Chapter 98 Chapter 98 Hello

If there was not such a big gap at 50 meters in the curve, Lin Kai would think that this was his own problem, not his opponent's problem.

Halfway through the corner and the race continues.

The gap was still widening. As Lin Kai was running, he knew very well that he undoubtedly had a crushing advantage over his opponent.

Even if this is a curve, it will not help, and it will not affect my own advantage.

Running fast, the advantage is getting bigger and bigger, and the 100-meter curve is only Lin Kai's home field!
Six unlucky people, plus one Lin Kai, anyone with a discerning eye knows that the ending has been decided.

These students were not only surprised, but also shocked.

There are no more irrelevant emotions left to arise.

Of course, most of the senior high school seniors witnessed it with their own eyes.

How can there be any doubts about Lin Kai's strength?
I really didn't dare to have a trace of it, and I was stunned by Lin Kai's strength!
I can only place a sliver of hope, maybe there is still a chance to defeat Lin Kai!
In vain, I was worried about a wave of juniors. It turns out that the junior who usually secretly trains hard on weekends is Lin Kai, who everyone has heard of for a long time.

Huang Susu had already decided in her heart that she would definitely get to know this junior Lin Kai later.

Otherwise, I would have worried in vain.

On the contrary, Xu Meishu's curiosity was satisfied.

Lin Kai, who has been in the limelight recently, and fellow student Ji Di, two different people, are now connected together and become one person.

There is a reason for Lin Kai to achieve such results.

Work hard where others can't see, and naturally achieve achievements that others envy.

Entering the straight, the outcome of the 200-meter preliminaries has been informed to the students present in advance.

There is no suspense, which is enough to show Lin Kai's strength.

It was a meaningless game, and Lin Kai had no interest in it.

To know that the opponent's strength is not enough to pose a threat to oneself, naturally, it will not have the fighting spirit that the competition should have.

So Lin Kai plans to release the water. As for how many meters, it is not determined by the opponent, but by Lin Kai.

Then Lin Kai set a water release distance of 50 meters for himself.

It sounds a little unreasonable to start releasing water in the last 50 meters, but comparing professionalism and unprofessionalism, everything becomes reasonable.

Without his best friend Li Wei shouting "Come on," Lin Kai felt that this made the atmosphere of the game less interesting.

Of course, Lin Kai never mentioned that it would be the only time he could hear Li Wei cheering during the game.

After all, in other games, Lin Kai was [-]% devoted to the game.

After participating in the county sports meeting and the city sports meeting, now I am back to participate in the school sports meeting, and there is nothing wrong with the proper dimensionality reduction attack!
As he started to let loose, Lin Kai's relaxed expression was in stark contrast to the pained expressions on his other opponents' faces.

This thought came to the minds of the students who were watching.

Is the gap between majors and non-majors so big?
Or is the gap between myself and Lin Kai so big?
There is a big question mark in my mind, but no one has answered this question mark.


In a competition without pressure, Lin Kai felt increasingly unsure about whether he could gain quality points by winning the school sports meet.

After all, after defeating the BOSS, it would be strange to have an explosion rate when fighting these mobs. The explosion rate is pitifully low, which is better than nothing.

Lin Kai had just finished running the 200-meter preliminaries, with his hands on his hips, his face not red, and his heart not beating, as if nothing was wrong.

Running the 200-meter race is not about being like a normal person, it’s just about running like a normal person with these opponents.

As he was about to leave, he turned around and moved his feet, almost bumping into someone.

Taking a closer look, the girl who was almost bumped by me seemed a little familiar.

Of course, Lin Kai didn't mention it at all. It was because of the combination of the two girls in front of him, who were beautiful iceberg beauties and a cute little girl.

Almost being bumped into by Lin Kai, Xu Meishu also felt a little flustered in her heart, but the expression on her face was still that of not approaching strangers.

And Lin Kai also relied on his first impression to label Xu Meishu an "iceberg beauty".

"Hello, my name is Huang Susu, and the person next to me is my good friend, Xu Meishu."

In Lin Kai's opinion, after drinking too much cute flavonoids, his little hands are like the claws of a little monster to say hello.

"My name is Lin Kai, and my name is not as nice as the two of you!"

"Haha, but we have both heard your name a long time ago!"

"Then I think it's my honor to have these two beauties remember my name."

Huang Susu and Xu Meishu in front of them are beauties, but Lin Kai is not a handsome guy. He is not like other teenagers who would be stage fright and speechless when facing beautiful women.

"You said we two are beauties? You are the first boy to praise us in front of us!"

Huang Susu's cheeks were slightly flushed in front of her eyes, and she was obviously a little shy by Lin Kai's bold appreciation.

Only then did Lin Kai realize that the present was not as good as the future generations. It was normal for the latter generations to praise beautiful women, but now there was no such openness as the latter generations.

But Lin Kai had his own way to break the situation.

"I'm not boasting, I'm just seeking truth from facts, and I accidentally became the first person."

At the same time, Lin Kai was quite curious. Did Xu Meishu not say a word?
Could this be the iceberg beauty that strangers should not approach?
Anyway, Lin Kai is an iceberg beauty who has never been in contact with strangers in his previous life, so he doesn't know the specific situation.

Shyness is a given. Xu Meishu is shy at heart, but she doesn't blush at all. In front of strangers, she has long been accustomed to acting like she doesn't want to approach strangers.

Even just a few words from Lin Kai make people feel that Lin Kai is different from others and speaks interestingly.

But in Xu Meishu's eyes, the fact that Lin Kai was a stranger could never be changed.

"Then you are saying that you are an honest person!"

Huang Susu was even more interested in Lin Kai. Lin Kai's behavior was completely different from other boys.

In the interesting words, he was not nervous at all, but he could feel that Lin Kai was very relaxed.

"Yes and no!"

The answer is ambiguous. Regarding Huang Susu, I have to say that she may be a little worse than Xu Meishu, but she has a cheerful personality and cute appearance, which makes people protective, which is indeed a lot of bonus points.

"Brother Lin, Brother Lin..."

Before he could learn more, he heard his teammates calling him a name.

Lin Kai is not someone who can't walk when he sees a beautiful woman. Of course, He Huang Susu and Xu Meishu signaled that he has something to do.

"I have something to do here, don't talk too much!"

Trotting up to his teammates, Lin Kai asked them why they called him.

Listening to his teammates' narration, Lin Kai gradually frowned.

It's not a troublesome thing, but it can't be easy. As the captain, I naturally need to solve it.

(End of this chapter)

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