Chapter 94 Announcement
The captain’s face must be given!
The position of the captain must be praised!
Of course, the most important thing is that Lin Kai's speeches are indeed powerful enough.

Even the students who didn't know Lin Kai were enthused by this chicken soup.

The young man's face showed excitement and excitement.

And the leaders of the school did not expect that the student's speech would have such an effect.

It was indeed unexpected. His eyes were full of admiration for this student Lin Kai, and the school leaders were also whispering among themselves.

Those who could speak at the commendation meeting were either the first in grade, or the top students who performed well in the cultural league.

The reason why Lin Kai can speak is simply because of the title of the city sports meeting and the hard work of coach Ye Jianhui.

In fact, the school leaders are still somewhat biased against Lin Kai.

It is believed that sports students can be slightly deficient in some respects compared with cultural students.

And Lin Kai's performance undoubtedly broke this concept!
Walking down the stands, the applause was still overwhelming, which proved that Lin Kai's speech just now was quite outstanding.

All the teammates on the playground were still booing, as if the situation was getting out of hand.

Fortunately, the teacher played a role in maintaining order at the scene.

The commendation meeting is still going on, but after Lin Kai took the stage to speak, it is almost over!
After all, Lin Kai's speech would not be ranked in front of the school leaders!
Lin Kai returned to the team, Li Wei had time to ask questions, but was suppressed by the head teacher with a look!
Obviously Lin Kai's uncle Zhang Ru, as the class teacher, still has considerable authority in the class.

At the end of the commendation meeting, each class left in an orderly manner under the leadership of the head teacher.

Classes are lined up in long lines, like a long dragon, winding and winding, and finally reaching the class.

As a representative of sports students, Lin Kai took the stage to speak at the commendation meeting, but his speech was so outstanding that he overwhelmed all the cultural students.

These Lin Kai's teammates only felt that their faces were radiant, and Lin Kai's majesty was unprecedentedly high for a while.

After digesting the news that his team member Lin Kai won the city sports meeting championship, he was envied by many teachers.

It's only been a long time since I joined the job, and I've already made achievements.

One after another, it was the arrangement of the school leaders, and Ye Jianhui had new things.

That was the school sports meeting. Ye Jianhui touched his chin when holding the school sports meeting. The school leaders really believed in him.

But I have to say, this thing is really one crop after another!
He couldn't stop at all, Ye Jianhui thought that he was so busy that his head was getting big, and fortunately he had a healthy body and the enthusiasm of young people.

Otherwise, I really can’t stand it one after another!

By winning the 100-meter championship and the 200-meter championship in the Municipal Games, Lin Kai also temporarily became the number one high school student in Zhangzhou City.

Of course, Lin Kai is not interested. This name is really tasteless. It is a good meal but tasteless. It is a pity to abandon it!
If he was the number one high school student in basketball, Lin Kai felt that he had the ability to cash in.

Improving your strength is always your top priority.

After training, coach Ye Jianhui specially gathered to announce the matter.

Like Lin Kai, the other teammates were curious about what happened again!
Maybe something is about to happen!
"I announce two things!"

"The first thing is that the school has specially opened a post-training meal for you students who train on the school's track and field field. You can enjoy the post-training meal."

"Oh oh oh~"

"what's the situation?"

"Really, it's so good!"

"Fuck, the school has discovered its conscience!"

Ye Jianhui glared at Li Wei specifically, and told Li Wei to shut up instantly!
What is conscience discovery?
Obviously, it is my own efforts to strive for it again and again!!!
This is partly his own credit, of course Ye Jianhui doesn't need to say it out, as long as the performance of the players can improve, Ye Jianhui thinks it's all worth it.

Everyone doing this to the school undoubtedly thinks that the sun rises from the west, and even doubts the authenticity of this matter.

However, from what coach Ye Jianhui said, all the teammates felt that it should be impossible to fake.

"The second thing is the school sports meeting in November. The school also hopes that the school sports meeting can be completed before winter, so if you want to show your talents in the school sports meeting, you must work hard during this time! "

To put it bluntly, Ye Jianhui also intends to stimulate the passion and motivation of the players for training.

When coach Ye Jianhui said this, his teammates all looked at Lin Kai.

If you want to show off your skills in the school sports meeting, how could Brother Lin be missing here!
Unknowingly, Lin Kai's strength has been recognized by his teammates as the strongest existence.

In the absence of coach Ye Jianhui, Lin Kai is also the backbone.

After the announcement, Ye Jianhui announced his disbandment!
Lin Kai was curious about how the school's post-practice meal was.

You must know that if you want to improve your performance quickly, dietary supplements are indispensable.

Recently, Lin Kai's own appetite has greatly increased, which is obviously very difficult for his mother.

However, Lin Kai's achievements are obvious here, and my mother naturally agrees with both hands and feet.

When he came to the canteen, Lin Kai felt fortunate that he didn't have high expectations. When he saw the food, he didn't feel disappointed at all.

After all, it is free, and the food is tofu and rice, and of course vegetables.

As for the meat, probably more or less a dream!

Although the progress of strength improvement has slowed down a bit, it does not affect Lin Kai's strength improvement in the slightest.

After training hard, the speed of improvement was slower than before. For this reason, Lin Kai also discovered the effect of quality points in the track and field system.

Always use a little quality point a week, which means that the improvement of strength can be said to be very stable.

A stable way to improve strength is exactly what Lin Kai needs right now.

As the school sports day approaches, Lin Kai remains calm and calm.

As if all this had nothing to do with him, his teammates around him were all talking about it.

It's just whether Lin Kai's school sports meeting can bring him quality points.

Regardless of whether or not, Lin Kai chose to give it a try.

You may not have it if you try it, but you won’t have it if you don’t try it!
Lin Kai obviously understands this truth, so naturally he wouldn't be stupid.

Perhaps the school sports meeting is one of the few major events in the school, and it is inevitable to arouse students' interest.

There are more and more students around me talking about the school sports meeting, and the topic of discussion is that the school sports meeting does not require classes.

It is equivalent to an indirect vacation, and the most important thing is that all grades in the whole school are involved, and senior high school seniors who are preparing for the exam are no exception.

(End of this chapter)

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