I have a city in another world

Chapter 1698 Killing Huayue!

Chapter 1698 Killing Huayue!
After taking out the metal bird again, Tang Zhen sent it into the sky, and followed closely behind on his horse.

The metal bird was not in a hurry to fly away, but a hundred meters ahead, if Tang Zhen walked too slowly, it would make a "cha-cha" sound, as if urging Tang Zhen to move forward quickly.

If Tang Zhen stopped on purpose, the metal bird would return angrily, land on top of his head and scratch continuously, looking very angry.

"Haha, you are impatient!"

Tang Zhen saw that the metal bird was very interesting, so he teased it from time to time. If there was a yellow dog by his side, he would be a rich dude.

But only he himself knows that since he embarked on the journey of cultivation, he has rarely had the opportunity to play leisurely, and has always been spent in fighting and killing.

"If the matter is over this time, take a good rest for a while and try to hit the second realm of the world master."

With a decision in his heart, Tang Zhen became neither arrogant nor impetuous, and slowly rushed back to the North Chenzhou Rebel Army camp like traveling in mountains and rivers.

When he was about to arrive at the Beichenzhou military camp, he saw Tie Tou leading a thousand heavily armed heavy cavalry from the middle of the military camp to greet him.

The thousands of cavalrymen and horses were united as one, ordering and prohibiting, marching like a whole, bursting with murderous aura.

Seeing that Tang Zhen was safe, Tie Tou's face was soothed, he stepped forward and bowed in salute: "Master, all the good soldiers you want me to gather are already in place and ready to be dispatched at any time."

Tang Zhen nodded, glanced at the thousands of carefully selected military elites, nodded in satisfaction, and said to Tie Tou: "You don't need to ask, just follow me, and wait until I give the order , as best we can.”

"Master, don't worry, Iron Head should know what to do."

Tang Zhen nodded, pulled down the visor on the helmet to cover his face, and then rode forward.

Seeing Tang Zhen leaving on horseback, Tietou didn't hesitate, waved at the thousand cavalry behind him, and followed him closely.

The thousand cavalry marched straight into the distance, heading in the opposite direction from the imperial city. After running for nearly an hour, they finally stopped outside a village.

The people in the village heard the sound of horses hooves and saw the black cavalry guarding the entrance of the village. They were already confused and didn't know what to do.

In order to avoid causing trouble, these villagers hid in their homes one after another, secretly watching the movement outside through the analysis of doors and windows.

Now the world is in chaos, rebels are everywhere, and the lives of the people are also hard. They are afraid of encountering military disasters and bandits, and they are in constant fear.

Looking up at the metal bird hovering over the village, Tang Zhen knew that it was a tracking bird calling the police, indicating that the enemy was here.

Looking at the peaceful and peaceful village in front of him, a cold light flashed in Tang Zhen's eyes, and he ordered Tietou: "Drive out all the people in the village. Anyone who disobeys will be killed directly!"

"As ordered!"

After Tietou agreed, he immediately issued an order to surround the village with a thousand cavalry.

Then I saw these fierce soldiers wielding their swords, driving the terrified villagers out, and went straight to the open space at the head of the village.

In the process of driving away, some villagers tried to resist from time to time, but they were kicked to the ground by the fierce soldiers, and their heads were broken.

Seeing how ferocious these rebels were, the villagers did not dare to show their strength, for fear of provoking their wrath and cutting off their heads with sharp swords.

Amid the shouting and howling, the villagers were driven out one after another, and finally gathered in the open space in front of the village, looking around in horror.

Thousands of heavy armored cavalrymen surrounded these villagers with swords and guns in their hands. As long as Tang Zhen gave an order, the heads of the villagers would be rolled in an instant.

Tang Zhen ignored the terrified villagers, but turned his gaze to the sky above his head, and saw a small metal bird chirping, circling and flying above the villagers' heads.

It's just that other than Tang Zhen, no one else could notice this scene.

The movement of the metal bird already showed that Huayue was here, but she was hiding among the villagers.

I don't know what his plan is, but he disguised himself and hid in the mountain village. Maybe he had a bigger conspiracy.

Tang Zhen was not in a hurry, and turned his head to whisper a few times to Tie Tou, but the visor never lifted.

The iron head who got the order acted immediately, claiming that he came here only to catch deserters, and if it was not necessary, he would never hurt innocent people.

Those villagers breathed a sigh of relief when they heard the words, and secretly escaped the catastrophe.

"Listen, everyone, go to the open space a hundred meters away one by one, only one person is allowed at a time, start now!"

After hearing Tietou's order, the villagers were a little at a loss, but under the threat of the soldiers, they obediently obeyed the order.

A famous villager stepped out of the crowd and walked a hundred meters away tremblingly, fearing that something might happen again.

"Hurry up, the next one will follow!"

Seeing the villagers dawdling, the soldiers waved their whips and beat them continuously. Sure enough, after being beaten, the speed of the villagers suddenly accelerated.

With the passage of time, the villagers have been divided into two parts, but the metal bird is still hovering above the heads of those villagers.

Tang Zhen narrowed his eyes slightly, quietly took out the talisman, and stuck it on a newly obtained sword.

There are not many people left, so in order to avoid accidents, it is time to act.

At this moment, an old villager walked out of the crowd slowly under the gaze of the crowd, holding a cane.

The old man's beard and hair were all white, and he walked staggeringly, as if a gust of wind could blow him away.

Because of Tietou's order, no one dared to help him, and could only watch him move forward slowly.

Just as the old man was struggling to move forward, the metal bird in the sky suddenly changed its position and flew to the top of the old man's head, drawing circles continuously.

Tang Zhen's eyes flashed, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth behind the visor.

This Huayue is so cunning that she pretends to be an old man, if there is no conspiracy, it will be called hell.

But now that his feet have been exposed, it means that the time for his death has arrived!
After confirming that the old man was Hua Yue, Tang Zhen jumped off his horse like lightning, and went straight to the old man.

Seeing Tang Zhen rushing towards him, a gleam flashed in the old man's hazy eyes, he raised the wooden staff in his hand, and threw it at Tang Zhen head-on.

"Hua Yue, I don't think you're dead this time!"

Hearing the voice from the opposite side, the wooden stick that Hua Yue raised trembled, and then she showed a ghost-like expression.

"Tang Zhen, it's you!"

After the roar, Hua Yue's curved back suddenly straightened, and she dodged backwards with incomparable flexibility.

He had suffered a great loss in Tang Zhen's hands, and he knew how powerful he was, so even though the two sides were evenly matched, he still did not dare to confront him head-on.

At this time, there was only one thought in his mind, which was to escape from the place as soon as possible, the farther away from this plague god, the better!

It's just that the moment he was exposed, Tietou had already led his people to rush up, blocking the surrounding water and completely cutting off the escape route.

Seeing that there was no hope of escape, Hua Yue was so angry that she trembled all over. She turned to Tang Zhen and roared: "Tang Zhen, do you really want to kill everyone?"

"If I don't kill you, will you take revenge on me after your strength recovers?"

Tang Zhen sneered and leaned forward with his sword, heading straight for Hua Yue's face.

"I promise, I will never retaliate. How about we settle the grievances?"

Hua Yue narrowly avoided Tang Zhen's attack, and shouted angrily. At this time, the beard on his face had fallen off, and he looked in a panic.

"I believe in your ghost, ever since you sent someone to intercept and kill me in the Realm Realm, we've been dying forever!"

As soon as Tang Zhen finished speaking, he shook his hand and threw the saber in his hand. Hua Yue was entangled in the iron head and could not dodge at all.

This knife directly stabbed Zhonghuayue's chest, and he roared in pain, and then showed a look of horror.

Looking at the blood flowing from her chest, Hua Yue seemed to realize something, and after a miserable laugh, she fell to the ground on her back.

"I hate..."

Hua Yue, who fell to the ground, muttered to herself, and then fell silent again.

Destiny's son Huayue, die!

(End of this chapter)

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