The king of sprinting: I am an Olympic champion

Chapter 97 The junior fellow student is Lin Kai

Chapter 97 The junior fellow student is Lin Kai
He leaned close to his ear and said this to himself.

Xu Meishu didn't know where Huang Susu heard the truth.

Seriously suspect that this reasoning is obviously nonsense, but Xu Meishu has no evidence.

Even if she really fell in love before the college entrance examination, Xu Meishu felt that this person might be her friend Huang Susu, but it could never be her.

It is really important for her to get into college, and Xu Meishu knows it.

My family background is mediocre and there is no room for error, but my friend Huang Susu is different. Huang Susu's family background is good, so getting into college may not be important to her.

"I just want to get into a good university and don't think about anything else!"

"Okay then, I won't drag you into the water!"

The two of them walked and talked, but also witnessed several games in progress.

The school sports meeting is purely to watch the excitement, for the collective sense of honor.

On the contrary, Huang Susu and Xu Meishu seemed to be going shopping.

In the last school sports meeting that stayed in the school, whether it was Huang Susu or Xu Meishu, as senior seniors, they felt a little bit emotional in their hearts.

Stopping and walking, originally planned to find a shady place to sit.

But Xu Meishu saw a particularly familiar figure from behind.

Deja vu, as if seen somewhere!
An idea flashed in her head, and Xu Meishu remembered who it was!
Isn’t that just seeing the backs of people working hard on the playground in the corridor?
Looking at this appearance, it seems that she is warming up and preparing for the competition. Xu Meishu couldn't help being a little more curious.

If you work so hard, your strength will definitely not be bad.

"What are you looking at?"

There is an extra hand dangling in front of his eyes, and the figure of his friend is next to his ear.

"I saw that junior who worked hard on the playground!"

"Where is it? Where is it? Oh~, I saw it! Really!"

When he saw this figure, Huang Susu naturally recognized it at a glance.

After all, he has seen Lin Kai's back more than once, and of course he is very familiar with this back.

"Looking at the back, he looks quite handsome. Do you think he is the killer from the back?"

"It shouldn't be that bad. Besides, your body, hair and skin are all taken care of by your parents."

Curling her lips, Huang Susu felt that her best friend was too serious sometimes, and because of his personality, he seemed to keep strangers away from him.

Otherwise, there will be more suitors than himself. Anyway, Huang Susu feels that she looks a little ordinary in front of her good friend Xu Meishu.


He didn't know that there were two girls watching him, no, more than two to be precise.

After all, Lin Kai's popularity is definitely not limited to this.

The banner hanging on the school entrance has not been taken off yet.

He was participating in the game by himself and cheering for his teammates. Li Wei couldn't notice the loss of physical strength for a short period of time, but he was still in a state of excitement.

Fully warmed up and paddling in competition, this is a perfect word to describe the current Lin Kai.

Lin Kai is confident about this and believes that people should use their physical strength reasonably.

Of course, in the finals, I can break the school sports record for fun.

You must know that Lin Kai felt that he had to go to his alma mater and leave traces of his visit.

It's not just a school sports meeting, but also a secret rivalry between the sophomores and the seniors.

Therefore, as the fifth protagonist Lin Kai, he is naturally noticed by many senior high school seniors.

As for Lin Kai's personal strength, of course he is also particularly curious.

In the 200-meter preliminaries, if Lin Kai hadn't been worried that he had damaged the students' self-confidence, he might have shouted "I'm going to hit ten!"

According to the order of the number of groups in the 200-meter preliminaries, it was Lin Kai's turn to stand on the starting line of the cinder track with the other six unlucky ones.

The reason why there are six unlucky people is because the stone looks dull in front of the pearl.

They are really a nervous group, these six students.

Unexpectedly, I was so unlucky that I met the protagonist of the school sports meeting - Lin Kai.

Lin Kai himself is indeed the protagonist of the school sports meeting. Whoever makes everyone think of Lin Kai when they think of sports now.

Anyway, in sports, Lin Kai has caught the attention of the students of Yundu No. [-] Middle School.

You may not have seen Lin Kai’s appearance, but you definitely know Lin Kai’s name.

Standing on the cinder track, Lin Kai admitted that he had never been nervous.

The subtext was the opponent present, and Lin Kai didn't pay attention to it at all.

In the crowd, Xu Meishu and Huang Susu held hands, expecting Lin Kai's performance.

"Why do I keep hearing them mention Lin Kai's name!"

"Yes, is this Lin Kai's group?"

"It should be, then this student must be abused, Lin Kai is the champion of the city sports meeting."

"Yes, then I pray that my junior will not be abused so badly!"


"Everyone take your place!"



The starting gun sounded, and the referee started the stopwatch. It was the most primitive way of timing, all because there was no electronic timing equipment.

A momentary effort, just a start, created a gap.

Mature technical movements, Lin Kai's movements have an indescribable professionalism.

Coupled with the instant lead, Xu Meishu and Huang Susu were surprised.

Is your junior so strong? How come you reached the first place in the blink of an eye?
By the way, where is the city sports meeting champion Lin Kai?
It won't be crushed by the juniors!
Shaking her head, Xu Meishu put this idea aside. It was unreasonable to think about it!
"Fuck, Lin Kai is running too fast!"

"Yes, it's too fast, no wonder he is the champion of the city sports meeting."

"Some seniors in the third year still doubt Lin Kai's strength, so there is no need to doubt it at all."

The discussion of the boys next to her instantly made Xu Meishu realize that the junior who ran first could not be the recently famous Lin Kai!
It seems that this is the only possibility left.

"It seems that the junior is Lin Kai!"

"I found it too!"

Xu Meishu and Huang Susu looked at each other, both feeling that they were a little funny, but they hadn't thought of it before.

He was even worried about whether the junior would be crushed.

Isn't this a proper nonsense!
It's obviously impossible. After all, the junior is Lin Kai, and Lin Kai is the junior.

In the confusion of Xu Meishu and Huang Susu, the race passed 50 meters in an instant.

Even the students who were watching were in tears when they saw this huge advantage!
Who would have thought that at only 50 meters, the advantage could be so huge.

You know, this is a curve!
Curves mean that it is difficult to see the advantage due to the difference in the number of curves.

However, Lin Kai let Lin Kai widen the distance and create an advantage.

It's enough to show how terrifying Lin Kai's strength is.

Compared with those sports students, Lin Kai could distinguish them, let alone these students.

(End of this chapter)

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