Chapter 99
You have to say that if there are conflicts, disputes, or dissatisfactions, they should be resolved during the game. Lin Kai thinks that's okay!
But to solve this kind of personal problem outside the game, Lin Kai felt that it was his fault!
Especially as a senior in high school, Lin Kai felt that he could not condone this kind of description.

The wicked have their own trials, and Lin Kai knew that he had to be the wicked this time.

Especially the one who was injured turned out to be his best friend Li Wei. Not to mention the senior high school student, even the teacher, Lin Kai would have to fight hard.

It has nothing to do with reason, Lin Kai just hopes that the other party can clearly realize his mistake in this matter.


Watching Lin Kai leave, Huang Susu found herself becoming more interested in Lin Kai.

I originally thought that Lin Kai was a champion of the Lijiang City Games. At most, I was a little curious about Lin Kai.

It can't change the fact that the other party is a junior.

No different from other students!
But now curiosity turned into interest. Huang Susu found that Lin Kai was not at all different from other students. Even among his peers, there were few boys as interesting as Lin Kai.

Moreover, in Lin Kai's body, Huang Susu could also feel the indescribable temperament of Yizhong from the other party's body.

"Xiaomei, why didn't you speak just now?"

"You know, I don't like talking in front of strangers."

It's true that she doesn't want to talk, it's not that Xu Meishu hates the other party, she has such a personality.

If you want to change this personality, it is definitely not an easy task, and Xu Meishu has never planned to change her personality.

"Oh, yes, do you think this junior Lin Kai is very interesting?"

I have to say that from the short conversation just now, I don't know much about the character of the other party, but at least I know that Lin Kai is very interesting and handsome.

Rao Xu Meishu also felt that the other party definitely did not lack the pursuit of girls. Besides, Xu Meishu didn't know if it was her own illusion. In Lin Kai, she actually felt the mature temperament that only his father had.

"Hmm, it's interesting."

"But it's rare to see you agree with my opinion on a boy! It seems that Lin Kai is really interesting!"


Without any other ability, as the captain, Lin Kai can make the members of the school track and field team become extremely united.

First of all, the best friend Li Wei was sent to the infirmary for bandaging, just a simple scratch.

I tripped on purpose, but luckily it was a cinder runway.

Under the guidance of his teammates, Lin Kai directly found the person at that time.

This person has a pair of eyes, looks harmless to humans and animals, and chats with a few friends around him with a hippie smile.

In Lin Kai's view, this clearly meant that he didn't feel any guilt.

As long as there is a sense of guilt, it is impossible to deliberately trip someone, and it is not even possible to not show such behavior as helping Li Wei to the infirmary.

The entire school track and field team, a dozen or so people, stood in unison and marched in unison, giving them a somewhat dark aura.

The friends who were still chatting with the client stopped chatting.

The other students all acted as if they were watching a show, after all, they were clearly trying to make a scene.

Lin Kai stepped forward and looked directly into the eyes of the person involved. From the eyes, Lin Kai caught the illusory sense of superiority.

Lin Kai couldn't understand this, where did the other party get his sense of superiority? Could it be because the other party was a senior in high school?
Anyway, Lin Kai is not a teenager, Lin Kai is a naked old man.

Reporting to the teacher, of course, can solve the problem, but Lin Kai thinks it is too light.

What's more, if you don't relieve your anger at all, let Lin Kai choose, that is to directly adopt the simplest and rude method.

Anyway, Lin Kai can guarantee that his actions will be measured!
The person involved was just about to show off his arrogance and was about to ask Lin Kai in front of him what he was looking for.

In the next second, the person concerned felt a sharp pain in his stomach, and his fist was like an electric drill, ruthlessly drilling into his fragile stomach.

One punch, two punches, three punches!
The person involved could no longer hold on and fell to the ground, holding his stomach and wailing.

Several other friends who originally planned to unite with the client involuntarily distanced themselves from the client.

My back felt cold, and I swallowed without realizing it. My junior fellow student was so cruel, and he just punched me a few times without saying a word. Who could withstand this?

The first punch was painful, the second punch was holding on, and the third punch was really unbearable!
Cruel enough! Like a lonely wolf king, it makes people frightened!
The most important thing is that Lin Kai is not a lonely wolf king, but a wolf king with a pack of wolves.

The students onlookers were all stunned. They were so ruthless that they knocked one person down as soon as they came up.

The boy had never experienced such a scene before, he was really frightened!
"I'm here just to collect interest, and I'll tell you by the way, if you're dissatisfied, show your true skills on the field and use small tricks behind your back, and you'll be just like him!"

Pointing at the person involved who was still lying on the ground, Lin Kai acted as a warning to the monkeys.

While talking, no one dared to breathe, they were all frightened by Lin Kai!
Before the youth's passion was ignited, it was mercilessly extinguished by Lin Kai. As for the so-called group fight, it was impossible.

Without any skills, Lin Kai really didn't dare to take on this job.

Lin Kai took the members of the school track and field team away. He didn't want the matter to get too big, so he decided to resolve it quickly and give the other party an unforgettable lesson.

Seeing Lin Kai leaving with the school's track and field team members, the onlookers subconsciously breathed a sigh of relief, the sophomore year is not easy to mess with!
Especially this Lin Kai, he is a character, so ruthless!
In everyone's hearts, Lin Kai's image was unintentionally established.

From this small incident, Lin Kai felt the cohesion of the school track and field team, and everyone was quite united.

Originally, Lin Kai planned to solve this matter by himself, but the team members planned to follow.

"Brother Lin, you are too handsome!"

"That's right, Brother Lin, those few punches you just made were so relieving!"

"Seeing it makes my blood boil."

The team members were all extremely excited, as if they were the ones who had just punched them.

Lin Kai didn't know whether to laugh or cry, he beat someone and was evaluated as handsome, Lin Kai only felt that the boy's thinking was different from that of an adult himself.

I have to say that there is still an age gap between myself and these teenagers.

Furthermore, the reason why I took this simple and rude method is simply to solve the problem quickly.

Another reason is that the one who was injured was his best friend Li Wei.

You ask Lin Kai if he is loyal, and Lin Kai tells you that Li Wei is his best friend.


Only half an hour after they separated from Lin Kai, Huang Susu and Xu Meishu got a piece of news.

Lin Kai, a sophomore in high school, beat up a senior in high school.

This brought an idea to the minds of Huang Susu and Xu Meishu.

(End of this chapter)

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