I have a city in another world

Chapter 1774 Knowing all the secrets of the Trobo people

Chapter 1774 Knowing all the secrets of the Trobo people

The change of the Te Ruobo fleet had long been expected by Tang Zhen.

It was an ambush laid by Tang Zhen when he sent guards to infiltrate the Tropo fleet.

When the two sides officially go to war, these spirit monks lurking in will cause the Trobo fleet to suffer unexpected disturbances.

Of course, whether the plan is successful or not depends on how it is implemented. If one move fails, there will naturally be another move.

The caretaker did not disappoint Tang Zhen. He led the spirit monks, and the energy absorbing device was not used in any way.

Besides that, they made the Trobos so confused that they couldn't devote themselves to fighting at all.

Opportunities on the battlefield are fleeting, and when the accident happened to the Tropo fleet, Zhanloucheng has already taken the opportunity to kill him.

The ten war castles went to different directions, surrounded the battleships of the Trobo people, and the moment of the decisive battle officially arrived.

The gates of the war tower city were wide open, and countless monks from the tower city poured out like black smoke, heading straight for the battleships.

The big bear led his ogre army, and with the help of the teleportation function of the war tower, they boarded the top of the Trobo warships in an instant.

Although the sound in space cannot be transmitted, as his horn blew, those ogres in heavy armor still roared excitedly.

They brandished the terrifying weapons in their hands, and slammed the Tropo warships under their feet, causing these warships to be riddled with holes in the blink of an eye.

This brutal and savage way of attack left the Trobo people dumbfounded, but they were helpless.

If it was before the battle with the Loucheng monks, the Trobo people would definitely sneer at this way of fighting, thinking that it was absolutely impossible.

However, the experience of fighting with monk Loucheng some time ago has made them fully realize how shallow their previous knowledge is.

Even in the space of the forbidden area of ​​life, these monks in Loucheng were still extremely powerful, and they were defeated by the most brutal methods.

As long as the sword is in hand, even if it is the Nine Serenities of the Netherworld, the monks of Loucheng can kill it three times and three times!

The seemingly indestructible space battleship simply cannot withstand such an extremely violent attack and may be broken through at any time.

As long as the shell is broken, the last barrier of the Trobo people ceases to exist.

After looking around for a week, Big Bear patted his waist, and then a special weapon similar to an ax appeared in his hand.

Accompanied by the roar, he tore open the damaged hull of the battleship with his bare hands, and jumped into it.

Seeing this, the other ogres followed the big bear and jumped into it one after another, rampaging inside the battleship.

As long as they came across the figure of a Trobo, the ogres would smash it down with a hammer without hesitation, turning it into puddles of puddles of flesh.

While the ogre army was attacking, Xiao Liu had also transformed into a thousand-foot giant, wearing a crown of Cui Can, which was extremely conspicuous in space.

I saw him reach out and grab a Trobo patrol ship, then hold it in his arms like a weapon, and sweep left and right in space.

The warships of the Trobo people dodged again and again, but some battleships were still blown up one after another, turning into clouds of fireworks.

There were Trobos activating their survival equipment everywhere in the air, looking at the invincible six-armed giant, their eyes filled with uncontrollable terror.

The other Loucheng monks were also like ants, boarding the chaotic Tropo battleship, and then there was a cruel and fierce battle to seize the ship.

The war has developed to this point, in fact, the end is already doomed.

In close combat, it is absolutely impossible for the Trobos to be opponents of the monks of Loucheng. The more they resist, the more miserable they will die.

Seeing that the situation was not good, some Tropo battleships prepared to turn around and flee, but the surrounding area of ​​the battlefield was already blocked by war towers.

Any Tropo battleship that tried to escape would be trapped by the energy chains of the War Tower City, or would be directly blown to pieces.

After several hours, the battle was over.

In the entire space, there are flying wrecks everywhere, and countless Trobo corpses have been thrown out of the battleship, densely packed as far as the eye can see.

Faced with such a tragic scene, even monk Loucheng was shocked.

None of the Trobos who participated in this battle survived, and more than half of the warships were completely destroyed in the battle.

As for the special battleship equipped with the energy absorbing device, it has been completely controlled by the spirit monks, but it has been preserved intact.

When the monk Loucheng boarded the warship, he found that there were scattered corpses everywhere. The Trobo people who tried to resist had been killed by the spirit monk.

From the beginning to the end of the war, none of the master monks, including Tang Zhen, took any action in person.

These world lords knew in their hearts that the monks of Loucheng could easily deal with this kind of chaotic enemy, and they didn't need to fight for credit.


Tang Zhen sat on a huge throne in the conference hall of Zhan Zhanlou City. From the beginning to the end of the battle, he never said a word.

After the Trobo of the last battleship was controlled, Tang Zhen nodded before speaking slowly.

"All Loucheng monks listened to the order and cleaned the battlefield in the shortest time, and then the war Loucheng will go straight to the capital star of the Trobo people.

The Trobo people have lost their rebirth, and now they are in panic all day long, and they have long been unwilling to fight.

We must use the fastest speed to completely destroy the capital of the Trobo people, and then it is time for us to reap the fruits of victory! "

Tang Zhen's voice resounded in the ten war towers, and all the world masters nodded in agreement when they heard the words, and no one expressed objection.

The current battle situation is very obvious. Even though the Trobo people have not weak strength, they are still not the opponents of the monks of Loucheng.

In this case, there is really no need to continue to waste time, defeating the enemy and completing the harvest of loot as soon as possible, that is the most important thing.

After all, everything is for profit.

War buildings are not free to use, and huge rents need to be paid. If the war can be ended in a short time, it will naturally save a lot of money.

As participants and beneficiaries of this war, all world masters, like Tang Zhen, must consider income and expenditure.

After Tang Zhen gave the attack order, he took out the coordinates given to him by the controller behind the scenes, and asked a world master to go to the target location in person and bring back the hidden Loucheng monks.

If there is a fraud, the world lord will follow the spiritual imprint provided by Tang Zhen and kill all the people behind the scenes.

As for himself, he had to use this time to heal his wounds, and at the same time carefully sort out the memory copied to him by the Soul-devouring Beast.

It is definitely not easy for one person to deal with the soul memories of tens of billions of Trobo people, but Tang Zhen has to do it himself.

The reason why he attaches importance to these soul memories is because all the secrets of the Trobo people are contained in these soul memories.

Tang Zhen wasn't interested in things like wealth, but information about technology was priceless.

After he has sorted out these memories, he will store them in different categories, so that the researchers of Sacred Dragon City can access them for research at any time.

With these precious data, the strength of the Holy Dragon Theater is just around the corner.

It can be said that the biggest gain of this invasion war is these scattered soul memories, no matter how many supplies, they cannot be compared with them.

After the meeting was over, Tang Zhen entered the secret room in the War Tower City and began to organize his memory.

The trivial things in the memory are all directly cleaned up and deleted, and the useful information will be retained.

After the sorting is over, Tang Zhen will be processed a second time, or even a third time, to ensure the accuracy of the data.

In the process of processing memories, Tang Zhen has always maintained the perspective of a bystander, so as not to be affected by the emotions in these memories.

For Tang Zhen, savoring the life history of these Teruobo people is also a special kind of tempering.

Cultivation is based on the will and heart. With his level of strength, the improvement of the realm depends more on perception.

Tang Zhen has not been promoted to the second realm of the world master for a short time, but his strength has been steadily rising, which is something to be happy about.

Now digesting and assimilating the soul memories of these Trobo people has shown signs of a rapid improvement in his cultivation.

For Tang Zhen, this was definitely a surprise.

Because special wave people can be reborn continuously, the capacity of these soul memories is also quite large, resulting in Tang Zhen's processing speed is not very fast.

Before he knew it, Tang Zhen was completely immersed in this atmosphere, forgetting the passage of time.

He seems to have experienced countless reincarnations, witnessing the joys and sorrows of one Trobo after another, parting and parting.

He also knew more and more secrets about the Trobo people, such as the coordinates of some special planes, some top-secret military bases, or the burial place of a certain family wealth.

If ordinary people had stored such a large amount of information in their brains, they would have gone completely mad, or died of exhaustion.

But for the world lords, they are special life forms, no matter how many memories they carry, they will not be affected at all.

(End of this chapter)

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