I have a city in another world

Chapter 1721 Borrowed the light of the balance of fate?

Chapter 1721 Borrowed the light of the balance of fate?

Hearing the warning from the woman in white, Tang Zhen remained silent, but felt a little surprised in his heart.

What I have done can be said to have completely challenged the bottom line of the wheel of fortune. Tang Zhen is even ready to face the storm.

But I didn't expect that after the meeting, the other party handled the matter so lightly, as if he didn't care about it.

There is an undercurrent under the Pinghu Lake, and if something goes wrong, there must be a demon.

This super strong man who controls a hundred thousand planes will definitely not be a soft-hearted person. The reason why she does this must have reasons that she does not know.

What is the reason that caused the wheel of fortune to be lenient towards him, and not even care about such a big event?
Thoughts in Tang Zhen's mind turned like lightning, but he couldn't come up with an answer, so he had no choice but to give up in the end.

No matter what the reason is, as long as the wheel of fortune doesn't hold him accountable, Tang Zhen is lucky enough.

Few people can bear the anger from the powerful Creator.

Tang Zhen got up again to thank him, but this time he was sincere, without any perfunctory.

The woman in white continued: "Since you have obtained the qualification for the Child of Destiny, you must go through all the procedures and do your best to become the Child of Destiny. This matter cannot be perfunctory for you."

The woman in white warned Tang Zhen, as if she knew that he was only using the test of fate to kill Hua Yue, and didn't care about the identity of the child of destiny.

Hearing the warning from the woman in white, Tang Zhen showed doubts on his face, but he could only nod in agreement.

"There is another thing, that is, the monks on the Island of Destiny are not suitable for fighting, and I don't plan to let them touch this aspect in the future.

So in the future, whenever there is a rebellion in the plane, I will hire your Loucheng monks to fight. What's your opinion on this? "

Tang Zhen would like to ask, will you be paid for part-time work?

But after thinking about it, he still shut his mouth obediently, so as not to offend this super strong man.

People no longer care about the mistakes you made, but you talk about remuneration with them instead, it's really a bit embarrassing.

Seeing Tang Zhen's tangled expression, the woman in white narrowed her eyes slightly, and a smile appeared at the corner of her mouth.

"You can rest assured that I will not let you work in vain, and the remuneration that should be given will definitely not be inferior to you."

Hearing what the woman in white said, Tang Zhen felt relieved. Is there any reason not to accept this kind of big business delivered to your door?

Thinking of this, Tang Zhen immediately assured the woman in white: "Your Excellency, please rest assured that the monks in Loucheng in the Holy Dragon War Zone are brave and good at fighting, and I promise not to disappoint you."

The woman in white nodded, as if she was not interested in this aspect, and the war entrustment was just mentioned casually.

"Okay, now that everything has been said, you can leave."

The woman in white waved her hand, indicating that Tang Zhen could leave on her own, while she turned her head and looked aside.

"Farewell Tang!"

Tang Zhen got up slowly, bowed to the woman in white, and then walked down the five-color flower pavilion.

At this moment, the voice of the woman in white came from behind again: "Are you made of stone? After so long, you don't want to say a word to me?"

Tang Zhen was taken aback when he heard the words, he didn't understand where the words "woman in white clothes" came from?

Just when he didn't know what to do, the woman in white sighed softly and disappeared in an instant.

Watching people go to the empty five-color flower pavilion, Tang Zhen stood still for a while, then walked forward with big strides.

On the way back, he kept thinking about the words of the woman in white, and had some guesses in his heart.

The reason why the wheel of fortune will be lenient to him may not be because he persuaded the other party, but because of other special reasons.

After careful analysis, Tang Zhen discovered one of the biggest doubts, which was the balance of fate on his body.

The balance of fate is the form that appears after the mobile phone is unsealed. Not only is it very similar to the name of the wheel of fortune, but it also has the ability to interfere with the operation of the wheel of fortune.

The balance of destiny can realize the function of the item according to the demand. It is no exaggeration to say that it is against the sky. Even the cornerstone platform cannot compare.

If you want to exchange these items, you can only use destiny gold coins, and other currencies circulating in the world of Loucheng are useless at all.

There are so many connections between the two, it is enough to explain the problem.

What is the relationship between the balance of fate and the wheel of fate? Why is there a trace of unwillingness in the last sentence of the woman in white?
Tang Zhen knew in his heart that there might be some great secret hidden in it, and he was only able to get the special treatment from the wheel of fate because he had the balance of fate.

Although his heart was full of curiosity, Tang Zhen also knew that some secrets were the roots of trouble.

If you don't know, it's okay to say, but once you know, it's tantamount to causing trouble to your upper body, and you won't be able to get rid of it if you want to get rid of it.

Now that he is aware of this, he will no longer continue to explore the secrets of the balance of fate, and let everything take its course.

When it is time to know, the truth will naturally come to light, and there is no need to search hard.

After leaving Huahai along the path, Tang Zhen felt relaxed, and soon arrived near the town.

After taking out his means of transportation and choosing a direction, he rushed towards the inn where he used to live.

On the way back, Tang Zhen has been paying attention to the rumors in the market, to see if there is any news that the purgatory prisoner has been arrested.

But all the way was calm, it seemed that the residents of the Island of Destiny didn't know that the entire abyss and purgatory were empty.

The purgatory prisoners who teleported away with the keys themselves seemed to have disappeared out of thin air, leaving no clues behind.

Tang Zhen analyzed it and thought that there were only two possibilities for this situation to happen.

Either those purgatory prisoners were calculated, they didn't leave the abyss purgatory at all, but were blinded by the wheel of fortune with an illusion, and they may have died long ago.

In the entire abyss of purgatory, only I was not a real prisoner, so I was the only one who escaped.

There is also a possibility that the Wheel of Fortune let go of him, the culprit, and also let go of other purgatory prisoners.

Wheel of Fortune and teleport them directly to the edge of the Isle of Fate, so there will be no trace of Purgatory Prisoners on the island.

As the Wheel of Fortune said before, since they can leave the abyss and purgatory, give the prisoners a chance to survive.

If this is the case, I believe that these purgatory prisoners will also be warned and never come to the island of destiny for the rest of their lives

After rushing day and night, Tang Zhen finally arrived at the inn.

As soon as he entered the entrance of the inn, Tang Zhen saw the figure of Tietou, who was sitting with the innkeeper to toast and drink.

Seeing Tang Zhen standing at the door, both of them showed astonishment, and then stood up to greet him at the same time.

After walking in the abyss and purgatory, Tang Zhen is in a good mood now that he can see his old friend.

The three of them sat down together and chatted while eating the simple food and drink.

They haven't seen each other for a while, and both of them are very interested in Tang Zhen's whereabouts. This is not an ordinary person, and there are wonderful stories everywhere he goes.

But the two also knew how to measure. If Tang Zhen was willing to talk to them, they would listen attentively. If Tang Zhen didn't want to talk, they would never ask too much.

After the three of them had eaten and drank enough, Tang Zhen asked the shop owner to take them away from the island of destiny by Xinghai flying boat.

The innkeeper was a little puzzled, Tang Zhen was going to participate in the Destiny's Child competition in a year, why did he choose to leave at this moment?

When he raised the question in his heart, Tang Zhen just shook his head with a wry smile, but didn't explain much.

Because of the agreement made with those purgatory prisoners, he must return to the war zone and command the invasion of the Trobo galaxy.

I don't know how long this war will last, and Tang Zhen doesn't want to delay it any longer. As for the Destiny's Child competition trial, we can only talk about it when the time comes.

It's just that this time is different from the past, he has already been remembered by the wheel of destiny, and it is impossible not to participate in the competition of the child of destiny.

 Thanks: "Lord of Xiaoyao Pavilion" and "Secill 521" for their rewards, thank you book friends for your support.

(End of this chapter)

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