The king of sprinting: I am an Olympic champion

Chapter 79 Missing the Championship

Chapter 79 Missing the Championship
From the position of the track contestants on the left, one can still clearly see Lin Kai’s lead.

It's just that only the sports students and coaches in the spectator stands can see it. As for Lin Kai who is running, he can only glance at it from the corner of his eye.

If there was no shadow in the corner of his eye, Lin Kaihe reckoned that he was in the lead.

Of course, you can also see a dark shadow that is slightly ahead of you around you.

This made Lin Kai a little surprised. He knew exactly who was next to him.

Unexpectedly, this dark boy can keep his balance all the time. This speed can be said to be very threatening.

The slight advantage is just a gap caused by the curve 100 meters before entering the straight.

Lin Kai knew this very well, so he never panicked.

Running on the 100-meter straight track, Lin Kai felt the changes in his body.

The changes in the body are the passing of physical strength bit by bit, but it doesn't matter.

After all, other players' stamina is also draining away, and no one is an exception.

Under the eyes of many spectators, Lin Kai and Liu Zhongjie entered the 100-meter straight almost simultaneously.

Sports students and coaches are both part of the audience.

Zhou Cheng of Daewoo Sports School, who was rejected twice by Lin Kai, has almost given up the idea of ​​recruiting Lin Kai.

It's just that I'm still unwilling in my heart, but I can only focus on other potential sports students.

Entering the 100-meter straight means that half of the race is over.

The black shadow in the corner of his eyes was still beside him. Lin Kai admired him for being able to have this kind of strength. He admired the strength of this dark boy.

But Liu Zhongjie was surprised, extremely surprised in his heart, what happened?
Why is the handsome sportsman on my left equal to me?
Before this, the coach had prepared himself mentally in advance, saying that with his strength, he had a nine-to-one chance of winning the championship.

It’s not like the extremely low [-]% or [-]% probability of happening!
He wanted to turn his head and look at the dark figure beside him, but Liu Zhongjie was worried that it would affect his performance in the game.

He could only resist this urge and focus on the sprint in front of him.

The loss of energy, the fatigue of the body, the difficulty of swinging the arms and the weakness of the legs are all resistances to speed.

The sprint speed was inevitably slowing down. Liu Zhongjie gritted his teeth and tried to slow down the decrease in sprint speed.

But when he noticed that Lin Kai's figure was no longer a black shadow, but a figure that appeared within his field of vision, Liu Zhongjie panicked.

Liu Zhongjie was once again shocked by such a fast and powerful back sprint speed.

In fact, Liu Zhongjie was surprised enough to be able to avoid being opened up by himself in the 100-meter curve.

But he never expected that he could still be opened up by Lin Kai.

Knowing that he has the ability to perform within 22 seconds and 50 seconds, Liu Zhongjie does not want to believe that Lin Kai has a more terrifying strength than himself.

The problem is the current situation, Liu Zhongjie cannot help but not believe in the fact that Lin Kai is stronger than himself.

After all, if it wasn't for not being stronger than oneself, how could it be possible to run ahead of oneself and be ahead of oneself!
It is impossible to say that he is actually releasing water, and whether he has released water or not, Liu Zhongjie has more say than anyone else.

I wish I was really releasing water, but unfortunately I am not!
Gritting his teeth, Liu Zhongjie only wished that he could go faster.

At least he can catch up with Lin Kai in the subsequent distance.

80 meters, 70 meters, 60 meters, only the last 50 meters left.

This 50 meters will also be the most painful 50 meters. After all, after a lot of physical strength has passed, you not only have to block these negative effects, but also have to use perseverance to maintain your current sprint speed.

In the past, he was always in the lead, even in the first two races, he was also in the lead. Liu Zhongjie didn't think the final 50-meter sprint would be so uncomfortable.

But now he is not ahead, at least not ahead of Lin Kai, so Liu Zhongjie feels tormented during the 50 meters.

It is really a kind of suffering, but I don’t want the suffering to pass so quickly.

At least he had to wait until he caught up with Lin Kai before going over.

Distance and time cannot change with Liu Zhongjie's thoughts.

So the distance will shorten and time will keep ticking, and neither will stop because of someone.

Lin Kai, who was running first, could feel the threat behind him.

It is undeniable that this dark boy is indeed a threat to him, and this threat is quite big.

So Lin Kai will never allow himself to take it lightly!
Leading also indicates that you are stronger than your opponent, stronger than the dark boy, at least psychologically, you can alleviate the pain and discomfort of sprinting.

Lu Bin in the audience stands really admires Lin Kai!
With this strength, Lu Bin felt that Lin Kai would be sure to win the 200-meter gold medal in the City Games.

In the spectator stands, many of them wanted to recruit Lin Kai, at least not yet.

This included Lin Xiande, the reason why Lin Xiande did not make a move for so long was because he had his own taboos in his heart.

On the contrary, the dark-skinned boy looked like a piece of rough jade in Lin Xiande's opinion, unlike Lin Kai, who was equivalent to guessing the blind box.

40 meters, 30 meters, 20 meters, it is almost impossible to catch up with Lin Kai. Liu Zhongjie has already determined this answer.

He gritted his teeth and sprinted hard. Not only did he not shorten the distance between him and Lin Kai, but Lin Kai even opened the distance.

This also allowed Liu Zhongjie to accept this fact.

Ten meters, sprinting, Lin Kai crossed the finish line, slowing down his speed, trying to stop his steps.

At the same time, Liu Zhongjie was also distressed, his numb and painful body, and the dryness and bitterness in his mouth could not overcome the powerlessness of being surpassed by Lin Kai.

This is not even the 200-meter final, Liu Zhongjie was first dismounted by Lin Kai!
For this reason, Liu Zhongjie suddenly discovered that there was a reason why his coach did not dare to guarantee [-]% of everything.

After all, no one dares to predict what accident will happen.

And Lin Kai was what the coach called an accident.

In fact, Liu Zhongjie's coach watched the entire game without blinking.

But reading it won’t help, it won’t change the facts.

My team members are indeed not as good as others, and the accident I was worried about happened!
Who doesn't want the team members they teach to win gold medals in the city sports meeting?
You must know that this is also an honor in the coaching career for the coach.

So as Liu Zhongjie's coach, how could he not want his players to be far ahead.

It's just that from what I've seen so far, it's not just that Liu Zhongjie feels a little cold inside, but even Liu Zhongjie's coach knows that his players and gold medals are basically useless.

(End of this chapter)

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