Chapter 1767
Amidst the dense gunfire, groups of Trobo fell down, the entire street was already stained red with blood, and there were broken limbs and remains everywhere.

The bullets fired by this floating chariot have extremely strong penetrating power, even a one-meter-thick special steel plate can easily penetrate.

Because the lethality is too great, the weapon operator is not allowed to fire without permission.
No one expected that the most unlikely weapon would be used first, and blood flowed as soon as it was shot.

"Stop him, don't let him fire again!"

The officer of the ground guard force reacted and immediately commanded the soldiers to rush towards the suspended combat vehicle, trying to prevent the other party from slaughtering.

As a result, before it got close, the hovering chariot exploded, and a figure seemed to disappear in the smoke.

The gunshots subsided, but the tragedy had already happened, and no one could undo it.

At this time, the street had turned blood red, and the crowded Trobo people were hit by these armor-piercing bullets in clusters, and the huge kinetic energy tore their bodies apart.

Remnants of limbs and broken arms were flying everywhere, and it took a long time for the blood mist to dissipate and land on the whole street.

When facing this kind of terrifying weapon, as long as one is hit in the body, one is absolutely doomed.

"Damn it, you bastards did such a thing!"

"Ground guards, what are you doing, you are killing!"

"Executioner, unforgivable!"

In fact, the Imperial Senate has been monitoring remotely. When the accident happened, everyone was caught off guard.

A veteran of the empire pulled the communicator and roared hoarsely, berating the members of the ground guard.

The other elders of the empire were also in an uproar. Even though they had prepared for the worst, they never expected that such a change would happen, and it was still uncontrollable.

In just one round of attack, at least nearly [-] Trobo people were killed and countless wounded.

After the anger, there was a moment of silence.

Things have already happened, so what if you are angry?
The scene of the accident was clear at a glance. Ninety percent of the fallen were Trobo people who could not upload their soul data. It can be said that they had no possibility of rebirth.

Thinking of the consequences of this incident, all the veterans of the empire trembled. Even if the monks of Loucheng invaded, they had never been so worried and frightened.

"Stop the attack immediately, rescue the wounded immediately, save as much as you can!
At the same time, the scene was sealed off, and this matter must not be allowed to spread. The longer the delay, the better. "

A matter of life and death, the Imperial Senate immediately issued an order, hoping to minimize the impact of the situation.

"Give me all your strength to find out how this thing happened, I don't believe it was done by the Trobos!
It must be the tricks of the enemy, that's right, it must be those damn Loucheng monks! "

"Planet Trobo has activated the highest alert state, and no one is allowed to enter or exit.

At the same time, start the planetary scanning system, and once you find any traces of the enemy, you will attack me immediately. "

There was chaos in the Senate of the Empire, and orders were issued one after another. Everyone knew in their hearts that a terrible storm would soon be ushered in.

The Trobo people on the street stood still, and before recovering from the bloody killing just now, they discovered that an energy shield had appeared in the sky above Planet Trobo.

Countless aircraft flew out of the ground, circling and wandering in the air, all over the planet.

They scan all the places they pass by, and under this kind of search without dead ends, no enemy can hide.

Not long after, a warning came from the scanning system, and red dots were marked one after another, all of which were targets of illegal infiltration.

The identities of these illegal infiltration targets are different, including lurking Loucheng monks, as well as smugglers, and various other races without legal identities.

"Attack me, attack immediately! As long as it is a suspicious target, kill me on the spot!"

In the Imperial Senate, the elder in charge of commanding the global scanning system roared loudly, his eyeballs were bloodshot.

There is no point in catching the enemy for interrogation now, he just wants to tear these despicable enemies into pieces.

As the commander's order is issued, these scanning terminals immediately upload the data and lock on those suspicious targets at the same time.

The near-ground defense weapon launched an attack from the air, setting off clusters of dazzling flames on the ground, and the attack speed was astonishingly fast.

One by one the red dots were removed, but there were still many red dots remaining, which could not be easily locked at all.

They scurry east and west on the ground, constantly destroying the buildings of the Trobo people, causing greater panic.

Ordinary people definitely don't have this kind of strength, so the elders of the empire agreed that these people must be the Loucheng monks who sneaked in.

"There are so many Loucheng monks, how did they enter the planet Trobo, are you all trash?"

There was another hysterical roar, and the elders of the empire scolded the officials in charge of the matter.

Then the Imperial Senate issued an order that no matter what the price was, the enemies inside the planet must be completely wiped out.

If they were allowed to destroy it, without the attack of the allied forces of monks from Loucheng, Planet Trobo would be turned into ruins.

The ground guards mobilized together, desperately chasing the monk Loucheng, causing a lot of panic.

Just when the Imperial Senate was in a state of desperation, the video of the guards attacking the protesters also began to spread rapidly.

In just a few hours, all the Trobo people, including other planets, knew about it.

While they were shocked, they also felt extremely angry.

As the leader of the Trobo people, the Imperial Senate has always been declaring that they are working hard for the strength of the Trobo people.

The Trobo people did enjoy a lot of benefits, and they also gave enough trust to the Imperial Senate.

But no one thought that the Imperial Senate would do such a frenzied thing, even ordering to shoot unarmed protesters!
Even though the Imperial Senate continued to declare that this incident was a conspiracy by the monks of Loucheng, who planned it from the beginning to the end, the Trobo people still could not fully believe this statement.

Especially as time went by, more and more Trobo people were unable to upload their soul data, and when the total number exceeded 1000 million, a new round of turmoil broke out again.

Many Trobo people believe that this is a trick of the Imperial Senate, they are trying to hide the truth of something.

So the Trobo people denounced the Imperial Senate through various channels, asking them to take the blame and resign, otherwise they would refuse to obey the order of the Imperial Senate.

It happened that the house was leaking and it was raining continuously. Just as the elders of the empire in Trobo were complaining again and again, another piece of news came suddenly.

In the planets controlled by the Trobo people, monks from Loucheng appeared in all of them. They wreaked havoc on these planets and caused great losses to the ground guards.

The Trobo United Fleet, which was in charge of fighting against the monks of Loucheng, encountered the War Loucheng near the tourist planet, and the two sides fought fiercely in space.

After the first confrontation, the United Fleet lost twelve heavy warships and countless frigates.

Unexpectedly, Zhanping Loucheng suddenly stopped attacking, and the two sides entered the stage of confrontation, waiting for the final decisive battle.

More than 50 Trobos died in this battle. Because the soul data could not be uploaded, the entire fleet was panicked.

If this matter cannot be properly resolved, it may have a great impact on the final battle situation, leading to the defeat of the United Fleet.

The defeat in the battle ahead was strictly sealed by the order of the Senate. At this time, the Trobo people have become extremely sensitive and fragile. If they know the situation of the battle, they may fall into collapse again.

The unlucky thing was not over yet, shortly after the front battle report came, a secret Trobo organization surfaced.

They claimed that the Trobo people were doomed, and that if they continued to stay in the Trobo galaxy, they would be doomed.

Only by escaping this galaxy and finding a new home can the continuation of the race be ensured.

This organization called on the Trobos to join them in forming a huge expeditionary fleet, and at the same time as the news was sent out, it had already started to act.

Because of the recent severe situation, many Trobo people have become disheartened and have completely lost confidence in the Imperial Senate.

After this organization issued a statement, many Trobo people responded enthusiastically. They drove private transport ships with long-distance sailing capabilities.Continue to join this long-distance fleet.

In addition to the civilian private transport ships, there are also ten Trobo armed warships who defected from the military and announced to join the long-distance fleet.

Because of the existence of these armed warships, the nearby patrol fleet did not dare to intercept them at all, and could only let them pass by swaggeringly, advancing towards the unknown starry sky.

(End of this chapter)

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