Chapter 92 Open a window
I have to speed up my progress in the near future. Time waits for me. Lin Kai believes that his time is extremely precious.

You must improve your strength as soon as possible. In addition to your own hard training, you also have the help of the track and field system in your mind.

Both are indispensable!
It can be said that Lin Kai has already tasted the sweetness of the track and field system, and he is naturally fascinated by the quality points of the track and field system.

It was supposed to belong to Lin Kai's big class, but he was called out of the classroom by his uncle Zhang Ru.

The nephew in front of him, Zhang Ru inexplicably felt particularly pleasing to the eye. You must know that he had just learned the good news from coach Ye Jianhui.

Unexpectedly, my nephew, who can't learn culture, is so talented in sports.

In fact, when Lin Kai won the county sports championship, Zhang Ru, as his uncle, thought he had made the right choice.

And now that Lin Kai actually won the championship in the city sports meeting, it further proved that Zhang Ru's choice was correct.

"Okay, you brat, you're the champion of the city sports meeting. I know it all, but you're going to give your uncle and me a hard time this time!"

"Isn't God closing a door while opening a window for me?"

"Okay, I've become more literate in my speech lately."

As for his uncle, Lin Kai didn't feel any pressure at all and could just say whatever he wanted.

"That's necessary. Isn't this just following in uncle's footsteps?"

This also let Zhang Ru know that the young man in front of him seemed to have gained confidence and became a lot less talkative.

Maybe this is about losing my self-confidence in culture and finding it back in sports!
This news obviously spread quickly, from the students in the same class who knew the news, to the students in the next class who also knew the news.

Even the teacher in charge of the class knew it in the end, and the players and coaches must have known it a long time ago.

For a while, Lin Kai became famous in the school.

Who allowed Lin Kai to win two gold medals in the Municipal Games!
For this reason, the school leaders of Yundu No. [-] Middle School also thought that Lin Kai should be specially commended.

The last time Lin Kai won the championship of the county sports meeting, he was never properly commended, and it was only a verbal commendation.

Naturally, a commendation meeting must be held this time to commend student Lin Kai's performance at the city sports meeting.

After all, the leaders of Yundu No. [-] Middle School and other schools all recognized the honor of this city sports meeting champion.

Even coach Ye Jianhui followed suit.

The previous proposal was also speeding up, so Ye Jianhui knew it was a good thing.

Furthermore, it is undeniable that Lin Kai can indeed be called his lucky star to a certain extent.

When it was time for training in the afternoon, Lin Kai did not expect that after the warm-up, Ye Jianhui signaled to regroup.

"Before the training, I have to say one thing first, that is, I have to praise the performance of the few players who went to participate in the city sports meeting. They represent the face of our entire track and field, and they are also the face of Yundu No. [-] Middle School." , we applaud them!”

After finishing speaking, Ye Jianhui took the lead in applauding, leading all the team members to applaud.

It is undeniable that this kind of gathering is not available to everyone and is indeed rare.

But after receiving the honor, everyone has a sense of collective honor.

"I also want to give special praise to your captain Lin Kai, who won the 100-meter champion and the 200-meter champion in the city sports meeting, so I hope that everyone can learn from him and catch up with him..."

"Okay, coach is right."

Li Wei, who was shouting at the top of his lungs, seemed particularly abrupt.

Even the other players agreed with what coach Ye Jianhui said.


There are only four months in a semester, and time is really precious when you think about it.

You may have more time left for other team members, but you really don’t have much time left for yourself!
After all, Lin Kai knew what he wanted to do, what he needed to do, and what he should do in the second semester of his sophomore year.

Perhaps the meaning of rebirth is that everything Lin Kai is working hard now has a goal.

There is no confusion that teenagers at this age should have.

Adding points to the track and field system once a week has indeed brought some help to Lin Kai.

But as far as the current help is concerned, it is more possible for Lin Kai to see his own progress through the detailed data of the track and field system at all times.

This also made Lin Kai never feel confused on the way forward.

The young man has a road in all directions, he strides forward without confusion!
Life is always boring, without the company of beautiful women, and never having wealth and status that do not match their status.

What's more, Lin Kai's efforts on the track and field are dripping with sweat on the cinder playground.

The most anticipated thing is that the school can speed up the construction of the plastic track.

After all, he only started working after graduating in his previous life, and in this life, starting work ahead of schedule, Lin Kai thinks that it can be regarded as a glimmer of hope for himself.

In Gu Bo's calm life, there is just the slightest surprise.

On Friday, Lin Kai was informed by his uncle to write a speech in advance. The commendation meeting on Monday will focus on your speech for winning the city sports meeting.

Lin Kai’s comment on this is: If you can speak without writing like me, then I think this matter is really Thai pants!!!
Lin Kai really didn't think it was necessary to talk about the speech.

In addition, Lin Kai felt that the big scenes he had experienced had disappeared!
As for speaking on stage at a commendation conference, I couldn't beat myself at all.


"Ahem, look, it's that person again, running in school on the weekend."

Following Huang Susu's pointing, Xu Meishu looked at the figure on the playground.

It has been a long time since I saw this figure again, it is so strange and familiar.

But this time, neither Huang Susu nor Xu Meishu thought that the other party was mentally ill.

After all, he knew that Lin Kai was clearly a student a year behind him, and he was also a member of the school's track and field field.

So it is also understandable that Lin Kai ran on the playground on the weekend.

It's just this effort that looks so dazzling in the sun.

The boy was sweating profusely on the playground, and the girl stood in the high corridor, looking at the boy's hard work from a distance.

"Recently, I heard that a junior from our class won the city sports meeting. I never thought that a junior from our class would be so good."

The entire campus is a small society, and even big things can reach everyone's ears.

"It's really good. We don't have such a good sportsman this year."

Xu Meishu agreed with this, but her beautiful eyes always stayed on the playground.

Unaware that he was being stared at, Lin Kai only felt that the weather was getting cooler.

The day of winter practice is coming soon, and until then, it will be a big challenge for individuals.

(End of this chapter)

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