The king of sprinting: I am an Olympic champion

Chapter 91 There is only one light in every house

Chapter 91

In fact, when Lin Kai woke up, it was Li Wei who woke him up specially.

Otherwise, Lin Kai guessed that he could still sleep. In this kind of rickety, slightly bumpy bus, he seemed to be lying on a cradle, and fell asleep unconsciously.

The reason why Li Wei didn't fall asleep was because he was excited and couldn't wait to tell the other members of the school track and field team and the coach the news.

It's just that Li Wei's idea will eventually come to nothing.

After all, it is definitely impossible to say anything in the middle of the night. To tell the news to other players, or the coach, at most, you will have to wait until tomorrow.

what is now
Now we should go back to our respective homes, each looking for our respective mothers!
Just after getting off the bus, Lin Kai first asked Li Wei and several team members to assemble.

After all, there is no coach, so as the captain, he is naturally the temporary coach of this player.

Anyway, the other coaches must only give a few reminders at most, and they don't have the time to take care of such nosy matters.

The team members in front of him and Li Wei all stood together. Although they were not uniform, they could still stand in a row. Lin Kai was already very satisfied.

You must know that the city sports meeting is now over. It can be said that every team member must be very exhausted physically and mentally.

Of course, Lin Kai himself is no exception. Lin Kai has never regarded himself as a saint.

"Now that the city sports meeting is over, everyone is tired, and so am I. But before we leave, I must emphasize one point, and the only point. Go home early and don't linger on the road. Can you do it?"



"Brother Lin, don't worry."

With Li Wei as his support, Lin Kai felt that he would not be physically and mentally exhausted.

Of course, there is actually another point that Lin Kai doesn't know.

After the city sports meeting, the other team members obviously respected themselves a lot, and it was obviously the respect that came from their strength.

After waving his hand to signal disbandment, he and his best friend Li Wei's family were on the way, and they walked together.

"You have to work harder and keep up with me!"

"Don't, I think so, the problem is that it's too difficult!"

Li Wei secretly groaned, catching up with Brother Lin was not as simple as just talking.

However, Lin Kai didn't take it seriously. From Lin Kai's point of view, his best friend Li Wei was good at everything, except that he didn't work hard enough.

As long as you work as hard as yourself, you may not open a huge gap with yourself.

Of course, the track and field system in my mind is a completely different matter!

When the front foot returned home, there was movement in the room on the back foot.

Obviously, his parents should have heard him open the door.

Sure enough, it was Lin Kai's mother Zhang Yu who opened the door.

Awakened by the sound of his son Lin Kai opening the door, it can only be said that Zhang Yu's own sleep is indeed relatively light.

"I'm home?"

"Yeah, I'm tired all over."

"Then why don't you hurry up and take a shower! Let me help you cook a bowl of noodles!"


Silently, his stomach seemed to be quite hungry, so Lin Kai did not refuse his mother's decision to cook a bowl of noodles.

As for why he didn't say thank you, Lin Kai thought that saying thank you to his mother was a bit too extravagant.

After taking a hot shower in the bathroom and wiping his body, Lin Kai felt that this hot shower had washed away most of his fatigue.

From the half-open door of the room, Lin Kai also saw his father sleeping soundly, and he could still hear a faint snore.

Obviously, he has been very tired recently. Of course, Lin Kai knew the reason why he was so tired. It was because his father was thinking about whether he could climb up.

In fact, Lin Kai thinks this probability is really high, after all, his father's qualifications are here.

Noodles and chopsticks, steaming noodles, eggs and vegetables were already placed on the dining table.

In an instant, Lin Kai felt the warmth of home.

Home is a safe haven for adults!
"Mom, this bowl of noodles must be delicious!"

"You haven't eaten yet, how do you know if it's good or not, why don't you eat it quickly, and go to bed after eating!"

Zhang Yu still found his son's talkativeness quite useful, but he couldn't help but nag.

Maybe this is an ordinary old mother.

After slurping noodles, Lin Kai was really hungry.

Eating a bowl of hot noodles is the happiest thing right now.


My mother didn't ask about my results in the city sports meeting.

Of course, Lin Kai did forget to mention it yesterday.

Who knows that Lin Kai has indeed passed the age of showing off his achievements.

Moreover, the honor of this city's sports meeting is indeed nothing in Lin Kai's opinion.

Still have to go to school, this may be the most troublesome thing for Lin Kai at present.

After all, Lin Kai knew that it was difficult for him to calm down and study hard.

Unfortunately, Lin Kai is now a high school student, so Lin Kai still carries his "old comrades" on his back and walks to school.

When he first arrived in the classroom, the bell rang just in time. Lin Kai felt that this was his limit.

Fortunately, there is no morning training now, otherwise Lin Kai felt that he would seriously lack of sleep.

Sitting down in his seat, Lin Kai found that many classmates were looking at him.

Li Wei, who had been sitting in the classroom for a long time, Lin Kai probably knew what was going on.

I guess Li Wei should have leaked his performance at the city sports meeting.

As for whether this leakage was intentional or accidental, it remains to be seen.

Anyway, in Li Wei's view, Lin Ge won the championship and his children were equally proud.

Don't let the cultural students in the class know how powerful Lin Ge is.

Otherwise, how can these cultural students take a good look at it, why are they always prejudiced against sports students.

Although sports students are not as good as cultural students in terms of culture, their conduct is not bad at all.

Obviously, winning the 100-meter and 200-meter championships in the city sports meeting will have a great impact on these cultural students.

After all, it involves the city sports meeting, and it is definitely not a simple game.

And Chen Yiling, who is a class flower, couldn't help but look at Lin Kai with admiration.

It's just that Lin Kai didn't pay attention to it!
Of course, Lin Kai didn't pay attention to this at all, he looked at him too much, and Chen Yiling was not the only class flower.

If there are too many lice, they won't be itchy. Anyway, Lin Kai looks at him too much, so Lin Kai doesn't take it seriously.

Furthermore, Lin Kai believed that class beauty Chen Yiling's appearance was average to above average at best, far from being enough for him to pay special attention to her.

Lin Kai could only say that he had no interest in choosing a taller person among short people.

Classes were boring, and it seemed to Lin Kai that it was.

This strengthened Lin Kai's inner thoughts. As a sophomore in high school, it might be a relief to take the high-level athlete test early.

Time is precious, and high school life is certainly worth cherishing, but Lin Kai needs to spend more time devoting himself to the track and field that he loves.

Which one is more important, Lin Kai, who has lived in two lifetimes, can see it more clearly than anyone else.

 Here, I wish all readers a happy May Day holiday in advance!!!
(End of this chapter)

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