I have a city in another world

Chapter 1722 It's Embarrassing

Chapter 1722 This is embarrassing...

At the ferry of the abyss star sea, a group of shabby-clothed master cultivators looked at the vast galaxy and sighed.

These monks bought the keys from Tang Zhen and chose to leave alone. After starting the teleportation, they actually appeared directly at the ferry of the island of destiny.

After confirming the surrounding environment, these world masters breathed a sigh of relief, and no longer worried about being thrown back into the abyss and purgatory by the wheel of fate.

On the island of destiny, the ferry is only a public area. As long as you don't leave here, you don't officially set foot on the island of destiny.

When they were ready to leave excitedly, they suddenly realized a problem, they didn't have any fare.

When the contract was signed, these world masters were so proud that they didn't seem to take the [-] gold coins seriously.

As a result, as soon as they came out of the abyss and purgatory, they showed their original shapes one by one, and after searching through their pockets, there was not even a big one.

How can this situation be embarrassing?
If they were in the Loucheng world, they would have countless ways to get travel expenses, but it was different in the island of destiny.

They had just escaped from the tiger's lair, and they had no time to hide, so how dare they go to the island of destiny to get travel expenses?
In case of being discovered by the wheel of fortune again and entering the abyss and purgatory directly, it will be too late to cry.

It is precisely because of this concern that a group of master cultivators stare at each other, looking at me and you, with helpless expressions all over their faces.

A penny is hard for a hero, which is very suitable to describe their situation at this time.

Xinghai Feizhou only recognizes money but not people, it doesn't matter whether you are the master of the world, if you don't invest money, you will never leave.

"What can you do, we can't wait like this, it's too passive."

A world lord looked at the people around him and asked helplessly.

"We're penniless now, and we don't have anything of value. I don't think there is a better way than to rob,"

A master cultivator next to him shook his head and said in an affirmative tone, as if he was still a little eager to try.

"Could it be that you have forgotten your identity and what this place is, and dare to rob it in the island of destiny, can you use your brain when you speak?"

Hearing the words, a master cultivator next to him immediately said something in a sarcastic tone, and it was obvious that he was very upset.

When the ridiculed Realm Master heard this, he immediately sneered and asked: "Then tell me, what is the solution to the problem? Is it possible that you can still cross the abyss of the star sea?"

Hearing the other party's rhetorical question, the monk opened his mouth, but in the end he didn't speak, but a look of frustration appeared on his face.

"For now, we can only wait slowly to see if we can borrow some destiny gold coins from the residents.

It helped us, and we can pay back some more interest at that time, in short, we won't lose to the other party. "

The monks nodded. Looking at the current situation, it seems that this is the only way to work.

Not long after, several residents of the Island of Destiny came here, obviously also wanting to take the Xinghai Spaceship.

After waiting for a long time, all the world masters showed joy when they saw this, and hurriedly gathered around to prepare to borrow money.

Unexpectedly, when the residents of the Island of Destiny saw them, they immediately trembled with fright, turned and left without hesitation.

Destiny knows that flying is forbidden, but it does not prohibit running wildly. At this moment, when these residents run, afterimages appear on their legs, which is almost three points faster than rabbits.

No matter how the world masters shouted, they just refused to look back and disappeared soon.

The world masters looked at each other, and only noticed when they looked at each other that they were all rotten and decayed, with evil deeds and evil looks, like ghosts in the abyss.

After staying in the abyss purgatory for a long time, no one cared about his appearance, but now he scared the residents.

After realizing this, these world master monks quickly grabbed the grass and trees, and turned them into simple clothes to cover their bodies, so that they could barely see the past.

It's just that the shape of these clothes is too natural and primitive. Those who don't know the specific situation will probably regard them as savages who ran out of the forest.

"Well, it shouldn't scare people like this."

Seeing the "proper" clothes on their bodies, those master monks nodded in satisfaction and continued to wait patiently.

As a result, the wait lasted for a long time, but no one came, and a group of monks were puzzled.

"What's going on? It's obviously not normal for such a big island of destiny to have no one to take the ferry for half a day!"

After waiting for a long time, but no one came, these world masters couldn't sit still.

They stretched their necks and kept looking at the road ahead, but there was no one in sight.

This island of destiny was originally a place of right and wrong, and a group of world masters were eager to return to their hearts. After seeing no one for a long time, they almost jumped up in anxiety.

"We can't wait like this any longer. We must find out what happened, otherwise, once the crisis comes, none of us will be able to escape!"

After realizing that the situation was not good, some world masters suggested that they should go to the depths of the island of destiny to see what happened?
It's just that when selecting investigators, all the world masters postponed one after another, and no one was willing to take this risk.

After discussing for a long time, there was no result. They sighed and could only continue to wait patiently.

Looking at them now, there is still a hint of the demeanor of a strong man in thousands of planes, completely like a group of timid mortals.

The reason is actually full of helplessness.

They have been imprisoned in the abyss and purgatory for at least hundreds of years, and their vigor has long been polished, becoming low-key and sleek.

What's more, now that he has just come to the outside world, and his strength has not yet fully recovered, if he does not keep a low profile in this situation, he may stay in the island of destiny forever.

Perhaps the prayer in my heart was answered, and after waiting for a long time, a figure finally appeared again.

Seeing the three figures slowly approaching, the world masters almost wept with joy. They wanted to rush up immediately, but they were afraid of scaring them away.

In order to avoid another accident, they could only forcibly hold back the excitement in their hearts, and stood there pretending not to care.

As a result, when the three approached, the world masters were shocked to find that one of them was actually Tang Zhen.

"Your Excellency Tang Zhen, why are you here?"

Seeing this, the first master monk hurried forward to say hello, his face full of joy.

"It's a coincidence that you are here too."

Tang Zhen arched his hands, looked at the world masters in grass skirts and coir raincoats, and replied with a smile: "Tang Mou came here to leave the island of destiny, and you must be the same."

When the world masters heard the words, they nodded in agreement.

"Your Excellency Tang Zhen, did you notice when you came here, is there any change ahead?

Why did we wait for a long time, but still no residents of the island of destiny came here? "

A master cultivator couldn't hold back the doubts in his heart. After the greetings were over, he asked Tang Zhen seemingly casually.

When the other world masters heard the words, they immediately pricked up their ears.

"I don't know the reason, but I saw a lot of people gathered together, pointing at the ferry.

Because Tang was in a hurry, he didn't ask in detail, do you want to inquire again for you? "

When Tang Zhen heard the words, he explained something, but a trace of curiosity flashed in his eyes, and he always felt that these world masters were hiding something from him.

"No need to be so troublesome, I just asked casually."

Hearing what Tang Zhen said, those borrowing majors looked at each other with helplessness in their eyes.

If the guess is correct, it should be the nonsense of those residents of the Island of Destiny who were scared away just now, which made others dare not come over and caused them to wait for a long time.

After figuring out the specific situation, the world lords sighed in their hearts, secretly saying that it is really bad luck.

After chatting for a few more words, Tang Zhen cupped his hands and said, "If there is nothing else, Tang will go ahead and take your leave."

Hearing what Tang Zhen said, the dozen or so master monks immediately panicked.

If Tang Zhen leaves again, they are afraid that they will be completely trapped in the island of fate because of the negligible fare.

"Your Excellency Tang Zhen, why don't we go together, so that there is someone to take care of you on the way?"

Let these master monks ask Tang Zhen to borrow money, they really can't save this face, so they can only use some roundabout methods.

"That's great, let's go together!"

Tang Zhen nodded, bid farewell to the innkeeper, and then walked towards a Xinghai flying boat that had been parked for a long time.

Seeing this, the master cultivators quickly followed up, for fear that they would be left here if they walked too slowly.

Tang Zhen was stunned for a moment when he saw these master cultivators following him every step of the way, and then suddenly realized.

No wonder the behavior of these World Lords is so abnormal. It must be because they are too cash-strapped and don't have the fate gold coins to pay the boat fare, so this scene appears at this time.

(End of this chapter)

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