I have a city in another world

Chapter 1697 Followed the wrong master

Chapter 1697 Followed the wrong master

Looking at the dozen or so ferocious testers, Tang Zhen sneered, took out a piece of something like a talisman from his pocket, and patted the sword in his hand.


The moment the talisman was attached to the saber, the blade trembled violently, as if it was about to explode.

At the same time, light bloomed on the talisman, covering the blade like flowing water.

Then there was a cry like a dragon's chant, and the saber, which was only made by mortal craftsmen, burst out with a trembling fierce aura.

Just when those trainees were still surprised, Tang Zhen had already slashed out at the trainee who was closest to him.

The blade flashed, and the body of the tester split open suddenly, and blood spurted out.

After falling to the ground and struggling a few times, the tester kicked his legs and completely lost his life.

What is surprising is that the body of this tester did not turn into white light, but stayed in place directly, and his death was horrible.

Seeing this scene, the practitioners froze suddenly. They looked at the corpse on the ground with puzzled and shocked eyes, and carefully looked at the saber in Tang Zhen's hand, and then showed horror.

"You madman, you actually killed him!"

A tester roared in a trembling voice, his legs seemed to be trembling slightly, obviously unable to accept this fact.

"I'm not only going to kill him, but I'm going to kill you too!
Don't worry, your master will go to accompany you in a short time! "

As soon as the words fell, Tang Zhen drew his sword again and went straight to the two practitioners beside him.

"Be careful, that knife is weird, don't let it touch you!"

The strange death of his companion had already terrified the dozens of volunteers. They really couldn't figure out how Tang Zhen did it?
When participating in the trial of destiny, although every trialee feels like he is in the real world, everyone knows that all of this is actually just an illusion.

This is the world created by the wheel of fortune. Every plant and tree here is made of thoughts.

For the natives, this is a real world, where birth, old age, sickness and death, and changing seasons are no different from the real world.

But for the testers, they are just passers-by, and everything in this world is just a dream.

So even if they die in this world, they are not really dead, they just lose their qualifications for trials.

But things are different now.

The sword in Tang Zhen's hand was so strange that it could actually kill the trialer. The trialer, who was confident at first, felt chills in his heart.

If one is beheaded by this knife, the result will be death, and the bones of this life will be buried here, and it is impossible to leave this world again.

Seeing that Tang Zhen beheaded two more testers one after another, the remaining testers could no longer hold on, and the fear in their hearts had brought them to the verge of collapse.

"You lunatic, you will definitely be punished by the wheel of fortune, you are breaking the rules!"

A tester yelled in horror, glanced at his companions, turned and fled without hesitation.

If he hesitates any longer, I am afraid that everyone will die here.

"Whether you violate the rules or not, it doesn't matter what you say, and it doesn't matter what I say, but the wheel of fortune has the final say.

Even if I really broke the rules, at least you are already dead before I get punished! "

While Tang Zhen was speaking, his figure was running back and forth at the edge of the forest like a ghost, killing one trialer after another.

His speed was astonishingly fast. Although those testers fought back desperately, they had no fighting spirit at the moment, and they were eager to escape, so none of them was Tang Zhen's opponent.

In fact, if they could get together and work together to fight against Tang Zhen, there might still be a glimmer of life.

After all, Tang Zhen's strength was still sealed at this time, and he looked mighty and mighty, but in fact he was relying on the power of the sword.

As for his real strength, at best, he was equivalent to a first-level Loucheng cultivator. Facing more than a dozen testers with similar skills, even with the shock of a sword, he might not be able to kill them all.

But the opponent's kind of self-destruction without a fight just gave Tang Zhenyu a chance to kill each one.He was like chasing a flock of fleeing sheep in a panic, chopping these testers to the ground one after another.

It's just that those testers have already lost their minds, and when their thoughts are wandering, how can they expect to get this key.

Tang Zhen's actions were straightforward and decisive, and he was also on guard against this point. Fortunately, the enemy did not join forces to fight back.

In the end, even if the four of them got together and hoped to deal a heavy blow to Tang Zhen, they were still played by Tang Zhen and killed one after another in front of the small forest.

At this moment, the sword in his hand whined, and suddenly fell apart, leaving only the bare handle.

As for the magic talisman on the saber, it had long been wiped out without any trace.

Looking at the corpses scattered all over the ground, Tang Zhen snorted softly, turned and jumped towards the horse.

"It's just a bunch of jumping clowns. They tried to plot against others, but lost their own lives in the end. They are really overwhelmed."

With Tang Zhen's status, he wouldn't haggle with some ordinary trainees, but since these trainees are Hua Yue's subordinates, Tang Zhen has a reason to do it.

Cutting off the wings and cutting off its minions are also very important steps in the process of killing Huayue.

Without the help of his subordinates, Hua Yue, who has become a polished commander, will inevitably be helpless, exhausting the world and having no place to stay.

Now that Hua Yue's subordinates have been killed, the next target is naturally him.

Tang Zhen didn't dare to delay too much, if this guy sensed the wind and hid in advance, there would inevitably be another twists and turns.

As the genuine Child of Destiny, who knows if Hua Yue has any special means to protect herself in the trial of fate.

Putting these aside, if Hua Yue gritted his teeth and quit the trial, Tang Zhen would have nothing to do with him.

Unless Tang Zhen is willing to violate the ban on the island of destiny and search for the other party's traces on the island of destiny, then he is [-]% sure to kill him.

But in that case, his situation will become very passive, which is definitely not the result he wants.

Tang Zhen took the initiative to participate in the Destiny Trial, first to attack Hua Yue, and second, to see if he had a chance to qualify for the Destiny's Child competition.

If he succeeds, he will also have the qualification to act freely on the island of destiny, so that after killing Huayue, he can personally find out the whereabouts of the strange man and find a way to kill him.

Compared to Hua Yue, that weird man was undoubtedly more difficult to deal with. If Tang Zhen wanted to find him, he could only rely on the help of the metal bird.

As for the magic talisman he used to kill the testers, it naturally came from the balance of fate. This magic talisman has a time limit, and it is specially manifested for those who participated in the trial.

Once hit by a weapon with a talisman on it, the real body will suffer the same trauma, instead of turning into white light and disappearing as under normal circumstances.

Being able to forcibly change the rules in the Creator's world is absolutely extraordinary, and it is even more difficult not to detect abnormalities.

The effect of the magic talisman is peculiar, and the value is also high. The price of a total of [-] destiny gold coins made Tang Zhen heartbroken.

But as long as Huayue can be killed, it's worth the effort.

 Thanks: "Today and Hexi" for the reward, thank you book friends for your support!
(End of this chapter)

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