Chapter 81 Are You Sure?
Of course, Chen Jinglong didn't notice him, and Lin Kai didn't even think of saying hello, so he simply continued to warm up on his own.

On the contrary, Wang Weihai, who came specifically to see Chen Jinglong, noticed Lin Kai.

It's no wonder that Wang Weihai noticed Lin Kai. Lin Kai is really conspicuous. There is no other reason, but he is handsome.

Pursing his lips, Wang Weihai remembered Lin Kai. After all, in front of Lin Kai, Wang Weihai's original sense of superiority was indifferent.

It was as if someone had taken off all the clothes, and there was no sense of security at all.

Even if Wang Weihai wanted to regain his face in the 100-meter final, he seemed not confident enough.

"Aaron, are you sure you can defeat that sports student from Yundu No. [-] Middle School?"

The friend's sudden question also stunned Chen Jinglong.

However, Chen Jinglong was full of confidence when asked by his friend.

"For sure! The 100-meter championship in the city sports meeting must be mine!"

I am extremely confident in my own strength. As long as I run my ideal time, I can run around 11 seconds.

Defeating Lin Kai, Chen Jinglong is sure to win. As for losing to Lin Kai in the 100-meter semi-final, Chen Jinglong believes that he absolutely underestimated the enemy.

"I'm relieved!"

Hearing such confident words from his friend Chen Jinglong, Wang Weihai breathed a sigh of relief.

I am really not sure about defeating Lin Kai.

Anyway, as long as it is not for Lin Kai to win the championship, but for his friend to win the championship, Wang Weihai is willing.


Fate brought us together. Lin Kai believes that he and Zhangzhou Foreign Language School are destined.

Both Wang Weihai and Chen Jinglong are from Zhangzhou Foreign Language School, and both advanced to the 100-meter final.

He and Lu Bin were from Yundu County, the county seat, so they were trying to bring glory to Yundu County in disguise.

At least two sports students in Yundu County advanced to the 100-meter final.

There are four remaining contestants, three from middle schools in Zhangzhou City, and one from the county seat.

Looking around, Di Yuancang knew Chen Jinglong and Wang Weihai. Zhangzhou Foreign Language School has always been a strong rival of Zhangzhou Experimental Middle School.

However, in terms of sports, Di Yuancang is sure to win Wang Weihai and Chen Jinglong, two sports students from Zhangzhou Foreign Language School.

As for the other five sports students, Di Yuancang said there was insufficient evidence!
As Zhangzhou Experimental Sports No.1, Di Yuancang has his own pride and self-confidence.

When he noticed Di Yuancang, Chen Jinglong's pupils tightened and his expression was solemn. He had fought with Di Yuancang before.

Regarding Di Yuancang's strength, Chen Jinglong knew very well that being evenly matched might deceive him a bit. Chen Jinglong admitted that his strength was slightly weaker than Di Yuancang's.

Standing on the track and field field, he could still hear Li Wei shouting cheers from the audience stands. Lin Kai gave Li Wei a thumbs up.

Just because of his best friend's shouting "Come on", if I didn't get faster by 0.1 seconds, I would feel bad.

Li Wei responded with a punch to Lin Kai, even though the opponents Lin Kai was facing were the seven strongest sports students from Zhangzhou City.

But Li Wei still believes that Lin Ge can always win the championship.

Not because of anything else, just because Li Wei always believed in Lin Ge.

As for Lu Wen, he also thought about this question in his mind. In front of all the leaders, can Lin Kai still be in first place?
It seems that he can't get the answer. Lu Wen knows that Lin Kai is very strong, but he can't meet someone stronger than Lin Kai.

There are people beyond people, and there is a sky beyond the sky!
No one can guarantee that they are the strongest.

Of course, they are all from Yundu County, and Lu Wen still prefers Lin Kai to win the championship.

At the very least, this championship must belong to Yundu County, not other regions.

There is sufficient preparation time before the competition. This is the 100-meter final, which is completely different from other competitions.

In the audience stands, the same group of coaches will always remain unchanged.

Among them was the coach of Yundu No. [-] Middle School.

In fact, the coach of Yundu No. [-] Middle School also speculated in his mind what the probability of Lin Kai winning the championship was.

Giving up the idea of ​​recruiting Lin Kai, Zhou Cheng of Daewoo Sports School naturally aimed at other sports students.

I hope that a good seed can be dug out of it, at least I can't let myself go for nothing.

Lin Xiande from the Municipal Sports Bureau struggled for another night and finally made a decision.

I still have to disassemble this blind box, life is full of choices everywhere, Lin Xiande said that he is mentally prepared to make mistakes.

Therefore, Lin Xiande said that he would definitely take action, whether it was Lin Kai or Liu Zhongjie.

Lu Bin from the first path, Lin Kai from the third path, Di Yuancang from the fourth path, Chen Jinglong from the fifth path, and Wang Weihai from the sixth path.

Standing in front of the starting line, it is false not to be nervous. Of course, Lin Kai knew that the reason for his nervousness was never because of fear, but because he enjoyed the atmosphere.

Everyone has a chance to win the championship, and Lin Kai is not completely sure that he will win the championship, but Lin Kai will try his best to expand his chances of winning the championship.

Squatting on the starting block, everyone here is not the best.

So no one is necessarily stronger than anyone else. Before the competition, everything is unknown!
Put your hands on the track and field, and feel the touch from the track and field with your fingertips.

My heart calmed down unconsciously, and all trivial thoughts were thrown away.

"Everyone take your place!"



Instantly exerting force, Lin Kai's mature starting and connecting acceleration skills, coupled with his own reaction, can't be said to be the best in the field, but it can be regarded as an advantage.

In the audience stands, Li Wei yelled vigorously. After Lu Wen had his first experience, he was separated from Li Wei by a certain distance.

So it will no longer be watched by others.

At a distance of 30 meters, Lin Kai can always be ahead of other players, obviously this is the advantage shown by mature technical movements.

Even Di Yuancang, who was confident enough in the first half of the game, couldn't compare.

Looking up, Di Yuancang felt a little unbelievable that he was not the one running first.

It was a figure that he had never seen before.

But it doesn't matter, the first 30 meters can't represent 100 meters, Di Yuancang believes that he will surpass Lin Kai soon.

From the perspective of Lu Wen in the audience, his younger brother Lu Bin withstood the pressure.

Although he didn't win first place, he at least tied for second place.

Tied for second with Di Yuancang, the first is undoubtedly Lin Kai himself.

The third is Wang Weihai, but of course Wang Weihai only focused on Lin Kai.

The inner thoughts are nothing more than surpassing Lin Kai.

After all, Wang Weihai wants to regain all the sense of superiority he lost in the 100-meter semi-final.

As for the start of the game, it means that Chen Jinglong, who is counting down, does not have any panic.

It's like this every time, with a garbage start, Chen Jinglong's main goal is to turn the tables against the wind.

Running in the first place, with no contestants as far as his eyes could see, Lin Kai knew that this was what he wanted.

(End of this chapter)

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