I have a city in another world

Chapter 1623 The Dispute Between the Outsiders

Chapter 1623 The Dispute Between the Outsiders

The origin of the name of the cracked plain is naturally related to the huge cracks on the ground, which connect the broken space underground, and connect with other worlds under special circumstances.

In addition to those huge and terrifying cracks, there are countless small cracks on this plain, some of which have become lakes, some of which have become swamps, and some of which have become deep paradises.

On the endless plain, the dense vegetation obscures the human eye, and some hidden gullies cannot be found if they are not in front of them.

The plants on the cracked plain are also diverse. The abundant energy of the heaven and the earth has created many strange plants. The most common plant is a colorful vine that likes to spread and grow on the ground, with a length of up to [-] meters.

This kind of plant that grows close to the ground will bear a fruit similar to bitter melon, which is edible, but the taste is really not very good.

At the same time, this plant also has a special ability, that is, it can shield mental power. The higher the density of the plant, the stronger the shielding ability.

Taking advantage of the characteristics of bitter gourd vines, monks from other worlds set up a large net on the cracks, allowing the vines to grow freely on it, so that even if monks pass by from a high altitude, they will not be able to discover the secrets on the ground.

If you enter the crack from the hidden entrance, you will find that there is another cave here.

On the upright rock wall, there are holes dug one by one, most of which are inhabited by monks from other worlds.

However, the owners of these caves change very quickly. Once the owner has not returned for more than half a year, someone will take the cave as their own.

The interior of the crack is a world of its own, and it is the base camp of monks from other worlds. It is said that in the largest crack, there are tens of thousands of monks from other worlds living in it, and the level of bustle is comparable to that of a city.

In such a place, there is also a trading place exclusively for the monks of the other world. Only when they cannot buy the required items internally, they will trade with the wild monks, or simply rob them.

Many field cultivators knew about the existence of these cracked dwellings, but they turned a blind eye to them. No one would be so bored as to attack such a place. It was almost the same as seeking their own death.

After all, this is the lair of monks from other worlds. Before entering, who knows how many enemies are hidden here?

Near the entrance at this time, more than a dozen monks from other worlds were wearing emerald green clothes, blending themselves with the surrounding environment, and looking around vigilantly.

Several figures hurriedly approached from a distance, making the outsider monks at the entrance immediately alert, but after careful identification, it was discovered that they were residents in the crack.

"Fifth Xiu, look at you in such a hurry, could it be that you were hunted down by Ye Xiu again?"

A foreign monk asked with a smile. From the tone of his voice, he was very familiar with the foreign monk who rushed over.

"What wild repair, let me tell you, something big happened on the cracked plain!"

The monk named Xiu Laowu took a breath, and immediately told everyone about the giant pagoda, not daring to delay for a moment.

This is indeed a major matter, which is related to the wealth and life of the monks from other worlds, and must not be taken lightly.

If these outsider cultivators could still pretend to be deaf and procrastinate if they could procrastinate before they first heard the order for identity registration, it would be different.

After seeing Tang Zhen's power and the benefits of entering the Heaven-reaching Giant Tower for trials, the cultivators from other worlds could no longer ignore it, otherwise they would be playing with their own lives and future.

Leaving aside the benefits of identity registration, the threat of an army of millions of buildings alone is enough to make them restless.

Although there are definitely more than a million monks of different races on the cracked plain, they are scattered, and there are even hostile situations among them.

In this chaotic situation, it is impossible for the monks from the other world to be the opponents of the monks of Loucheng.

With the return of the fifth cultivator, news about the giant tower of Tongtian immediately spread in the crack residence. The expressions of those monks from other worlds were both surprised and happy, and they were all thinking whether they should register their identities.

In fact, among the outsider monks, there are quite a few people who want to register their identities. For them, this is just an identity registration. They have nothing to lose, and they can act on the Rift Plain openly. Why not do it?
The only disadvantage is to let monk Loucheng know that there is such a person as himself, but if he refuses to obey, then what awaits him will be hunting down like a net.

Which is more important, the outsider monks know it well.

"You absolutely can't go, this must be a conspiracy by the monks of Loucheng, I think you will fall into their trap after you register your identity!"

There are also many monks from other worlds who doubt Tang Zhen's intentions. They always feel that the other side's offer of such benefits is plotting against others.

In case the monks of Loucheng want to settle accounts after the fall and plan to find faults with themselves, it is estimated that no one can be alone.

In the fissure plain, if you want to live a good life, which one doesn't have bloody hands?
Faced with these stubborn monks who resolutely opposed to registering their identities and refused to enter the trial of the Tongtian Tower, the outsider monks who wanted to register their identities subconsciously stayed away.

Anyone with a discerning eye knows that since Tang Zhen took over the Rift Plain, he will definitely control it completely, and he will never allow uncontrolled forces to exist in his fief.

The guy who tries to fight to the end, or there is only a dead end in the end!
Unknowingly, this cracked residence was divided into two groups, one group was ready to accept identity registration, and the other group was firmly opposed.

Both parties are waiting to see each other's jokes, and it may not take long for the answer to appear.

The matter is of great importance, and it should be sooner rather than later. It didn't take long before a large group of outsider monks left the crack residence and galloped towards the location of the market.

Those cultivators from other worlds who opposed stood where they were, looking coldly at the distant figures, and some cultivators even had murderous intent flashing in their eyes.

"Do you want to intercept them, these bloody traitors!"

For these outsider monks who opposed the identity registration, those who agreed were traitors, and they must not be forgiven.

"Interception, what a joke, let's not say that they have an advantage in numbers. We may not be opponents. The most important thing is that the monks of Loucheng are wandering around. If they are alarmed, do we still want to stay in peace?"

Some people sneered at this, feeling that the guy who proposed this idea is a brainless idiot!
"Then what do you think we should do? Don't we just wait like this? What should we do if the monks from Loucheng really kill us?"

Facing the powerful Loucheng monks, if these outsider monks said they were not afraid, they would be deceiving themselves and others. Even though they had made the decision to fight at this time, they still had no idea.

If no one makes up his mind as soon as possible and discusses how to deal with the monks in Loucheng, then these opponents will not last long, and the loose organization may collapse at any time!

More than one opponent realized this, but no one came up with a suitable countermeasure for a while.

"How about we all go to the residence of the biggest rift and convey our thoughts at the same time, but all like-minded monks can go there to gather!

When we gather together, it must be a big force, even if we are facing the monks of Loucheng, there is no need to be afraid! "

Some opponents proposed a method, and then looked at the companions around them, wanting to hear their opinions.

Those outsider monks pondered for a moment, then nodded slightly.

"This method is indeed feasible, let's do it!"

"I also agree, then let's go to the nearby crack residence separately, gather those like-minded partners, and then fight against the monks of Loucheng together!"

"Brother take care!"

"Take care of yourself!"

A group of opponents hugged each other to say goodbye, and then scattered towards the deeper part of the cracked plain.

The rest of the opponents didn't hesitate. After tidying up briefly, they left the place in a hurry, but their hearts were still at a loss, not knowing what kind of ending was waiting for them?

 Thanks: "The Master of Xiaoyao Pavilion", "Wang's Wisdom Scumbag", "I can't find a good book after rubbing", thank you book friends for your support!
(End of this chapter)

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