Chapter 95 School Games
This may involve the conscience discovery of school leaders.

I finally understand that a person is like a spring, and proper relaxation is good for the spring to bounce higher.

However, it is true that a large number of seniors, those who participated in the last county sports meeting, are dubious about Lin Kai's strength.

Without seeing it with your own eyes, even if you have honor, it is not enough to convince people.

It may be that the concept of the seniors has not changed yet.

I always think that the sports in Yundu No. [-] Middle School are poor.

This happened to be an opportunity to explore the true and false strength of Lin Kai!
Participating in the school sports meeting is a rare opportunity to express oneself, and the seniors will naturally not miss it.

The enthusiasm for signing up for the project is unprecedentedly high.

This made Xu Meishu puzzled!
What is the reason?
On weekdays, boys in my own class don’t necessarily participate in activities so actively?
Even in the school sports meeting in the second year of high school, there was no such enthusiasm?
There must be a reason for abnormal things, and if I don't know it, it doesn't mean that my good friend Huang Susu doesn't know it.

Throwing the question to Huang Susu, Xu Meishu has always felt that it is the most correct choice at present!
"Susu, why are the boys in the class so proactive about this school sports meeting?"

"You don't know this!"

Putting her mouth next to Xu Meishu's ear, she told Xu Meishu the gossip she knew.

"The boys in the class, including the boys in the third year of high school, want to test the strength of the second year student Lin Kai!"

"Everything is boring! Isn't it obvious?"

Xu Meishu felt that this was extremely boring, and banners were hung at the school gate, it was impossible to fake it.

Speaking of which, the boys in my class tend to have naive ideas.

It's just that Xu Meishu thinks so unilaterally, so naturally she won't say it out loud.

After all, Xu Meishu could feel that her good friend Huang Susu was obviously quite interested in her.

It seems that there is a feeling that the matter is not too big, and it is specially to join in the fun!
In fact, you can be more confident, get rid of the seeming, and directly change it to what is.


This incident reached Lin Kai's ears, and Lin Kai himself couldn't laugh or cry.

Certain things are just so outrageous sometimes!
Even though his strength is clearly displayed here, some people still don't believe it.

The nameless fire burned to himself inexplicably.

Regarding this, Lin Kai just wanted to say: "If you want to see my strength, I don't care about your status as a senior, I want you to lose face!"

Respect the old and love the young. There is no such thing as respecting the old and loving the young in track and field. Everything must be based on strength!
Doubting Brother Lin's strength, of course Li Wei was angry about it!
Intentionally or unintentionally, I chose to provoke these senior high school students with my words.

Even though they had participated in the last county sports meeting, Li Wei was not afraid of it at all.

The teammates of the Canadian school track and field team are exceptionally united and share the same hatred!
For a while, the sophomore junior directly overwhelmed the senior senior in terms of arrogance.

It's obviously a small thing, but it's like a chess game in the ring.

Lin Kai can only say that young people value face more than anyone else.

For a time, the school sports meeting was no longer a pure school sports meeting, but a sports coach between the second and third grades of high school.

The first grader naturally wanted to get involved, but he was not strong enough, so he could only become a spectator.

"Brother Lin, please don't give these high school students face this time. They dare to doubt your strength. You clearly look down on us!"

When Li Wei said this, he was still a little angry.

Undoubtedly, he felt that when he doubted Lin Kai, he was doubting himself, and he was also doubting the entire school track and field.

After all, as a group, the cohesion of the school track and field team is undoubtedly unprecedentedly high.

"Okay, okay, don't worry, you go forward and I'll take the back."

In Lin Kai's opinion, it was true that the senior high school students participated in the last county sports meeting, but since then they have been busy preparing for the college entrance examination.

I'm afraid that in terms of strength, it would be difficult to outrun Li Wei, his best friend.

It's not that Lin Kai was deliberately belittling, he was just discussing the matter as it happened.

So I didn't pay attention to it at all.

Furthermore, this is not actually provocation. At most, it is questioning one's own strength.

But the temper of young people is just looking for it at one point.

As long as it doesn't end up in a group fight, it's all within understandable scope.

Being able to solve it through the school sports meeting will indeed help improve the enthusiasm of teammates.


Ye Jianhui was so busy that he had no idea what was going on.

It's just that as a freshman, I just became a teacher and led the school's track and field team to train, and now it's the school's sports meeting.

It's purely to catch ducks on the shelves, and he has no experience in everything, so Ye Jianhui is naturally too busy.

It is by no means an easy task to organize the seemingly simple school sports meeting.

The arrangement of the schedule and the list of all registered players are very time-consuming and laborious.

The only thing I don't need to worry too much is the organization and maintenance of order on the spot. After all, I have several other physical education teachers from the school to assist me.

Ye Jianhui felt that this was also a challenge!
The school sports meeting, under the discussion of the students, can be regarded as the day before the school sports meeting.

But it is true that some people are anxious to wait.

Of course, Lin Kai was not among them, so there was nothing to worry about. If it really happened, Lin Kai would dare to say a harsh word.

"There is not one that can be hit, I want to hit ten!"

In the last period of evening self-study, Lin Kai was bored in the classroom, and the head teacher came in to announce something.

"Tomorrow is the school sports meeting. The school sports meeting will be held for three days. We will not teach for these three days!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the classroom instantly turned into a lively vegetable market!
Frowning, Zhang Ru slapped the podium hard, trying to calm the students down.

"It's still time for evening self-study. If the quarrel continues, we will postpone school by 10 minutes!"

This is more effective than anything else, instantly quieting the classroom.

"When you arrive at school tomorrow, you must be in the classroom before 07:30 in the morning. We will participate in the sports meeting on the playground in a collective organization. Do you understand?"

"I understand!"


"Absolutely get to school on time."

The sports students in the back row looked excited, including Li Wei.

Maybe sports students like to make trouble on weekdays and get bad grades, but school sports games are definitely the time when the class teacher likes them the most.

Just because of the school sports meeting, it's time for the sports students in the back row to show off their skills!
There are several sports students in the class, and they all have to win honors for the class at the school sports meeting.

Lin Kai was no exception. He filled in 100 meters and 200 meters in the registration items for the school sports meeting.

(End of this chapter)

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