I have a city in another world

Chapter 1766 The Chaos of the Capital Planet

Chapter 1766 The Chaos of the Capital Planet
As the Teruobo people were helpless and could only let the situation develop, the changes in the hometown of souls could not be concealed at last.

More and more Trobo people found that their soul data could not be uploaded. After asking relatives and friends, they found that more than one person had encountered this situation.

Not only the planet where I am, but also the special waves of other planets. In this way, the cause of the equipment can be ruled out, but there is a problem with the hometown of souls.

When someone made statistics and found that there were more than a few million Trobo people in abnormal situations, and announced the news to the public, the originally hesitant Trobo people could no longer sit still.

There is nothing serious in the world except death, and now that one's life cannot be guaranteed, this is even more terrifying than the invasion of Loucheng monks.

They really can't imagine how they can still maintain a calm attitude like in the past when their lives are threatened.

This matter must be resolved, otherwise they will have trouble sleeping and eating.

The Trobo people who encountered anomalies told each other to contact each other, and agreed to gather together and go straight to the planet where the Senate of the Empire was located, preparing to seek an explanation for what happened to them.

In a short period of time, the capital planet of the Trobo people became extremely lively, and countless aircraft landed continuously, filling the huge airport to the brim.

This kind of scene has not appeared for a long time, and everyone knows that this is definitely not a good thing.

Even so, you must deal with it daringly, otherwise there will be a big mess.

But even if the Trobo people tried their best, they still couldn't change the chaotic situation in front of them. Those Trobo people who had been unable to get permission to land for a long time finally simply landed directly in violation of the ban.

Under normal circumstances, any aircraft that landed illegally would be intercepted by defensive weapons as long as it reached a height of about [-] meters above the ground.

As the seat of the administrative capital of the Trobo people, there is no need to say much about the defense force of Planet Trobo.

Even a fully armed super battleship cannot easily pose a threat to the ground, and it may be destroyed in less than 10 minutes.

But when the intruders are angry Trobo, and there are thousands of them, even the defense system will not shoot down.

The ground guard force, which received the emergency order, quickly adjusted the defense system from automatic mode to manual mode to avoid a large-scale air crash tragedy.

At the same time, a large number of aircraft were dispatched to try to intercept these Trobos who landed illegally and transfer them to special prisons for detention.

Facing the ground guard forces intercepting them, these Trobo people tried their best to fly continuously over the planet, trying to avoid the opponent's pursuit.

In the following time, wonderful aerobatic performances were staged in the sky of Trobo, and countless aircraft shuttled back and forth.

When being chased to a corner, these private transport ships will fly close to the ground, passing through the towering buildings, frightening pedestrians to dodge.

Their purpose is only one, and that is to escape the arrest of the ground guards, and then go to the Imperial Senate to assemble.

Even if the power of the empire to go to the Senate is great, it must not ignore the demands of the citizens, not to mention the number of Trobo people who participated in this operation has exceeded one million.

The ground guards must know their intentions. Once they are intercepted and arrested, they will never let them go easily unless the matter subsides.

In any case, it cannot be caught by the ground guards, otherwise all previous efforts will be wasted.

Facing these private transport ships scurrying around, the ground security forces are also suffering. When they cannot use deadly weapons to attack, the arrest process is almost collapsed.

Just when the ground security forces were overwhelmed, another accident happened, and it was inside the ground security forces.

The members of the ground guard force are also Trobo people. After finding out that they are also victims and unable to upload their soul data, they take the initiative to help those Trobo people escape from arrest.

They canceled the arrest of the private transport ship that landed illegally, and at the same time spread it throughout the communication system. The military planes that received the order would naturally abandon the target and track other illegal aircraft.

Although this incident will soon be discovered, those members of the ground guard who violated the regulations were also controlled and detained, but there are still countless Trobo people who have successfully escaped the hunt.

After these Trobos successfully landed, they began to gather towards the location of the Senate of the Empire. On the way to the destination, they were intercepted by the ground guards as expected.

The guards set up layers of energy barriers to completely block the way forward, and at the same time forbid anyone to approach the Imperial Senate.

The fighter planes in the air kept issuing warnings. If the orders were not followed, the guards would take extreme measures.

"Listen everyone, your fears are under control and it won't be long before things get back to normal.

Please exercise restraint and believe that the determination of the Imperial Senate will never cause any loss of the rights and interests of the Trobo people.

If you continue to be stubborn and cause irreparable losses, then all the responsibilities will be borne by you!

At the same time, according to the special order of the Imperial Senate, anyone who dares to disobey will be tantamount to the crime of treason, and we have the right to kill those who disobey the command on the spot! "

Seeing the ground guards pointing their guns at them, the gathered Trobo people were extremely angry. They felt that they had suffered the most unfair treatment.

Why was my life threatened, and when I wanted to ask for an explanation, I encountered many obstacles?

The protesters simply couldn't listen to the explanation of the Imperial Senate, and even felt fooled.

If the facts are true as the Imperial Senate said, and the changes in the hometown of souls have been brought under control, why are more and more people unable to upload soul data?

All fools know that things are moving in the most terrifying direction. Maybe it won't be long before the entire Trobo race will face an unprecedented catastrophe.

Under such circumstances, the Imperial Senate is still trying to fool itself and all the Trobo people, which is simply unforgivable.

"Stop talking nonsense, we need to know exactly what happened, and stop using such high-sounding reasons to prevaricate us."

"It's not fair that you still haven't announced the truth at this time!"

"Go away, you lackeys of the Imperial Senate, or I will not be polite."

Waves of angry voices became louder and louder. As more and more Trobos gathered, the entire street was already filled with dense crowds.

If this situation continues, it may not be long before the situation will completely get out of control.

The chief of the ground security force commanding the scene was sweating coldly. He knew how dangerous the situation was, and a little carelessness would cause uncontrollable turmoil.

But in the face of these angry Trobo people who wished to swallow him alive, he had no other way except to persuade them over and over again.

Just as the situation became more and more tense, an accident happened suddenly.

Among the blocked crowd, someone suddenly threw an object at the ground guards. It easily passed the energy protection wall and fell straight into the center of the ground guards.


There was a loud noise, and then the whole street shook violently a few times as if it had been overturned by a giant hand.

Countless vehicles and ground guard personnel were lifted into the sky, and before they landed, they were gasified and turned into coke.

Half a block was completely reduced to ruins.

The dust dissipated, because there were individual shields and energy protection walls, the damage to the edge area was not too great.

The commander of the ground guard force climbed up, looked at the terrifying crater that was blown out on the ground, and the scattered corpses and vehicle wreckage around him, turned around and cursed loudly at the Trobo people.

"Damn it, it turned out to be a miniature nuclear bomb. You lunatics should all go to hell!"

Those Trobo people who gathered to protest were already stunned by the sight before them. Although they were filled with anger, they didn't really plan to do anything.

But the bomb that detonated just now has pushed them to the edge of the cliff. Even if this matter has nothing to do with them, it will not be able to get rid of it after all, and it will even make the situation worse.

Just as they were looking for the murderer full of anger and questioning why he did this, suddenly another gunshot came.

Standing behind the energy protection wall and glaring at the protesters, the chief of the ground security force was shot in the head by a sneak attack. After a few shakes, the headless body fell to the ground with a "plop".

The scene became quiet again, but the air was so heavy that it was hard to breathe. The successive changes had left everyone present stunned.

"Fire and kill these bastards!"

In the camp of the ground guards, there was a sudden roar, and then a suspended chariot suddenly opened fire.

The dense barrage flew out, sweeping towards the gathered Trobo people, and it couldn't be stopped at all.

As this weapon with a theoretical rate of fire of 300 million rounds per minute opened fire, the Trobo people on the street fell in a pool of blood like a wheat field blown down by a strong wind.

(End of this chapter)

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