I have a city in another world

Chapter 1763 Chaos and Countermeasures

Chapter 1763 Chaos and Countermeasures

If you look closely at the Trobo people, you will find a special phenomenon, that is, there are very few children among them.

The reason was that the blood of the Soul-devouring Beast was too scarce, and the Trobo people would never raise offspring unless they obtained a specially issued birth permit.

A child born without a special license is not eligible to store soul data. After decades, the family will face the pain of life and death.

It was once proposed that the use of genetic technology to create soul-devouring beasts would ensure a sufficient population of Teruo people.

However, I have tried countless times, but never succeeded, and finally I can only let it go.

The soul-devouring beasts have special talents and are extremely rare in number. The Trobo people have never given up searching for soul-devouring beasts after they created the Soul Village, but there has been no result.

Perhaps the soul-devouring beasts captured and transformed by them at the beginning were the only group in all planes, and there were no other branches at all.

At this time, the enemy may have information about the Soul-devouring Beast. For the Trobo people, this is really surprising and joyful news.


Knowing that the intruders had already entered the second page area of ​​the Soul Village, the Guardian troops became more impatient and began to use all means to snipe and intercept.

The intruder has the ability to cross the page area, which is undoubtedly extremely bad news for the guardian.

If the enemy is always lingering in the first page area, even if the Trobo people suffer losses, they will be within a controllable range.

In order to prevent accidents from happening, every page of the Soul Village is a sealed barrier.Even the Trobo people who stay in the hometown of souls cannot easily leave the page area where they are, but are placed under house arrest in a fixed area.

This is done for ease of management. Just like a dictionary, soul data also has a certain order, and it is by no means a random random distribution.

Another reason is that the Trobo people, who have always advocated fairness and justice, are also divided into three or six or nine classes in the ethnic group.

Trobo people of different levels are located in different areas and receive different treatment.

In the ordinary page area, there are only simple lines and boring furnishings, the purpose of which is to reduce the consumption of the soul-devouring beast's blood.

This kind of page area can be regarded as a slum area of ​​the hometown of souls. Most of the Trobo people whose soul data is stored here can only be regarded as civilians, and their influence is not particularly large.

A slum like this occupies [-]% to [-]% of the Soul Village. It can be said that most of the Trobo people are treated in this way.

In addition to the slums, there are also some "rich areas" in the hometown of souls, and far more ink is spent here than in the civilian areas.

The rich area is no longer just simple line furnishings, but many more specific things, which are convenient for the two-dimensional Trobo people to use.

They can enjoy a luxurious life in the outside world, but in the hometown of souls, these two-dimensional Trobo people living in the rich area can also enjoy a luxurious and idle life.

When the Trobo need to download the soul data, because the soul data is always active, the chance of repulsion will be greatly reduced.

In addition to the rich and poor areas, there are naturally more special areas that serve a small group of people.

These page areas spare no effort to outline a pleasing beauty, and at the same time they are heavily guarded.

In order to ensure the safety of this area, the Trobo people tried their best, and even specially used a few pages of the world as a buffer zone.

Inside the buffer zone, there are powerful super guardians whose purpose is to guard the safety of special areas.

Most of the Trobo people who can live in the special page area are the elders of the empire. They have high positions and privileges, and they have certain privileges, and they are far more afraid of death than ordinary Trobo people.

According to the elders of the empire, as the minds of the Trobo people, they shoulder the mission of leading the tribe to glory, so they must pay more attention to protecting their own safety.

If an accident happened to him, it would be the biggest loss for the Trobo people, and it would not be an exaggeration to waste some soul-devouring beast blood.

Just as the defenders dispatched troops to try to keep Tang Zhen in the second page area, another shocking news came.

After eradicating more than 50 Trobos, the invaders' attack pattern changed, turning into an indescribable behemoth.

Surrounded by wind, fire, thunder and lightning, everything it passed was like a blackboard eraser, leaving only a blank space.

Not only the soul marks of the Trobo people were erased, but even those buildings were not spared. After all, this was also painted with the blood of the Soul-devouring Beast.

After investigation, it was confirmed that the area on the first page is now empty. From the perspective of the three-dimensional world, the page is clean without any traces.

Compared with the time spent in the first page area, after entering the second page area, the intruder only took half the time to complete the thorough cleaning of the second page area.

According to rough statistics, nearly one million Trobo people have been brutally murdered by the opponent, and their soul data have been completely wiped out.

The defenders were completely annihilated. Their abilities were limited, and they could be used to control ordinary Trobos, but they were completely vulnerable to invading enemies.

According to the development of this situation, it is estimated that it will not take long before the enemy will break through the second page area and directly invade the third page area.

Facing an increasingly serious crisis, after discussions, the guards of Soul Village decided to open a channel to release the super guards guarding the special area.

Ordinary guards are helpless, perhaps only the powerful super guards can successfully kill the enemy.

As a result, when they made up their minds and reported the plan to the Imperial Senate, they immediately encountered strong opposition from some elders.

"The number of super guardians is limited, and they are the last insurance against special page areas, and they are absolutely not allowed to be easily transferred.

You transferred the super guards away, if the enemy took advantage of it, wouldn't the special page area also suffer disaster?

Up to now, what is the origin of the enemy, and whether there are any accomplices have not been figured out, so how dare we support your plan?
The risk is too great, you dare to take risks, but we don't dare to take risks! "

It was a matter of their own life and death, and these elders of the empire jumped out one after another to stop this plan without caring about their face.

Some people are against it, but of course there are also people who support it.

From the other party's point of view, if the intruders are not eliminated, the special page area may not be safe even with super guards guarding it.

Super guardians must take the initiative to ensure real security.

The speaker reminded everyone that the invading enemy has only destroyed the first and second page areas so far, which is nothing compared to the total number of pages.

On the surface, it seems that there are many crises, but in fact it is not as serious as imagined, and it must not be messed up.

Under such circumstances, it is really inappropriate to use the last resort lightly, leaving an opportunity for the enemy to take advantage of.

The commander-in-chief of the guardian force scoffed at this. After all, these guys are still afraid of their soul data being erased, and they have found so many high-sounding reasons.

At a critical moment, the true nature can be seen the most. At this time, the elders of the empire can be said to be full of ugly appearances, and they have completely lost their usual superior demeanor.

However, what the elders of the empire said was not unreasonable. Although the loss was heavy, it was still within the range that the Trobo people could bear.

If the enemy can be killed in time, all losses can be recovered, so after urgent discussions, a new plan was finally formulated.

All the guardian troops will be dispatched to intercept the invading enemies, and at the same time thoroughly check the uninvaded areas to guard against the presence of enemies and accomplices.

At the same time, they mobilized the blood of the soul-devouring beasts in stock to arm the ordinary Trobos, and jointly participated in the encirclement and suppression of the enemy.

At the same time, a super guard was also mobilized and went straight to the third page area to kill.

(End of this chapter)

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