I have a city in another world

Chapter 1773 Tang Zhen declares war!

Chapter 1773 Tang Zhen declares war!

After the mutation happened, a breath of despair spread in the chamber, and everyone felt parched.

The beeps of the life detector became more and more frequent, like a drum chasing souls, constantly beating on the hearts of the elders of the empire.

Listening to the almost continuous sound of notifications, some veterans of the empire had trembling legs and collapsed limply on their seats.

This kind of life detector is fully functional, not only can detect the existence of life, but also can display the life level of the detection target.

When the target is locked, the specific strength will also be displayed intuitively in the form of data.

This kind of equipment is mainly used on the battlefield, and it is one of the necessary items for landing warships to prevent fish that slip through the net.

Under normal circumstances, the value of ordinary life is only around one hundred, and there are some more powerful races that can reach a value of more than two hundred.

If it exceeds this value, it will be defined as a dangerous target, and it will be the primary target of attack on the battlefield.

However, the value displayed by the living body in front of them made the eyes of the elders of the empire widen. They either thought that they had read it wrong, or that the life detector had malfunctioned.

This value, which is equivalent to a hundred times the strength of ordinary life, has far exceeded their imagination.

This is definitely not as simple as adding a hundred ordinary creatures, but a super life of a completely different level, and its strength is even more incredible.

The combat value of [-] is the upper limit of the life detector, so the display at this time is not the exact value, it can only be said that the upper limit has become the basis.

"My God, what kind of monster is this?"

A veteran of the empire stared blankly at the value on the monitor, his face full of disbelief.

In the history of past invasions, it is not that the Trobo people have encountered races with high combat values, but no matter how powerful the natives of those planes are, they have not reached such an outrageous level.

It's no wonder that the other party can invade the land of souls, and can withstand that terrifying attack without dying, because this is a monster at all!

"Why are you still standing there? Attack me, keep attacking, absolutely don't let him out!"

A veteran of the empire came back to his senses and roared loudly, his voice was sharp and piercing.

After hearing his words, the other elders of the empire suddenly realized, and launched attacks one after another, no matter what the cost.

Taking advantage of his illness to kill him, it is impossible for the opponent to be unscathed after being attacked. This is the best opportunity to make a move.

Unexpectedly, as soon as their words fell, a figure slowly appeared from the ashes in the center of the battlefield.

His clothes seemed to be a bit torn, but his body was not damaged at all, and his aura was as sharp as a knife, making people afraid to look directly at him.

Under the gaze of countless eyes, this person slowly raised his head, his eyes penetrated the illusory image in front of him, and landed on those elders of the empire.

Those eyes didn't seem to contain any emotion, but they cut their bodies and souls like sharp knives, making the elders of the empire feel fear from the bottom of their hearts.

This is just across the screen. If the other party is standing in front of them, maybe it only takes one look to make these empire veterans tremble with fear.

After more than ten breaths, the young man who walked out of the ruins spoke, his voice was low and cold.

"I know you can hear me, since I have the opportunity to communicate, there are some things I must inform you.

Brother Loucheng entered the Tropo galaxy this time to rescue the companions who were kidnapped by you back then and welcome them back to their hometown.

You invaded the barbaric war zone and caused countless slaughters. How many people you killed in the past, how much you have to pay back now, not even one less! "

Hearing this sentence, the elders of the empire were furious and shouted "arrogance", but they seemed to have no confidence.

Tang Zhen seemed to have anticipated the reaction of the Trobo people, and there was a trace of sarcasm on his face, as if he was laughing at their strong outsiders.

"From now on, enjoy the rest of your time. Maybe it won't be long before monk Loucheng will appear in front of you."

"My name is Tang Zhen. I used to be a monk in the barbaric war zone, and now I am the commander-in-chief of the Loucheng monk alliance. I am officially declaring war on you here.

If you don't set foot on the Tropo galaxy, you will never give up! "

As soon as Tang Zhen finished speaking, the unmanned aerial vehicle used to monitor battlefield information suddenly exploded, and the original screen disappeared.

The meeting hall was deadly silent, and none of the elders of the empire made a sound. At this moment, what Tang Zhen said just now was echoing in their minds.

Perhaps from this moment on, the Trobo civilization with a long history has really begun to count down.


After waving his hand to destroy the life detector above the battlefield, Tang Zhen's figure soared into the sky and went straight to outer space.

"If the enemy wants to escape, attack immediately, and absolutely cannot let him go."

Those defensive units that detected Tang Zhen's figure began to attack him one after another, but were easily dodged.

In an instant, Tang Zhen's figure stood above the sky.


The seemingly incomparably strong planetary shield was smashed into a big hole in the blink of an eye, and the dissipated energy bloomed like fireworks.

After breaking through the shield, Tang Zhenxuan looked down from a high altitude, and his figure disappeared in an instant.

By the time he reappeared, he had already returned to the interior of War Tower City.


Tang Zhen's complexion changed slightly, and he spat out a mouthful of blood, which dissipated like a cloud before landing.

The blood was spat out, and his complexion improved a lot.

"Using planet-destroying weapons against me, these Trobo people are probably really mad."

The cultivation base of the second realm of the world lord has already surpassed the level of ordinary life. The fresh blood that he just spit out is just the waste that is discharged when the body is repaired.

Under the attack of the Trobo people at all costs, even with his extraordinary strength, he was inevitably traumatized.

Fortunately, this kind of injury only temporarily affects his combat strength, as long as he takes good care of him, he can recover in a short time.

After choosing from his treasured treasures and taking out the items that had miraculous healing effects, Tang Zhen's eyes flashed a cold light.

Now that the preparatory work that should be done has been completed, the Trobo people are already suffering from internal and external troubles, and it is a god-sent opportunity for the monks of Loucheng to do it.

Following his call, the master monks who participated in the invasion gathered together. After a brief discussion, Tang Zhen officially issued the general attack order.

War Loucheng, who had been waiting for a long time, acted immediately and went straight to the Trobo Fleet staying near the industrial planet.

It didn't take long for the two sides to officially fight.

This war can only be doomed to death from the very beginning, and it is doomed not to end peacefully.

All of a sudden, the entire space was filled with dazzling lights, whether it was the War Tower or the Trobo warships, they were all fully fired, vowing to wipe out the opponent completely.

A strange beam of light shot out from the War Tower, sweeping across the space like a whip, but any object touched by it would disappear in an instant.

Under the sweeping of ten beams of light, one after another, the Tropo warships were cut into pieces and turned into pieces of space wreckage.

The Trobo people were not to be outdone, and all kinds of terrifying weapons kept falling on the war towers, making the energy shield riddled with holes.

From time to time, there will be attacks that break through the defense, causing damage to the main body of the war building, leaving terrifying scars.

It's just that in the course of the battle, War Tower City was like a warrior trapped in the battle, and it kept pressing on every step of the way, and it was getting closer and closer to the Trobo fleet.

Seeing this, the fleet commander quickly ordered a rapid retreat, while maintaining a suppressive attack, absolutely not allowing Zhan Loucheng to approach.

When it was found that retreating could not solve the problem, the fleet commander ordered to activate the energy absorbing device to prevent the monks of Loucheng from launching melee attacks.

In the last battle, monk Loucheng was able to fly through space with only his physical body, and single-handedly caused heavy damage to the battleship.

After this incident happened, it has become a nightmare for all members of the fleet, and they will absolutely not allow similar things to happen again.

At this time, behind the Trobo camp, there is a special space battleship equipped with an energy absorbing device specially developed by the Trobo people, with a coverage of up to [-] kilometers.

Although for king-level monks, the effect of this device is greatly reduced, but it will still cause some troubles to the battle of Loucheng monks.

So after this battle, the energy absorbing device has also become a key target of attack, and more than [-]% of the attacks are directed at this battleship.

The Trobo people also know this, and they are paying more and more attention to the protection of energy absorbing devices.

Moreover, the modified energy absorbing device can directly supplement the absorbed energy to the energy shield. The more violent the attack suffered, the higher the defense strength of the energy shield.

Originally thought that relying on the deterrence of the energy absorbing device, the monks of Loucheng would not dare to launch melee combat at all. Unexpectedly, shortly after the battle between the two sides, a change suddenly appeared in the fleet.

A Trobo man suddenly went crazy. They showed strange smiles and mercilessly attacked their companions, causing chaos within the fleet in an instant.

The guards of the fleet took the opportunity to suppress. Unexpectedly, these team members were fearless. Even if they were killed on the spot, the corpses could continue to attack.

At the same time, one after another of ghostly figures shuttled wantonly inside the battleship, and the screams were endless.

Wherever the ghost shadow passed, the Trobos fell to the ground one after another, looking like mummies, their blood was completely sucked.

 Thanks to: "Master Xiaoyao Pavilion" for the reward, and to book friends for their support.

(End of this chapter)

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