I have a city in another world

Chapter 1753 Biological Warships in the Deep Sea

Chapter 1753 Biological Warships in the Deep Sea
If a secret is a matter of life and death, and if it can be known or not, then the best way is to turn a blind eye and turn a deaf ear.

The more you know, the more troubles you will have, and you will add unnecessary risks to yourself.

It must be known that the dead can best keep secrets in this world, so in order to keep certain secrets, many people lost their lives inexplicably.

The hometown of souls is related to the life and death of the entire Trobo people, and it is of great significance. It can be said that every Trobo people should try their best to keep it hidden.

Not searching for its information, and deliberately downplaying its existence from memory, is also an excellent means of protection.

If all the Trobos do this, then the secret will become the secret of the whole race, still known to everyone, but hidden deeper and more subtle.

But the behind-the-scenes messenger in front of him did the opposite, as if he had to find out the real secret before he was willing to do so.

If he is of a lower race, there is nothing wrong with doing this, because there is an irresolvable class hatred between the two parties.

But it would be unbelievable if the instigator behind this scene was a Trobo.

This is the real black sheep, the life and death enemy of all Trobo people, if successful, it may put the whole race in danger.

Tang Zhen had an intuition that the other party's persistent search must not be for satisfying curiosity, but for some ulterior purpose.

Just as he was thinking to himself, the manipulated clone on the opposite side continued to speak.

"If you choose to cooperate, then in the next process, we will act together to find the location of the hometown of souls."

There seemed to be a hint of expectation in the mysterious man's tone. He was very optimistic about Tang Zhen's strength. Having such a master join him would be like adding wings to a tiger.

Although the clones are strong, when facing Tang Zhen, they are in a state of being crushed. It is very obvious which one is stronger and which is weaker.

Those who achieve great things do not care about small details, as long as they can be used by me, even if they are enemies one second, they can become allies in the next second.

After thinking for a while, Tang Zhen stared at the other party and said calmly: "Since you know my identity, you must also know very well that the Trobo people and I are undying enemies.

If I really found the hometown of souls, then you must know what the result will be even if I don't tell you. "

When Tang Zhen discovered the land of souls by cutting the weeds and cutting off the roots, it was the day when the Teruobo people were in great trouble.

Now that the war has begun, it is natural to use all means to attack the enemy. No matter the monks of Loucheng or the people of Trobo, they will never miss any opportunity.

Tang Zhen was telling the other party that cooperating with him was the real enemy of the world.

The controlled clone was silent for a while, looked up at Tang Zhen and said, "The enmity between you and the Trobo people has nothing to do with me, my goal is to find the hometown of souls.

I won't explain the reasons for this too much, and you will naturally know when the time is right. "

The mysterious man never explained his real purpose, and Tang Zhen also didn't pursue it. Some secrets will be revealed naturally with the passage of time.

Tang Zhen made up his mind that since the other party knew the clues about the land of souls, it was necessary to cooperate for a while.

Even though the origin of the enemy was unknown, Tang Zhen didn't take it to heart at all. The so-called artist is bold, even if it is a dragon's lake or a tiger's den, he would dare to take it.

After the cooperation between the two parties was finalized, Tang Zhen released the imprisonment of the clones and shop assistants, and was then invited to go behind the shop, take a small aircraft, and go straight to a hidden place on the tourist planet.

During the period, the two clones remained silent and never exchanged a word with Tang Zhen, as if they were real puppets.

The aircraft shuttled between the mountains, and finally flew over the sea, flew nearly a thousand kilometers, and then plunged down.

The other party's lair was hidden under the ocean, but the depth was somewhat beyond Tang Zhen's expectations. After diving tens of thousands of meters, he suddenly turned and continued to advance along the trench.

Ten minutes later, a huge battleship appeared before Tang Zhen's eyes, which was extremely conspicuous in the dark trench.

The appearance of this battleship resembles a giant aquatic creature, with dots of fluorescent flashes on its surface, which looks like a galaxy of stars.

After the aircraft slowly approached the battleship, it was enveloped by the energy field and entered the interior of the battleship from a hidden position.

During the whole process, the terrifying pressure of the seawater seemed to disappear completely, without any impact on the aircraft at all.

"Your Excellency, please come with us!"

After the aircraft landed, the clone, who had never spoken during the whole process, suddenly turned around to invite Tang Zhen, and then walked out of the aircraft first.

Tang Zhen followed closely, and walked to the interior of the battleship, which was glowing with fluorescent lights, like the abdominal cavity of a creature.

The two clones were flying in front, and Tang Zhen looked around while following. During the whole process, he could see the ceiling like double ribs above his head, flickering like breathing.

There are also red and green fruit-like glands, hanging down like grapes, but the size is too huge, and some are even comparable to houses.

In addition to these weird glands, there are also many very strange looking organs that criss-cross inside the battleship, and even wriggle lightly like living creatures.

Although Tang Zhen knew about the existence of biological warfare ships, it was the first time he entered the interior of such usable biological warfare ships, and what he saw and heard along the way was quite novel.

After flying for a few minutes, an extremely empty field appeared in front of Tang Zhen. If the previous location was just the abdominal cavity of the biological battleship, then this is the heart area of ​​the battleship.

When Tang Zhenjiang entered this space, lights were constantly flashing on those rib-like walls, and there was a huge spindle-shaped object emitting white light above his head.

This light is getting brighter and brighter, illuminating the entire space so that every detail can be seen.

"Welcome to my battleship, Your Excellency Tang Zhen!"

A slightly weird sound came from the opposite side, and then a huge transparent mucus bubble was seen hanging from the air, hanging only a few meters away from Tang Zhen.

In the mucus bubble, there is a baby-sized creature with a naked brain, which is like a combination of a squid and a shark, and is wrapped in mucus.

At this moment it was looking at Tang Zhen with its huge eyes, and the weird sound obviously came from its mouth.

Although the voice was a bit weird, Tang Zhen could still tell that it was the mysterious person behind the scenes who controlled the clones.

"In a short period of time, you can figure out my identity. It seems that your intelligence gathering capabilities are very strong!"

Although Tang Zhen didn't cover up his whereabouts too much, it was still not an easy task to successfully lock his identity.

The opponent's hidden strength may be far stronger than imagined.

The monsters in this mucus bubble, like those clones, are puppets controlled remotely, not the real body.

If Tang Zhen's guess is correct, this puppet may also have the ability to control the biological battleship. It seems inconspicuous, but it is the core of the entire biological battleship.

The creature in the mucus bubble laughed, spit bubbles and swam around twice, and said to Tang Zhen: "When I received the information, even I was taken aback. I really didn't expect that your Excellency is Lou Cheng. Commander of the monks!
If the upper echelons of the Trobo people know that you are inside my warship right now, it is estimated that even if this ocean is evaporated, you must be captured, right? "

Tang Zhen laughed lightly when he heard the words, and said in a light tone: "If that's the case, the Teruobo people probably want to kill you more. Compared with me, you are actually more dangerous."

Hearing the words, the creature swimming in the water fell silent for a moment, and looked up at Tang Zhen with indescribable hatred in his tone.

"That's why I invite you to cooperate, because you and I have a common enemy, and the ultimate goal is to make the Trobo completely disappear!"

 Thanks to: "The Master of Xiaoyao Pavilion" for the reward of "There is no true love in the world", and to the book friends for their support.

(End of this chapter)

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