The king of sprinting: I am an Olympic champion

Chapter 80 Overcoming Circumstances

Chapter 80 Overcoming Circumstances
Athletics is not a child's play. It is impossible for one's own team members to suddenly have the strength to surpass their opponents in just a few hours.

So even if his teammate Liu Zhongjie adjusts his state carefully, the probability of winning the championship is not high.

However, as a coach, he naturally has to let player Liu Zhongjie adjust his condition.

It's not that you work hard when you see hope, but that you see hope when you work hard.

So only after adjusting the status can we know if there is a chance.

Instead of adjusting the state, it is clear whether there is a chance.

Lin Kai, who finished the run, felt that he had lost a lot of physical strength. It can be said that nutritional supplements and rest in the next few hours are very important.

But before that, Lin Kai was also curious about his level of performance.

If you know that you don't let the water go, your grades must be indistinguishable.

Furthermore, Lin Kai still has a lot of confidence in his competitive status.

While confirming the grades, it can also satisfy one's own curiosity.

Lin Kai didn't know the other contestants, so naturally he didn't take the initiative to say hello.

The swarthy boy Liu Zhongjie could only support his knees with his hands, panting, watching Lin Kai leave, but he was exhausted.

Originally, I thought that after so many years of hard work, I could win the harvest of my hard work at the city sports meeting.

But he still underestimated his peers, and this handsome sports student gave himself a blow.

It also woke up Liu Zhongjie, who suddenly no longer felt so confident about his idea of ​​winning the 200m championship.

The referee's results cannot be faked, and the electronic timing equipment has indeed become fairer and more accurate.

No.1, Yundu No. 21 Middle School, Lin Kai, 91 seconds.

No.2, Dingnan No. 22 Middle School, Liu Zhongjie, 47 seconds.


Regarding his own results, Lin Kai was not surprised. There was no big improvement in his results, only 0.03 seconds faster.

It's better than nothing, but the dark boy Liu Zhongjie's time of 22 seconds, Lin Kai felt quite surprised.

Being able to run into 22 seconds 47 shows that the opponent's talent and hard work are not lacking.

After all, at this age, with such strength, he can be regarded as the best among teenagers.

But compared with himself, there is still a big gap.

However, Liu Zhongjie's strength also made Lin Kai wary. Even if it is only 2004, it does not mean that he can be confident as a national first-class athlete in the 200 meters.

Maybe in the 200-meter final, I will be given a big "surprise!" by myself

However, if Lin Kai's level as a national first-level athlete in the 200 meters was placed in the short video comment area of ​​future generations, he would probably only get an evaluation of "Still have to practice, Xiao Lin."


After questioning, it was revealed that best friend Li Wei did not advance to the 200m final, while Lu Wen did the same as Li Wei.

At the same time, Lin Kai provided a favorable clue.

"Lu Wenwen met a strong opponent in the 200m semi-finals!"

In this case, Lin Kai knew he was facing a challenge.

Of course, the more challenges he faced, the more excited Lin Kai became.

There has never been any fear or timidity in my heart.

In addition, the coach of Yundu No. [-] Middle School communicated with the owner of the fast food restaurant in advance, and the fast food has been delivered to every team member.

This made Lin Kai feel less worried.

After all, I was still worried that the fast food was not in place, which might affect my rest and recovery in terms of time.

Now this worry can be eliminated, and everything that follows now depends on oneself.

Stuffing food into his mouth in large gulps, chewing with his teeth, and chewing slowly is not suitable for Lin Kai now.

There are two races in the afternoon, a 100-meter final at 200 o'clock and a [-]-meter final at [-] o'clock.

It is conceivable that there are two games, and both are finals. For Lin Kai, the pressure is huge.

As long as there is no opponent that threatens him to win the championship, that's all. If he encounters one, it will inevitably be another tough battle that consumes a lot of physical strength.

After solving the stomach problem, the coach of Yundu No. [-] Middle School also came back, holding a row of glucose in his hand.

Obviously, this is still a "plug-in" purchased by the coach of Yundu No. [-] Middle School at his own expense.

Glucose can quickly replenish the energy lost in the body.

Apparently it's an ineffective sports supplement.

The present is not as good as the future generations. Various sports supplements, some can help temporarily improve the state of competition.

At present, there are very few players who have advanced to the finals. The coach of Yundu No. [-] High School may also be thinking about providing as much help as possible for the players to perform.

At this moment, Lin Kai suddenly understood the meaning of Yundu No. [-] Middle School ranking first among all middle schools in Yundu County.

It’s good to be young, just fall asleep!
Also had to adjust the competition status. Lu Bin, who was preparing for the 100-meter final in the afternoon, was really dumbfounded by Lin Kai's operation.

Even though he was third in the 100-meter semi-final group, he was lucky enough to advance to the 100-meter final. He was full of worries, worried about the afternoon game, but found that Lin Kai had fallen asleep.

This is the word "outrageous" written on Lu Bin's face.

Isn’t it possible that Lin Kai didn’t feel nervous?
Can you even fall asleep in the 100-meter final of this city sports meeting?
Anyway, Lu Bin couldn't understand it at all. From Lu Bin's point of view, he didn't feel sleepy at all, let alone a lunch break.

In such an environment, even if there is sleepiness, most of it has been eliminated.

If Lin Kai, who was already asleep, knew that Lu Bin thought so, he would just say "You are still too young!"

If you have the ability, create the environment; if you don’t have the ability, overcome the environment!
The city sports meeting has nothing to do with him anymore. Li Wei thought about his task in the afternoon, which was to cheer for Brother Lin.

Under his cheering, Brother Lin is bound to be able to play at a better level.

As for Lu Wen, he also plans to see the performance of his younger brother Lu Bin. After all, his younger brother has also advanced to the 100-meter final, and his strength is unquestionable.

It may be a bit difficult to win the top three rankings, but this does not mean that my younger brother Lu Bin has no hope of breaking into the top three.


With a stick of glucose in hand, glucose is basically drunk between half an hour and an hour before running.

The current time is 02:30. Lin Kai used his own teeth to break through the glucose package, and squeezed the glucose into his mouth. It was sweet and delicious.

The next step is Lin Kai's essential warm-up session. Lin Kai, who is worried about getting injured, must definitely warm up adequately.

After all, after experiencing many strains, Lin Kai is afraid of strains caused by insufficient warm-up, so he doesn't want to take this trip again.

Different from the countless sports students warming up outside the track and field of the city gymnasium yesterday, there were only a handful of sports students warming up.

After all, after a day and a half, many players were eliminated.

Seeing the figure of Chen Jinglong who is also warming up, he can't be mistaken, that height is the most conspicuous identification comparison.

In a southern city, in 2004, a height of 1.8 meters was rare.

(End of this chapter)

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