I have a city in another world

Chapter 1622 We are all here to apply for a certificate!

Chapter 1622 We are all here to apply for a certificate!

On the square in front of the market, the double-headed snake is directing a group of newly recruited wild repairs, preparing for a bloody cleanup operation nearby.

Although there are less than a thousand people in his hands at this time, all of them are elite soldiers and strong generals, and the monks of the Holy Dragon City will soon mobilize people to assist him in cleaning up.

At that time, with the cooperation of Yexiu from the Hethern territory and other bazaars, let's see how arrogant those outsider monks are!

The two-headed snake thought viciously.

The two-headed snake handled Tang Zhen's tasks very well, but the identity registration matter slapped him hard in the face, and even made him feel a little embarrassed.

This kind of hatred must be washed away with blood!

Just as the two-headed snake held his breath and was about to swear to his master to set off, the ground suddenly trembled violently, and then he watched in horror the process of the giant tower rising to the sky.

Immediately afterwards, Tang Zhen's energy avatar appeared, announcing the rules about the giant tower, and the sound spread almost thousands of miles away.

When he heard that he had the opportunity to become a monk in Loucheng, the cheers of the Two-Headed Snake's subordinates were one after another, and the wave of excitement could not be suppressed!

The double-headed snake was also dumbfounded. At this moment, apart from being shocked, he also felt unspeakable envy.

If he also has such ability, where can he not go in this world?

But the two-headed snake always felt that something was wrong. As for what was wrong, I still couldn't figure it out for a while.

Regardless, let's complete the task assigned by the lord first!
Thinking of this, the two-headed snake immediately stood on a high place and shouted: "You have all seen how powerful the lord is, and you also know the benefits of following the lord, so it depends on your performance next!
The more you kill, the more rewards you will get. Whether you eat dry food or drink spicy food, it all depends on your performance. Do you understand me! "


Those field cultivators were so passionate that they wished they could immediately brandish their sabers and kill the heads of the cultivators from other worlds!
The two-headed snake smiled in satisfaction, waved his hand and said, "Then give me... my mother, what's going on?"

Seeing the monks from other worlds rushing towards the market almost covering the whole land, the double-headed snake almost lay down on the ground in fright.

"Are these damned alien monks going to rebel now?"

Cold sweat broke out on his forehead, but when he thought that Tang Zhen was sitting behind him, and thousands of Loucheng monks were in charge of defense, the two-headed snake's courage burst out again.

Taking a deep breath, the double-headed snake roared: "Brothers, the opportunity is here, the wealth has already arrived, do you dare to kill me!"

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

Perhaps they also knew that Tang Zhen was right behind them. These field cultivators were full of fighting spirit, and brandishing their swords, they shot up from the same spot to the sky, and went straight to kill the cultivators from other worlds.

The double-headed snake wielded a black saber, and its eyes were also blood red. It took the lead to kill a monk from another world, and prepared to use him as a sacrificial sword.

Looking at the murderous two-headed snake, the outsider monk reflexively drew out his weapon, but he soon realized that something was wrong, and quickly threw the weapon on the ground.

"My lord, don't get me wrong, we are here to apply for ID cards!"

The two-headed snake with a murderous look on its face was stunned for a moment, raised its sword in the air, and asked in a cold voice: "Are you sure?"

"Sure, 1 sure, we are all here to apply for ID cards!"


The double-headed snake showed disbelief, and almost vomited blood, but immediately shouted: "Stop it all, stop it all!"

Those wild cultivators whose eyes were bloodshot and who were about to fight, all abruptly stopped their charge, and stood still at a loss for what to do.

The double-headed snake took a deep breath, looking at the densely packed monks from other worlds in front of him, his heart was about to blossom with joy.

If these outsider monks could register their identities, His Excellency Tang Zhen would be very satisfied with his abilities, and he would be able to avoid going to the battlefield to fight.

The two-headed snake has always cherished its own life very much, and the appearance just now was just to show off. Who knows if Tang Zhen will pay attention to this?

"Let me ask again, are you sure you are all here for identity registration?"

The outsider monks on the opposite side nodded at the same time without any hesitation.

"Okay then, line up for me and don't disturb the order of the scene, or you will be killed without mercy!"

The hanging heart finally fell to the ground, and a smile appeared on the face of the double-headed snake, but as soon as the smile appeared, it immediately froze on the face.

He turned around and grabbed a monk from another world, and asked in a dignified tone: "Tell me, what is the reason why you let you come together to apply for an identity card?"

When he saw the giant tower reaching the sky just now, the double-headed snake felt something was wrong, but he didn't think of the specific reason, but when he saw the monks from other worlds rushing over in groups, he finally realized what the problem was.
"Lord Tang Zhen built the Tongtian Tower, and monks from other worlds must have an identity card if they want to enter it!"

Hearing the explanation from the monk from another world, the double-headed snake showed such an expression, and sighed softly.

As expected, you are worthy of being a lord, and you are far-sighted in everything you do. Just build a giant tower that reaches the sky, and you can get the effect of killing three birds with one stone!

One is to let the outsider monks take the initiative to come to apply for the identity card, so as to grasp more detailed monk data, and change the original hostile attitude.

Second, they promoted the Fissure Territory, and gathered all the wild cultivators and monks from other worlds on the plain here to prosper the economy here.

The third is to use this to select the monks in Loucheng, and through this favor, to gain the support of wild monks and monks from other worlds!
Of course, Tang Zhen's own strength is also extremely important. At least the two-headed snake has been in the rivers and lakes for so many years, and he has never heard of any lord who has done such a feat!
Looking at several nearby territories, the giant tower that reached the sky built by Tang Zhen is definitely one of the best masterpieces!

I believe that after the news about the giant tower of Tongtian comes out, more and more wild cultivators will pour into the crack territory. While they work hard to become monks in Loucheng, they will also make this land more prosperous!

The double-headed snake thought for a long time, with a smile on his face, he shouted at those outsider monks who were eager to leave after completing the registration: "You all go back and tell your companions to come and register as soon as possible, this will only be beneficial No harm done.

I believe that you have also witnessed the process of Lord Tang Zhen building the giant tower that reaches the sky. This is your blessing, and it is also a warning to you.

As long as you abide by the rules, the Fissure Territory is your home, but if you act recklessly, the lord can wipe you out with a flick of your finger!
To tell you the truth, the lord has assembled millions of Loucheng monks, you know what this means better than me, so don't pretend to be smart, but risk your own life instead! "

Speaking of which, the double-headed snake waved his hand, signaling those monks of other races to leave at will.

Those outsider monks who were eager to leave couldn't help but keep their expressions unchanged.

They looked at each other and exchanged a few words in a low voice before leaving the market together.

It's just that not everyone went to the giant tower this time, and there were still many monks from other worlds who were full of worries and went straight to the hidden places in the cracked plain.

(End of this chapter)

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