I have a city in another world

Chapter 1692 Changes in Beichen Prefecture

Chapter 1692 Changes in Beichen Prefecture
After a great battle, the testers on the grassland scattered and fled.

It wasn't until after they fled the battlefield that they were reminded by the wheel of fortune. While they were astonished, they cursed endlessly in their hearts.

This method of the wheel of fortune is really disgusting.

If he had received the reminder earlier, who would have fought desperately with the enemy, and in the end he couldn't hold on any longer, so he had to flee the battlefield.

Only after being prompted did they realize that the real mission is to let them escape as soon as possible, instead of fighting on the battlefield!

Complaints are complaints, but the task has to continue.

Being in the trial of fate, one naturally has to obey the command of the wheel of fate, even if one is unwilling, so what?
Thinking about how to go to the imperial city and how to kill the emperor, the testers set off to the imperial capital one after another, just for the qualification to compete for the child of destiny.

If the trial at this time is the preliminary round, then after killing the emperor, one will be qualified for the final round.

It is a matter of future and destiny, and no one dares to neglect it.

At this time, the trainees didn't know that there were two people who did the opposite and went straight to the barren land of the original imperial city.


In the process of staying away from the muddy water, Tang Zhen also gained a basic understanding of the world.

Perhaps the master of this world did it deliberately, and what he saw along the way was the same as the real world, which also made Tang Zhen more confident in his plan.

The experience and knowledge in his mind is Tang Zhen's decisive weapon, across many planes, he knows more than a thousand ways to kill.

During the rush, Tang Zhen was most worried about someone succeeding in the assassination, which would lead to the end of the trial, and in this way, his busy work would be in vain.

Fortunately, the worrying notice never appeared, which also proved Tang Zhen's guess that assassinating the emperor was by no means an easy task.

Just as he was about to arrive at his destination, Tang Zhen chose a secluded place to see if he could take out the items he needed.

This is the key of the key. If it can't be done, Tang Zhen can only find another way.

Who knows how much time will be wasted if you participate in the trial of destiny step by step, not to mention that Tang Zhen's original intention was not to compete for the child of destiny, but to take the opportunity to find Huayue and kill him.

Being able to obtain the qualifications of the Child of Destiny is naturally the best, and it doesn't matter if you don't get Tang Zhen, but Hua Yue must be killed!

Before participating in the trial of fate, Tang Zhen guessed that he might not be able to bring in the items, which would have a great impact on his plan.

Whether it is the items in the storage equipment or the metal bird used for positioning and tracking, it will not come in handy.

After thinking about it again and again, Tang Zhen came up with a solution.

That is to temporarily store the required items in the balance of fate, and then summon it when it is used.

From Tang Zhen's point of view, the balance of destiny has an extremely magical ability. Even if he may be in a world controlled by the creator, it can be called to come and hide its own existence at the same time.

Sure enough, following Tang Zhen's call, the balance of fate appeared slowly, with a stack of cards and a metal bird on it.

Tang Zhen smiled when he saw this, and took all the above items in his hands, and then the balance of fate slowly disappeared.

Looking at the card in his hand, Tang Zhen pondered for a moment, then continued walking with Tietou.

The place where the two finally arrived was at the very edge of the empire, called Beichen Prefecture, which had just encountered a large-scale natural disaster.

Bordering the barbarians, it has been desolate and impoverished since ancient times, and people who could not survive often rebelled.

The purpose of Tang Zhen's coming here is to recruit enough people, and then form an army, and rush to the imperial city.

After fighting on the cavalry battlefield, there are not many testers left. It is tantamount to wishful thinking to assassinate the emperor with his own bravery.

Just by looking at the heavily guarded city and the countless cavalry, one can see how heavily defended the imperial city is.

Under such circumstances, if a strong enough legion was pulled up, and then fanned the flames everywhere, and finally attracted all the heroes, until the soldiers came to the imperial capital, the chances of winning would be much greater.

Tang Zhen got the storage card, so there is no shortage of money, and with money, there is no shortage of strong men and dead men who take money to sell their lives.

After arriving at the destination, the two inquired about the specific situation again, and then started to act directly.

It didn't take long before there were rumors in Beichen Prefecture that someone was recruiting business group guards, and as long as they were strong men, they could join them.

After joining, you can get a gold coin for selling yourself, a bag of food, and free food and lodging on weekdays.

When hearing this rumor for the first time, many people thought it was a lie.

It was a time of calamity, and the fields in Beichen Prefecture were almost barren, and countless people left their homes just to find a way to survive.

In this year when dozens of copper coins can buy a golden girl, there is still such a good thing happening, what is it if it is not a lie?
However, after only two days, no one mentioned such words as deceit anymore, but went around telling each other, persuading those who couldn't survive to join the business group.

The other party really gave money, and they really got enough to eat. Everything was true.

With rumors from all over the world, those men who couldn't survive no longer hesitated, and went to the location of the business group one after another, for fear that if they went late, their quota would be full and no one would be accepted.

The livelihood of the whole family depended on him, no one dared to waste time, almost trotting over.

Unexpectedly, after going there, I found out that the scale of this business group is extremely large. It is said that trying to go to an overseas place requires at least thousands of people.

Unknowingly, the number of business groups increased, and when the time was about to pass, a carriage was approaching, filled with high-quality swords, and even shields and armor.

The men in Beichen State have always been good at martial arts. After seeing these swords, all of them were overjoyed, wishing to have a set immediately.

There were also doubts in people's minds, secretly thinking that this business group was acting in a secret way, revealing unusual things everywhere, and now that it has acquired so many swords and armors, could it be that they want to gather people to rebel?

After thinking about it, he couldn't help but smile bitterly.

Now they can't live anymore, they are dead anyway, so what if they rebel?

With this thought in mind, those men kept silent, as long as their family members could survive, it would be worth their lives.

Not long after, these men encountered another surprise.

The steward of the caravan gathered everyone, and while distributing weapons and armor, each person was given a gold coin and a sack of food.

"The owner is kind, I will give you an extra amount of money and food, and send it home quickly."

Those men were holding the money and food, and wept one by one. They really didn't expect that they would receive rewards of money and food when they received the money for selling themselves.

Scholars die for their confidants. How dare they refuse to die when they meet such a boss?
After buying people's hearts, it's daily practice. I believe it won't take long for these guys to be able to carry their knives into battle to kill the enemy.

At this time, the government and army of this state received a powerful tip, claiming that someone was recruiting a large number of troops, and it was very likely that they were planning to rebel.

After a closer look, it turned out that more than a dozen business groups suddenly appeared in Beichen Prefecture, all of which were recruiting manpower. As long as they were strong and strong, they even distributed weapons for practice in private.

No matter how you look at it, the behavior of these business groups is somewhat unreasonable, and it is very likely that they are planning to rebel.

Some time ago, a rebel army captured the city, and even fought a bloody battle with the imperial cavalry. Although they were finally wiped out, there were still fish that slipped through the net.

Now that it was heard that someone was going to rebel, the general guarding Beichen Prefecture didn't dare to be negligent, and quickly ordered people to send troops to settle the payment.

No one thought that these five thousand officers and soldiers were like meat buns that beat dogs, and they never returned after leaving.

Only half a day later, the guarding general got the news that these officers and soldiers were ambushed by the rebels during the process of rebellion, and none of the five thousand soldiers would survive.

The guarding general was stunned for a moment, and then became furious. Just as he was about to gather an army for a crusade, he received another military report.

Looking at the content on the letter paper, the guarding general turned pale and collapsed on the ground powerlessly.

At the same time, more than a dozen business groups in Beichen Prefecture made a sudden move, gathered outside the state capital, and brazenly launched a siege battle.

In less than half an hour, the state capital fell. Hundreds of officials, including the state officials and guarding generals, were all brought down to the head of the leader on the long street, and Beichen Prefecture was completely out of control.

(End of this chapter)

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