I have a city in another world

Chapter 1762 The Trobo People Panic

Chapter 1762 The Trobo People Panic
At the same time that the bloody spikes pierced the guardian, Tang Zhen tore the guardian's body apart as if he had burst out of a cocoon.

Even at the cost of their lives and a dozen guards devouring each other, they still couldn't trap Tang Zhen.

Before the innate ability of the Soul-devouring Beast, the guardian couldn't hold on for long, and all struggles were futile.

At this moment, in Tang Zhen's hand, there was a wriggling liquid, which was the blood of the soul-devouring beast that had been purified and condensed after the slaughter just now.

It doesn't seem like much, but it means that hundreds of thousands of Trobo people have been wiped out, leaving this small mass in the end.

The voice of the Soul-devouring Beast sounded, with a hint of excitement: "With this blood from my race, you can snowball to collect more blood.

The more blood you have, the stronger your abilities will be. When you reach a certain level, you can completely cast abilities like forbidden spells.

At that time, only one attack is needed to clear the entire page. Even if there are many page worlds in the soul town, it will be cleared sooner or later. "

After hearing the words of the Soul-Eating Beast, Tang Zhen nodded and asked casually: "You have said before that the purpose of entering the Soul Country is to find the blood of your ancestors. Do you need to absorb it now?"

The Soul-devouring Beast said it didn't need it. The amount of blood collected now was too small, and Tang Zhen still needed to use it as a weapon, otherwise her blood would have to be drawn.

What's more, the amount of blood is still too small now, and the Soul-devouring Beast doesn't look down on it at all, and wait until there is a lot of blood before absorbing it, so that it can be satisfying and full.

"My lord, let's move faster. I don't think it will take long before more and more guards will appear."

The Soul-devouring Beast reminded Tang Zhen that she wanted to destroy the land of souls more, and she also knew that the Trobo people were by no means as simple as they appeared on the surface.

"Don't worry, none of them can escape."

Tang Zhen sneered, and moved forward at high speed, and soon rushed to the area where the other Trobo people were, never missing a single target wherever he went.

During this period, even if the guards kept coming, they could not resist Tang Zhen's offensive at all. As more and more Trobo people were killed, the blood cloud surrounding Tang Zhen's body became larger and larger.

The more you kill, the stronger you become, it's really like a snowball.

As time goes by, there are fewer and fewer Trobo people in this page of the world, and it is estimated that it will be completely emptied after a while.


Tang Zhen went on a killing spree in the land of souls, erasing those soul data one by one, which caused an uproar in the outside world.

When a Trobo regularly uploaded his soul data as usual, he was prompted that there was a malfunction.

The Hometown of Souls is about property and life. It has been in operation for many years and has never had any failures.

After this abnormal situation appeared, it immediately attracted the attention of the Trobo, and quickly reported the matter to the relevant department.

The matter was so important that no one dared to ignore it, and the Trobo people immediately looked for the reason.

Do not check, I don’t know, I’m scared.

In a short period of time, the soul data of more than tens of thousands of Trobo people disappeared, and this number is still increasing rapidly.

The Trobo people who heard the news were all worried and didn't know what to do.

Because of the existence of the hometown of souls, they don't have to worry about the threat of death at all, but with the disappearance of the soul data, their reliance on immortality may also disappear completely.

Thinking that after his death, everything he owned would be wiped away, and many insiders even fell into a state of near collapse.

The longer you live, the more you know the value of life. When you know that all this cannot be continued, it is simply the most painful torture.

After learning of the incident, the Trobo Senate immediately ordered the news to be blocked. It must not be allowed to spread, so as not to cause greater panic.

However, the paper could not contain the fire after all. When another Trobo found that the soul data could not be uploaded and informed his relatives and friends, the situation began to get out of control.

After hearing the news, more and more Trobo people began to try to upload soul data, wanting to see if they also encountered misfortune.

Most of the soul data of the special people are normal, but there are still some Trobo soul data that cannot be uploaded, which makes them feel extremely terrified, and at the same time, uncontrollable anger grows in their hearts.

Why is there no problem with other people's soul data, but my own soul data is abnormal, and may even be erased directly?

It's not fair, it's murder and they will never allow this to happen!
In just a short time, these Trobo people mobilized their power, contacted relatives and friends, and put pressure on the Imperial Senate together.

These Trobos claimed that the Senate must give a reasonable argument, or they would not give up.

No one dares to underestimate this statement. Over the long years, each Trobo has accumulated enough wealth and power, which must not be underestimated.

If they really want to do something, it will inevitably cause an uproar, and how to deal with their behavior is an extremely sensitive matter.

According to the slogan promoted by the Trobo people, every clansman is the most noble existence, and their rights and interests cannot be violated.

If a repressive action is taken because of their troubles, it will definitely arouse the dissatisfaction of other Trobo people and further expand the situation.

When freedom reaches a certain level, it is actually the beginning of disorder, which is not a very good thing, especially for rulers.

A little carelessness will make things unmanageable, and even endanger the safety of the empire itself.

The Imperial Senate met in an emergency, and listed this matter as the most urgent situation, and ordered the special department that guards the hometown of souls to solve it in the shortest possible time.

At this moment, the only thing that can play a role is this special department.

In the history of the Trobo people, there has always been a special force, they have the most powerful armed forces, and their only mission is to protect the safety of the hometown of souls.

Over the years, the members of this special force have never been replaced, and their identities have never been disclosed to the outside world.

They are a group of non-existent people, the strongest fighters in the Trobo race, guarding the lifeline of the Trobo people.

At this time, a change occurred in the hometown of souls, and the most stressed people were naturally members of this special force.

They never dreamed that such a terrible accident would occur in the hometown of souls that they guarded all day long.

After receiving the order from the Imperial Senate, the members of this special force immediately inspected the entrance, and at the same time dispatched members to enter the village of souls, and soon got shocking news.

An enemy of unknown origin has invaded the Soul Village, and it has been confirmed that the opponent has the blood of the Soul-devouring Beast, otherwise he cannot enter the Soul Village.

At the same time, the enemy also has a very strange ability, which can erase the soul data of Tero people in the instant of contact.

Ordinary Trobo people have no way to fight back when facing him, even if the guards are dispatched collectively, they can't do any damage at all.

At this time, the enemy has completely erased all the soul data in the first page area, and the soul data of more than 30 Trobo people have been erased.

The Trobo people divide one page of the world into one page area, and each page area can carry the soul data of hundreds of thousands of Trobo people.

According to the intelligence, the intruders had already broken through the barrier of the first page area, went to the location of the second page area, and were still wantonly obliterating the soul data of the Trobo people.

In order to restore the residents, the enemy must be wiped out first, and at the same time there must be enough Soul-devouring beast blood, otherwise the immediate crisis cannot be changed at all.

But for the Teruo people, these two things are very difficult to do.

Needless to say, the strength of the enemy, in the relatively well-defended Soul Village, the hundreds of thousands of Trobo people, plus the guardian force are no match for him.

Facts have proved that it is undoubtedly extremely difficult to eliminate the invaders.

Even if it is successfully done, it will pay a very painful price.

As for reusing the blood of the Soul-devouring Beast to write soul data, it is even more difficult. The reason is that the blood of the Soul-devouring Beast has been exhausted.

Even if there are still some stocks, the quantity is very small and cannot be used easily.

Even if it is put into use, it is only a drop in the bucket, and it cannot solve the current crisis at all.

Unless the intruder is killed, the stolen soul-devouring beast blood is taken back from his body, and then the soul data is re-uploaded.

This is a long and huge project. Unless this matter is resolved, Trobo will have time to complete the restoration.

In the final analysis, the blood of the Soul-devouring Beast was too blood-sucking, which made the Trobo people vulnerable when they encountered danger.

(End of this chapter)

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