I have a city in another world

Chapter 1621 The reason why I can't get in!

Chapter 1621 The reason why I can't get in!

It wasn't until Tang Zhen's figure slowly dissipated that the wild cultivators came back to their senses, but at this time their faces were full of excitement, their minds were almost blank, and all the echoes were what Tang Zhen said just now.

"Those who excel in the Sky Tower Trial will receive generous rewards, and have the opportunity to obtain the status of Loucheng resident!"

Whether it is the reward of a lord or the qualifications of the residents of Loucheng, it is the dream of field repairers. In the past, there was no way to ask for it, but now the opportunity is in front of us!

If I can pass the test, wouldn't I also be able to become a resident of Loucheng, and get rid of the sad and helpless identity of Yexiu from now on!

Even if you can't become a resident of Loucheng, the reward given by a lord is destined to be extremely rich.

The Giant Tower of Tongtian really lives up to its name, it is the road to the sky for field repairers!

"Go, go break into the Tongtian Tower!"

With a loud roar, those wild cultivators who were trading in the market stood up, put down what they were doing, and went straight to the giant tower in groups.

In addition to the excited field cultivators, the outsider monks in the market were also excited, because what Tang Zhen said just now did not restrict the outsider monks from participating.

If they can also participate in the trial, can they also get rewards, and even become Loucheng monks that I admire and envy, but are elusive?
These monks from other worlds came to the Rift Plain due to various reasons. In addition to being amazed at the extremely strong energy of the world here, they are also full of shock and longing for the strength of the monks in Loucheng.

Even though they are on the same land, no matter how the cultivators from other worlds practice, they are still no match for the cultivators in Loucheng.

What's more, the monks in Loucheng are strong when they meet the strong. The image of being invincible and powerful has long been deeply rooted in the hearts of monks from other worlds.

The monks from other worlds also fantasized about becoming monks in Loucheng, but even wild cultivators who are natives rarely have the chance to become monks in Loucheng. How could they, stowaways from the "lower world", get such a precious opportunity?
But with the appearance of the giant tower reaching to the sky, and with Tang Zhen's order, the cultivators from other worlds could no longer hold back the dreams in their hearts, and even trembled with excitement.

They fought to survive on the cracked plain, and all they wanted was to stand out, and now the opportunity was right in front of them, so they couldn't miss it!

After looking at each other, the cultivators from other worlds also followed the crowd, rushing towards the indescribably huge tower reaching the sky.

At the moment when the giant tower of Tongtian appeared, countless monks on the cracked plain witnessed the scene just now, and they were also flocking to the giant tower of Tongtian from all directions.

At this moment, even enemies who are usually incompatible with each other stop fighting at the same time. After all, there are more important things right now!

All the way to the bottom of the giant tower, you can see that dense crowds have surrounded the place, and there are more than a thousand entrances around the tower, and wild repairs are constantly pouring into it.

However, only some people entered, but no one came out, obviously they were all in the process of trial.

The onlookers looked at it for a while before they realized that the sky-reaching giant tower had a floor display. Whenever someone rushed to a higher floor, the runes on the giant tower would extend upwards.

At this moment, someone has rushed to the second floor, and the runes are still spreading upwards. It is estimated that it will not take long to reach the third floor!
It's just that compared to the terrifying height of the giant tower, the achievement of reaching the third floor seems to be nothing, and there must be a distance from the reward!
"What's going on, why can't I get in?"

There was a roar in the distance, it was a monk from another world, his eyes were red, and his face was full of grief and anger.

"Why, we are all the same people, do we deserve to be discriminated against just because we come from the lower world?"

The alien cultivator roared in grief and anger, which immediately attracted the support of other alien cultivators. Their eyes were full of sadness, and the wild cultivators around them were also full of hatred!
"Since this Tang Zhen has the strength to become a lord, he should have a mind that embraces all people, but now he does such a thing, it is really disappointing and chilling!"

A white-haired old man sighed, he was one of the outsider monks who were stripped naked last time!

There were more and more monks from other worlds around, and they came here with a glimmer of hope, but when they heard that the giant tower that reaches the sky does not allow monks from other worlds to enter, they immediately showed despair.

Is it true that God does not give them a way out, so why treat them poor people who have left their homes so harshly?

Just as the wild cultivators watched coldly and the cultivators from other worlds were indignant, a young cultivator from another world couldn't hold back his curiosity and walked towards the entrance of the giant tower.

Yexiu next to him just kept sneering when he saw this, while the monk from another world wanted to dissuade him, but he opened his mouth lazily.

Just now, thousands of monks from other worlds have personally verified that it is a certainty that the giant pagoda will reject the monks from other worlds, so why bother to seek humiliation?

Under the watchful eyes of everyone around, the young cultivator from another world walked to the door, and then took another step forward.

The dark entrance engulfed his figure, and the result of the matter was beyond everyone's expectations. This situation can only explain one thing, the cultivator from another world successfully entered the giant tower of Babel!

Seeing this scene, the monks from different worlds were full of astonishment. They suspected that their eyes were blurred. Otherwise, how could monks from different worlds enter the giant tower of Tongtian?

"Who can tell me what's going on here?"

"It doesn't make sense, why can he go in but I can't?"

"Is this kid pretending to be a cultivator from another world, but he is actually a wild cultivator?"

"Don't talk nonsense, that kid is my younger brother, and he came to the upper realm with me, so how could he be wild!"

"Then tell me, why can he get in but I can't?"

The senior brother was taken aback when he heard the words, and after scratching his head, his eyes lit up, and he took out a sign from his pocket.

"That's right, that must be the reason!"

The senior brother roared excitedly, turned around and ran towards the entrance of the Tongtian Giant Tower, and he entered it easily!

Seeing this scene, the monks from other worlds were stunned.

"Who can tell me what's going on here?"

"Brother, why do you always say this, can you change it to a new one?"

"No problem, then tell me, what's going on, hurry up!"

"Don't ask me, I still want to know!"

Just as those foreign monks were scratching their heads in anxiety, several foreign monks rushed out of the crowd, also holding a small sign with the same style, and successfully entered the giant tower of Tongtian.

After seeing this detail, those monks of different races suddenly realized that it was obvious that the inconspicuous little sign was the key.

When I hurriedly asked around what this brand was, someone had already given the answer.

That is the identity card obtained by the monks from other worlds after they have registered their identities. Presumably, only after passing the registration will the Tower of Tongtian be released.

"I see, I didn't expect the identity card to have such an effect!"

Ninety-nine out of ten of the outsider monks around him don't have ID cards, and they are also extremely resistant to such things, but now they regret it!
"No, I want to register my identity, don't stop me!"

"Hey, whoever wants to stop you, I just want to register in front of you, so get the hell out of here!"

There was another sound of chickens flying and dogs jumping, and those outsider monks rushed towards the location of the market like flies smelling blood.

 Thanks: "The Lord of Xiaoyao Pavilion" for the reward, thank you book friends for your support!
(End of this chapter)

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