I have a city in another world

Chapter 1685 Trial of Fate

Chapter 1685 Trial of Fate
Because of the wonderful rules of the Wheel of Fortune, Tang Zhen's actions were greatly restricted.

He never thought of violating the rules of the wheel of fortune and sneaking out to find Huayue and the strange man. Let alone whether he succeeded or not, at least he was in a disadvantageous situation from the beginning.

Although the Wheel of Destiny allows private pursuit of revenge, it will not protect the Child of Destiny too much, but the premise is that it cannot violate the rules of the Island of Destiny.

If you violate the rules, even if it is reasonable, it will become unreasonable, and you will be hunted down by the monks of the Wheel of Fortune, and then thrown into the abyss of purgatory for punishment.

During the pursuit and detention, no one knew what would happen. Under the control of others, it was easier for the enemy to attack him.

Therefore, after Tang Zhen understood the rules of the Wheel of Fortune, he preferred to veto the plan of private action, but planned to use the rules here to kill Hua Yue and the strange man in a reasonable and legal manner.

However, in the case of being controlled by others, if you want to realize your plan, you must have manpower at your disposal to facilitate his actions.

I am not familiar with the place I am born in, so if I want to recruit the available manpower as soon as possible, the best way is to spend money.

Sure enough, the innkeeper couldn't resist the temptation of the fate gold coin. Although he knew that this matter had certain risks, he still agreed.

"Since that's the case, you can put away these destiny gold coins. I'm waiting for your good news."

Tang Zhen got up with a smile, returned to the bamboo house, and continued to practice.

The innkeeper took a look around, put away the silver tray, then cleaned up the table without changing his face, turned and left the backyard.

The Trial of Destiny starts every three years, and the participants can directly enter the trial field through the jade token.

The timing of Tang Zhen's arrival was just a coincidence. In another half a month, a new round of trials of fate would begin. Before that, he just had to wait in peace.

After a few days like this, the innkeeper found Tang Zhen.

"Your Excellency, the information you want has been obtained, but there is only Huayue's information, and the other person is missing."

Hearing the innkeeper's answer, Tang Zhen was not surprised.

Because the strange man's injuries were far more serious than Hua Yue's, even though he had been reborn, he still needed to cultivate for a long time.

"Well, if you have time, try to help me pay more attention to the news of the Wheel of Fortune, and focus on asking if there is a child of Destiny who has suddenly retreated."

The strange man has no name and surname, so he can only find it through this method.

Of course, Huayue is not much better. The loss of the Seed of Destiny has made him a vain name. It is good luck not to be expelled from the Wheel of Fortune.

Compared with the monk Loucheng, the rules of the Wheel of Fortune are undoubtedly stricter, and it can even be said that it does not show the slightest sympathy.

If Hua Yue wants to recover her strength, she must participate in the trial of fate again, accumulate the power of fate, and condense the seeds of fate.

It can be said that if Huayue participates in the trial at this time, she will not be much different from other trialists, but the original resources are there, and she will still have some advantages over other trialists.

And Tang Zhen was going to take advantage of this opportunity to kill Hua Yue in an open and honest manner during the trial.

"You did a good job. If you have the opportunity, please inquire about the trial of fate. If you do well, I will give you enough rewards."

Those who participate in the trial of destiny will have their memories erased after failure, and only some relevant information will flow out from the mouth of the child of destiny.

The innkeeper was overjoyed when he heard this.He was worried that Tang Zhen would be dissatisfied if he did not complete the agreed task, but now it seems that he was thinking too much.

"Your Excellency, please rest assured that I have used all my contacts to help you inquire and collect information in this regard. Once there is any new situation, I will definitely notify you as soon as possible."

Facing such a big patron like Tang Zhen, the innkeeper dared not neglect, hoping to get more rewards.

"Well, please worry about it."

Tang Zhen nodded and said politely to the innkeeper.

"Your Excellency, please don't say anything, this is what I should do."

The innkeeper's expression was a little apprehensive. He knew Tang Zhen's past experience, so even if Tang Zhen expressed his gratitude in a friendly manner, he didn't dare to accept it with peace of mind.

This murderer, who dared to kill even the Child of Destiny, must not be neglected.

After receiving a piece of information jade token from the innkeeper, Tang Zhen read all the information in it, and then looked thoughtful.

"I'm fine here, you can go."

The innkeeper quickly nodded in agreement, bowed and left in a hurry.

Tang Zhen walked slowly to the gazebo among the bamboo groves, pondered for a moment, and then completely closed off the space around him.

Summoning the balance of fate, Tang Zhen expressed his request.

"I want an item that can track a designated target, no matter where he is."

The light at one end of the balance of fate began to shine, and then slowly sank, and then a light cluster appeared in front of Tang Zhen.

According to his request, the balance of destiny has manifested the required items, and then he needs to pay enough destiny gold coins to exchange.

After selling the strange man's Seed of Destiny last time, Tang Zhen left [-] Destiny Gold Coins for the main body, and there are still thousands more in his hand, which is enough for his daily needs.

After spending more than 500 Destiny Gold Coins, Tang Zhen got what he wanted.

This time the item was a metal bird, which seemed to be alive, and when it fell into Tang Zhen's hands, it even lightly pecked his palm and made a crisp chirping sound.

Tang Zhen figured out how to use this little metal bird after fiddling with it a few times.

As long as the target tracking information is integrated into the mental power, and then sent into the bird's body, it will automatically search for the target and lead Tang Zhen to the target location.

Tang Zhen was very satisfied with the item this time. Although the price was high, it was worth the money.

With this item, even if Hua Yue and the weird man hide in the ends of the earth, Tang Zhen can find them out!
Putting the metal bird in the storage space, Tang Zhen continued to practice, striving to be promoted to the second level of the world master as soon as possible.

Time flies, and in a blink of an eye, it is the day when the trial of fate begins.

In the early morning of this day, the innkeeper sent the last message, congratulating Tang Zhen for successfully passing the trial, and then withdrew.

Tang Zhen returned to the bamboo building alone, held the jade tablet in his hand, and used his spiritual power to communicate with it.

The leading jade tablet began to glow, and then Tang Zhen felt a vast and incomparable force slowly appearing, enveloping his body in it.

Countless beams of light appeared above the island of destiny, shooting straight to the ground, and one of them landed in the bamboo building where Tang Zhen was located.

Tang Zhen's body lightened, and he felt a familiar feeling. He knew that he was teleporting through space.

When the scene in front of him returned to normal, he found himself in a void, with the vast land under his feet.

A cold and emotionless voice suddenly came to Tang Zhen's ear.

"The trial of fate begins, the first level, walk out of the desert under your feet alive."

As soon as the words fell, Tang Zhen felt his body suddenly lose control and fell directly into the desert from the air.

At this time, all of Tang Zhen's cultivation bases were sealed, only the strength of ordinary people, and the items in the storage equipment could not be taken out.

If it falls straight, although it will not fall to death, it is still inevitable to be injured.

Fortunately, although the falling process was thrilling, his body was not injured after landing, which made Tang Zhen slightly relieved.

Checking his belongings, Tang Zhen found that there was only a knife and a pot of water on his body, and nothing else.

Just when he was about to check his surroundings, a black figure suddenly rushed out of his side, raised his dagger and stabbed him in the back

A cold light flashed in Tang Zhen's eyes, he twisted his body to avoid it, swung the long knife in his hand, and wiped the attacker's throat.

"Cough cough..."

The attacker clutched his neck and knelt on the ground full of unwillingness. The body quickly turned into white light and disappeared, but the items on his body remained.

Tang Zhen frowned slightly, picked up the items on the ground, and shook his head gently.

"It's not an illusion. It can only be said that there is reality in the emptiness, and emptiness in the reality. It seems that only a powerhouse at the level of the Creator can create such a magical world."

(End of this chapter)

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