. How long they have been practicing, how long we have been practicing..."

For this situation, the old coach has his own set of solutions.

From the words of the old coach, everyone was comforted and no longer so disappointed, but it is unrealistic to eliminate the frustration of this matter all at once.

Soon the old coach settled the matter. In order not to affect the rest of the students' competition, the eliminated students can return to school to study in advance.

It's not the best solution, but at least it solves the problem.

There are not many classmates left, and there are not even ten of them. Lin Kai thought to himself: This is just the preliminaries, and they are almost reduced to bare commanders!
Originally, the students who came to participate in the county sports meeting today, ranging from [-] to [-], went there all morning and had their heads shaved directly.

There are also projects that students participated in, which are arranged in the afternoon.

All you can do now is to stabilize your mentality and not be affected by the current environment.

They eliminated them, and they are still advancing, so don't panic.

There were only a few students left, and the old coach focused on stabilizing Lin Kai's mood. Obviously, the old coach also felt that Lin Kai had a chance of ranking among the top three, but not much.

Everyone went back to their homes and looked for their mothers. The county sports meeting started at two o'clock in the afternoon.

Fortunately, Yundu No. [-] Middle School gave the students participating in the county sports meeting a bus to support them.

Otherwise, I’m afraid I’d have to figure it out on my own even to participate in the county sports meeting.


Seeing the face of the boy who just passed by, instantly aroused Lin Kai's memories.

(End of this chapter)

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