I have a city in another world

Chapter 1752 Clone Puppet

Chapter 1752 Clone Puppet

"Can you tell me now, where are those books?"

Tang Zhen squatted down slowly, looked at the man who was talking to him just now, and gently took off his mask.

An ordinary-looking face appeared, seemingly without any characteristics, and it would be difficult to leave a deep impression on people if it was briefly contacted.

It can be said that even if the other party is thrown in the crowd, it will not attract many people's attention.

The seemingly ordinary appearance is very effective in hiding oneself. If nothing else, this face should be carefully designed through data analysis.

Seeing the big from the small, you can be sure that the other party doesn't want too many people to know his existence, even his face has been tampered with.

With a light flick of the finger, the masks of the other two enemies also fell off, and then three identical faces appeared in front of Tang Zhen.

Seeing this weird scene, Tang Zhen frowned, and then showed a hint of interest.

"Three identical faces, are you triplets, or clones?"

While speaking, a drop of blood flew out from the eyebrows of the three enemies and floated in front of Tang Zhen.

The vast mental power swept over the blood, even the most sophisticated instruments could not compare with it, and the most accurate analysis was made in an instant.

"It turns out that they are all clones, but they can be controlled remotely through spiritual connection. They also use the copy soul wave of the main body, but they are in the position of servants."

Tang Zhen became more and more interested. The behind-the-scenes manipulator of this matter is obviously also a very interesting person.

The other party was trying to find the mental fluctuation database of the Trobo people, acting secretly and strangely, and there was even such a special strong clone among his subordinates.

I don't know if there is a limit to this cloning technology, otherwise as long as the other party is willing, they can create an army of strong people at any time.

Although we don't know the true strength of the opponent, judging from the information we have in front of us, it is obviously not a simple organization.

The purpose of each other is the same, and the other party has more information. I wonder if there is any possibility of cooperation?
Thinking of this, Tang Zhen looked at one of the clones, and said in a very casual tone: "I know you have seen all this, and now I will ask you a question, will you give those books?"

The clone was silent, just looking at Tang Zhen quietly.

"I don't want to answer, do you really think I can't do anything about you?"

While Tang Zhen was speaking, he reached out to a clone's head and began to search the other's memory.

A few seconds later, Tang Zhen let go of his hand, without even looking at the fainted clone, a sneer flashed across his face.

"You're ruthless enough to treat them as fighting machines. The memories in your mind are so simple and terrifying. If I'm not wrong, the memories of clones will be cleaned up regularly, right?"

"In this way, you can perfectly hide your tracks, and even if you encounter a situation similar to the current one, you can calmly get out of the crisis.

Originally, I was only interested in books, but now I also have a little bit of interest in you. "

After hearing Tang Zhen's words, the remaining two clones were silent for a few breaths, and then one of them whispered: "Tell me, are you a Loucheng monk?"

Tang Zhen's methods were obvious enough, as long as the other party was not stupid, he would be able to guess his origin, and the inquiry at this time was just to confirm.

"What if it is, what if it isn't?"

Tang Zhen asked back. The other party seemed to be very concerned about his identity, and there was not much hostility in the tone of the question.

As for the completely abolished clone, the other party ignored it at first, as if they didn't care about such a loss at all.

"If you are a monk in Loucheng, then we have a common enemy, and maybe we can cooperate.

If you are not, you'd better leave immediately. Those few books are not something you can touch, and they will only bring you disaster. "

The clone's tone was very flat, as if everything was under control, and he didn't take the situation in front of him to heart at all.

When Tang Zhen heard this, the smile on his face grew stronger: "Tell me, how do you plan to cooperate?"

When he said this, it was tantamount to admitting his status as a monk in Loucheng. Firstly, it was to dispel the other party's concerns, and secondly, there was nothing to hide.

At this time, the Trobo people on the tourist planet probably already knew about the arrival of monk Loucheng.

The clone continued: "The purpose of your search for those books is probably to find the clues hidden in the books, so as to find the real location of the hometown of souls?"

"The land of souls?"

Hearing this, Tang Zhen asked curiously: "What is the hometown of the soul? Is it the place where the Trobo people store their soul memories?"

"That's right, the hometown of souls is just a very old title, which also comes from the records in books."

Hearing the other party mention those books again, Tang Zhen thought of the questions in his heart and took the opportunity to ask: "Although I haven't read those books, according to you, the author must have left something useful in them.

So can you tell me who the other party is, why they can access these secrets, and preserve them through books. "

Tang Zhen's question seemed difficult to answer, but the other party hesitated and explained softly: "In fact, no one knows the identity of the author of these books, because every time he is reborn, he changes his appearance and even gender.

However, he is also full of adventurous spirit. Not only has he followed Trobo's expedition fleet to invade different planes many times, but he has also been to many mysterious places.

During this process, the author wrote down his own experience in special ciphertext, because he concealed it very cleverly, so after he donated these books to the library for more than a hundred years, no one discovered the secrets in the books. Hidden secrets.

Until one time, a scholar happened to flip through these books that were more like diaries, and then happened to discover the secrets in them.

Although the words used in these books are obscure and difficult to understand, if you analyze them carefully, you will find that there are special contents hidden in these books.

As long as one of the books is damaged, it cannot be read normally and becomes a pile of waste! "

Hearing the other party's explanation, Tang Zhen nodded, but he was thinking secretly.

After some people know the secret, they know that the secret cannot be known to others, but they are unwilling to keep the secret in their hearts, so they use some special methods to tell the secret quietly.

The probability of this kind of secret being discovered is extremely low, and it will never be discovered until it is overwhelmed by the long river of history.

It can only be said to be a coincidence that the secrets of these books were discovered and deciphered, perhaps even the author did not expect it.

"So after researching, you found out that there are records about the land of souls in the books, so you took all the trouble to get those books out?"

Tang Zhen looked at the clone on the opposite side, with doubts in his eyes, and said in a puzzled tone: "If I'm not wrong, you should be an out-and-out Trobo, so you are trying to find the soul Hometown, what is it for?”

Hearing Tang Zhen's question, the clone lowered his head, as if he didn't want to answer the question.

Tang Zhen was not in a hurry, this was the other party's secret, and if he didn't want to say it, there was nothing he could do about it.

At this time, he seems to be in control of the overall situation, but whether it is a clerk or a strong clone, they are pawns that can be discarded at any time. Tang Zhen must have enough patience if he does not want the clues he finally obtained to be completely interrupted.

(End of this chapter)

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