I have a city in another world

Chapter 1693 Bing Beichen Prefecture

Chapter 1693 Bing Beichen Prefecture

In the Beichen state capital, Tang Zhen sat in the council hall of the state capital, looking at the map and frowning in thought.

In the position in front of him, there were more than 30 strong men in armor, and there were also scholars dressed as literati and scholars.

These people are the team he recruited in a very short period of time either by spending a lot of money, or by showing great righteousness, or by suppressing threats.

It is absolutely impossible to control an army based on the words of Tang Zhen and two people, and auxiliary personnel are indispensable.

Although it is difficult to guarantee the loyalty of these subordinates, Tang Zhen doesn't care at all. His purpose is to enter the imperial city and kill the emperor at the same time.

It can be said that the command of this team is an interest group, and it is only possible to unite thanks to the massive amount of gold coins and the attractive prospects of the future, as well as the deterrent force of Tang Zhen and Tie Tou.

After the matter is completed, whether these people set up another mountain, or fight openly and secretly, it has nothing to do with Tang Zhen.

However, it was precisely because of the abundance of gold coins that the morale of this army was extremely high. Even if there were spoils of war, Tang Zhen would not want them at all, and distributed them all to his subordinates.

The combination of kindness and strength made this army full of wolfishness, and winning the state capital in half an hour is the best proof.

Now the entire army is as imposing as a rainbow, and it only needs to be repaired a little before it can go out for battle.

But Tang Zhen was not in a hurry. The next thing he had to do was to continue to grow his power while deploying the next plan.

After all, his opponent is an empire, not a state capital.

After thinking for a moment, Tang Zhen raised his head and looked at the people around him, and gave the order.

"Choose the right manpower, lobby those dissatisfied with the current emperor, let the other party find a way to raise troops to support, as long as the other party keeps the contract, money is not a problem.

At the same time, continue to expand the number of troops. I want to have at least 15 troops in ten days, and more than [-] in half a month!
In addition, send people to spread the news, saying that the emperor is fatuous and has been assassinated one after another. The wider the spread, the better. Don't be afraid to spend money!
People should also be sent near the imperial capital to try their best to buy grain and block the freight channels. Whether the grain is transported or destroyed, it cannot flow into the imperial capital. "

Listening to the tasks arranged by Tang Zhen, everyone remembered them in their hearts, and at the same time they were thinking about suitable candidates for the tasks.

Tang Zhen is rich and powerful, but those who perform dangerous tasks are rewarded generously, and there is never a shortage of available manpower.

While pondering in their hearts, everyone was also full of curiosity about this young man with unknown background but with countless money.

Rich in the world, courageous and insightful, such a leader, why was he so unknown before?

As for the bald head standing behind him, everyone felt a little bit of fear in their hearts. It was because the opponent's force value was too high. Everyone in the room went into battle together, so they probably were not his opponent.

"My request has been finished, do you have anything to add?"

After Tang Zhen finished speaking, he glanced at the crowd and asked in a flat tone.

"no problem!"

Everyone answered at the same time, with the same tone, wondering what the empire would look like after these plans were implemented.
It's not likely to collapse, but it will cause a huge negative impact, and riot against them

"It's fine if you don't, let's go to work."

Tang Zhen waved his hand, and everyone hurriedly saluted and exited.

"Tietou, has the news from the imperial city arrived?"

Tang Zhen sat on the chair and asked Tietou who was standing beside him.

"I just received the news that in the recent period, the defense of the imperial city has been strengthened several times, and there have been assassinations in the imperial palace from time to time, but no one succeeded."

Tang Zhen nodded. This was expected. The Wheel of Fortune couldn't come up with an easy task, otherwise the trial would lose its meaning.

"Master, when shall we attack the imperial city?"

Ever since he decided to follow Tang Zhen, Tietou changed his name to Tang Zhen as his master, and Tang Zhen did not refuse.

"Don't worry, let the other testers continue to consume, let's develop slowly, as long as the right opportunity comes, it will be easy for us to win."

When Tang Zhen said this, his face was full of confidence.

His methods are not limited to this one. With sufficient gold coins, he can not only recruit enough manpower, but also play tricks on the enemy's camp.

It's just that those dark means are not ready to be revealed, and they will only be activated at the most critical moment.

After hearing Tang Zhen's answer, Tietou didn't speak, he just had to do his own thing well.

Just after Tang Zhen captured Beichen Prefecture, it immediately caused a shock in the entire empire. Although Beichen Prefecture was a remote and remote place, it was the first time that the state capital was donated.

Some time ago, the rebel army attacked the city and was wiped out by the imperial cavalry. Unexpectedly, not long after, Beichen Prefecture fell completely.

The emperor was furious, and ordered the nearby state capitals to gather heavy troops to destroy the rebel army.

Beichen Prefecture, which was ignored by few people for a while, attracted the attention of the whole empire. Everyone wanted to know, did the empire win, or did this group of rebels become popular?
After the surrounding state capitals received the order, no one dared to be negligent, and quickly dispatched troops to prepare to clear the rebels in Beichen Prefecture.

It's just that the mobilization of the army is not a child's play, and it will take three to five days at the fastest to complete the assembly. In addition to the journey to Beichen Prefecture, it will take at least ten days and a half months to fight.

While people were waiting anxiously, for some unknown reason, the state capital near Beichen Prefecture was full of bandits, and rebels were everywhere.

The officials of the state capital who were planning to send troops to Beichen Prefecture were already devastated at this time, so they had to gather their troops again to clear up the rebellion in the state capital without delaying the affairs of Beichen Prefecture.

With the turmoil in several major state capitals, remarks satirizing the current emperor began to spread, enumerating his crimes, and his words were fierce and vicious.

Cooperating with the appearance of rebels one after another, these remarks were quickly spread, and more and more ordinary people criticized the emperor in private.

State capitals have tried to catch those who spread the message, with little success.

Just when the entire empire was panicking, some people had begun to notice that the price of food near the imperial capital was slowly rising, and sometimes there would be out of stock.

However, compared to the upcoming Beichen State War, not many people paid attention to this matter.

With the passage of time, the army of the nearby state capitals of Beichen Prefecture has arrived at their destination one after another, and a battle that has attracted worldwide attention is about to start outside Beichen Prefecture.

The imperial dignitaries who followed this battle believed that it was only a matter of time before the rebels were wiped out. After all, the imperial army had the upper hand in terms of numbers and equipment.

Although the rebels were large in number, they were a ragtag group of people after all, so how could they be the opponents of the Imperial Legion.

The generals of several major state capitals also thought so, but when the real battle started, everyone was dumbfounded.

The rebels in Beichen Prefecture actually used a large number of artillery and trebuchets, not only flying flower grenades, but also firing poisonous gas bombs. At the same time, wooden kites fired with gunpowder flew to high altitude and exploded and sprinkled poisonous powder.

The unprepared coalition forces of the state capital suffered heavy losses, countless casualties, and the entire barracks wailed.

Just when the forward suffered a disastrous defeat, another cavalry came from the flank, one by one like wolves and tigers, killing the coalition forces of the state capital by surprise.

However, this was just the beginning of the nightmare. It didn't take long for these coalition forces in the state capital to be besieged and killed by the local people.

Stimulated by the reward of a gold coin for a soldier's head, all the people were red-eyed, and even the old woman was holding scissors and staring at the officers and soldiers of the state capital like wolves.

 Thanks to: "Master Xiaoyao Pavilion" for the reward, and to book friends for their support.

(End of this chapter)

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