I have a city in another world

Chapter 1684 Give You a Chance to Make Money

Chapter 1684 Give You a Chance to Make Money
While the innkeeper was waiting, the Wheel of Fortune monk who was in charge of registration was also arguing endlessly over Tang Zhen's registration.

Compared with ordinary monks, they have more comprehensive information in their hands. In addition to Tang Zhen's more detailed strength information, they also have the information that he killed two Destiny's Children in a row.

Although it was not really killed, it still caused great trauma to the two Children of Destiny. It is no exaggeration to say that Tang Zhen is the enemy of the Wheel of Fortune monk.

However, in the rules of Wheel of Fortune, there is no rule that attacking Destiny's Child is not allowed to participate in the trial. Even if Tang Zhen really kills Destiny's Child, the other party can only find a way to revenge privately.

Counting on the wheel of fate to back him up, he definitely didn't even think about it.

"What should I do? Will it pass or not?"

A Wheel of Fortune cultivator in charge of the review turned his head and looked at his colleagues around him, as if he was a little uncertain.

"Is there any problem? If there is a problem, deny it. If there is no problem, pass it. You can make up your own mind."

His colleague left a word and turned his head to look aside, as if he didn't want to get involved in this matter.

Just looking at Tang Zhen's information, you can tell that this man is definitely a strong man. If there is nothing wrong, it's best not to provoke him.

"There is nothing wrong with the problem, but this Your Excellency severely injured the two Destiny's Children. It is definitely an endless hatred. If they know that I have passed Tang Zhen's verification, do you think they will hate me?"

Hearing the monk's worries, his colleague chuckled, pointed at the information on the screen and said: "You are afraid of offending the son of destiny, so why don't you shoot this gentleman?
If you don't pass his verification and he finds out about it, I guess he would dare to kill you directly, believe it or not? "

Seeing the monk's stunned expression, his colleague shook his head and explained: "The two sons of destiny were severely injured by Tang Zhen. That was a personal grudge between them and Tang Zhen. What does it have to do with you?

If you can't pass here, Tang Zhen has every reason to appeal. Will others still fail?

With the strength of this Your Excellency, the possibility of passing the test of fate is extremely high. When he becomes the child of destiny, he will have a hundred ways to kill you! "

When the colleagues said this, they stopped talking.

What he said was clear enough that if his colleague couldn't turn the corner, then he couldn't help it either.

A down and out Phoenix is ​​not as good as a chicken. The two Children of Destiny were badly injured. God knows when they will be able to recover. Will they be killed by Tang Zhen during this period?

It can be judged from the information that Tang Zhen will never hold back against the enemy. This time he came to the island of destiny, perhaps it is for the two sons of destiny.

Getting into trouble with this evil star, Hua Yue and that unknown Child of Destiny, can be said to be bloody bad luck.

The monk who was in charge of reviewing Tang Zhen's information also figured it out, and directly approved it. Anyway, he was acting according to the rules, so who could find fault?
After the approval here, the trial certificate popped up over there. The innkeeper took it in his hand and turned away quickly.

Regardless of Tang Zhen's status, since he is his guest now, he should try his best to satisfy him.

Halfway through the walk, the innkeeper hesitated for a moment, then turned and walked into a shop.

In addition to the remarkable living environment, the Island of Destiny is also rich in all kinds of delicacies. Many monks from Loucheng came here mainly to satisfy their appetites.

The shop owner bought some of Destiny Island's specialty food, bought some specialty wine, and happily returned to the inn.

He ordered the chef of the inn to cook some delicacies, and when they were ready, he personally brought them to the bamboo forest in the backyard.

At this moment Tang Zhen was still making tea and drinking himself, with a leisurely expression on his face.

Seeing this, the innkeeper secretly sighed in his heart, if he hadn't read the information on the identity card, who would know the extraordinary origin of the other party.

It's a blessing to have such a guest staying in my inn. When Tang Zhen really becomes the child of destiny, he will have the capital to brag when receiving guests.

"Drinking tea alone seems too boring. I have prepared some special delicacies from the Island of Destiny, and I invite you to taste them."

When the innkeeper was talking, he placed the dishes on the table, and at the same time took out two crystal jade cups, and poured the purple wine into them.

Tang Zhen picked up the wine glass and found that the wine was viscous and transparent. With a slight movement, colorful mist floated out, like a rainbow rising from the mouth of the glass.

What is even more amazing is that at the same time as the rainbow rises, the colorful mist turns into raindrops, dripping down one after another.

The wine glass also reflects the beautiful scenery of mountains and rivers, and with the falling rain and fog, it constitutes a misty and hazy spectacle.

Before the wine enters the throat, the person is three points drunk.

Tang Zhen was amazed, and under the urging of the innkeeper, he took a sip slowly, his face full of enjoyment.

"Good wine."

When the innkeeper saw this, he also showed joy and introduced: "There is a Misty Cloud Valley on Destiny Island, where clouds and mist surround it all year round, and the scenery is extremely beautiful. This Misty Rain Wine is produced here, and it is famous far and wide."

Tang Zhen nodded: "Yes, the wine lives up to its name."

After giving a slight compliment, Tang Zhen took out his chopsticks, picked a little on one of the dishes, and put it in his mouth to chew carefully.

An indescribably delicious taste exploded in his mouth. Tang Zhen had never tasted this taste, and it was so comfortable that it almost made people groan.

"What is this, what is there to say?"

Hearing Tang Zhen's inquiry, the innkeeper quickly replied: "There is a big river on the edge of the island of destiny, and the river flows into the abyss of stars. This fish is a special product inside, and it can live in the abyss of stars without being affected at all.

People have rented meteor flying boats all the year round to salvage this aquatic product in the abyss star sea. Because of its delicious taste, the supply is often in short supply. "

The meteor flying boat mentioned by the innkeeper is a bubble meteor used to ferry across the abyss star sea. Every time you use it, you need to pay a destiny gold coin, and the cost is not usually high.

"You have a heart, thank you."

Tang Zhen nodded his thanks, asked a few words about Abyss Xinghai casually, and then tasted several other dishes.

The food was delicious, Tang Zhen was in a good mood, and the owner of the inn was deliberately flattering, making the guests and hosts happy.

Taking advantage of the wine, the two chatted openly.

The owner of the inn is a local aborigine. He doesn't know too much about the secrets of the history of the Island of Destiny, and he can talk about it endlessly.

Chatting and chatting, it came to Destiny's Child.

The innkeeper thought about it for a while, and then reminded him carefully: "Your Excellency, don't underestimate the Children of Destiny. They have a special status on the Island of Destiny, and they have a group of followers.

Maybe their strength is far inferior to yours, but during the trials of fate, they can find ways to do disgusting things and destroy your good things. "

Tang Zhen nodded. Since the innkeeper said so, he probably knew about his pursuit of Destiny's Child.

This matter cannot be concealed at all, Tang Zhen knew it from the beginning, but even so, he still came to the island of destiny.

"Since you know my origin, then things will be easy to handle."

When Tang Zhen spoke, he waved lightly at the silver plate in front of him, and the residual soup inside disappeared in an instant.


Fate gold coins fell into the silver plate one after another. Seeing this scene, the innkeeper's eyes widened.

He has been running the inn for so many years, and the fate gold coins he has saved are only a hundred or ten, but there are more than three hundred in the silver plate in front of him.

"Your Excellency... you are?"

Looking at the nervous expression on the store owner's face, Tang Zhen said with a smile: "Now I will give you a chance to make a fortune. You just need to help me collect detailed information on the two Destiny's Children, and all these Destiny Gold Coins will be yours."

The innkeeper was taken aback when he heard the words, looked at Tang Zhen, then at the fate gold coins on the silver plate, and swallowed.

After a dozen breaths of silence, the innkeeper nodded.

"Since Your Excellency is willing to bestow wealth and honor, I will naturally give it a try!"

Hearing this, Tang Zhen showed a satisfied smile.

(End of this chapter)

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